  • Human Wreckages
  • Four dead bodies. Four dead-as-fuck corpses. It was a true disaster for the Konohagakure higher-ups. Team 8 had set out on their first C-ranked mission, carrying them out of the protection of the Hidden Leaf, but their jōnin had been both experienced and talented - surely not a shinobi who would fall prey to any common bandit. And what remained of the three children and him didn't point in the direction of anything of the sort either. Their possessions, money and scrolls were untouched. Neither the body of the jōnin or the genin showed any signs of being combed or investigated - outruling the possibility of an attack by another village as well. But the designation that was the most obvious was also the one no one wanted to said out loud: all four bodies were partially gnawed and had been d
  • Four dead bodies. Four dead-as-fuck corpses. It was a true disaster for the Konohagakure higher-ups. Team 8 had set out on their first C-ranked mission, carrying them out of the protection of the Hidden Leaf, but their jōnin had been both experienced and talented - surely not a shinobi who would fall prey to any common bandit. And what remained of the three children and him didn't point in the direction of anything of the sort either. Their possessions, money and scrolls were untouched. Neither the body of the jōnin or the genin showed any signs of being combed or investigated - outruling the possibility of an attack by another village as well. But the designation that was the most obvious was also the one no one wanted to said out loud: all four bodies were partially gnawed and had been drained of their blood completely. No animal that lived in these regions had the strength or cruelty for such a task - the sad but inescapable reality was that it had to be a human being, or at least something that could be called that on an anatomical base. The prospect of a cannibalistic psychopath running around freely, so close to the safe haven of Konohagakure was enough for the Hokage to issue a hefty corps to search and destroy. The position of the monster had been gauged within the northern forests. This, combined with the fact that his capture had to be completed as fast as possible, made Ninigi Senju the perfect candidate for the job, which the Hokage hadn't failed to notice. Meanwhile, the designated monster was camping at the side of a small lake in the middle of said forests. A small fire burned calmly as the sun approached the horizon, and the green-haired boy's eyes were on the verge of closing as he leaned back on one of logs poised around the fire. A few meters to his right, in still shallow area of the lake, a small, dark-haired girl was crying with joy, splashing water all around her and enjoying the freshness of the water. Sometimes, she would exclaim the boy's name and urge him to come and play with her, but the boy didn't seem to notice, slowly sinking deeper and deeper into slumber. The girl puffed her cheeks, forming her hands into a tiny cup and throwing water in the boy's direction. The fire sizzled, but every drop that reached the boy phased through his skin like it was made of sand, not disturbing him in the slightest. Ninigi was squatting beside the four corpses, looking over the corpses and the area around them to get a sense, a feel, for where the killer may have run off to. "How awfully sad, I went to the academy with you Renji." Ninigi spoke aloud to the decaying jōnin, reaching down to close the dead man's eyes. Looking over at the children, Ninigi was further saddened by one of the boys. "Tokiya, I can't believe you are dead too. Your dreams of being a Hokage gaurdsman is lost so early in life." cried Ninigi as he shut his eyes along witht the other two. Ninigi knew this boy, as he was an orphan from Konoha. Ninigi often visited the orphanage, and was a large role model to Tokiya, the boy calling Ninigi his hero due to a powerful shinobi even taking interest in the orphans. Ninigi turned to the squad of ANBU standing behind him. "Take these four back to our village and give them proper burials. They died serving us. Make sure each and everyone of their names is recorded down on the Memorial Stone or so help me I will bury you myself." Ninigi yelled out, angered by the death of four of his villagers, two of which he knew personally. The ANBU nodded nervously, fearing the powerful shinobi, and quickly grabbed hold of the four and began relocating them home. Ninigi stood alone now, next to the grass flattened by the weight of the four. Ninigi finally found what he want. Near the body of the smallest of the group was a patch of grass disturbed in a foot shape, and it did not match the four dead or any of the shinobi that went to investigate. "So the bastard had to have gone into the trees." Ninigi said out loud to himself, looking at the forest in front of him. Ninigi smirked. "Poor fool, little does he know he is in my domain." said Ninigi as he ran in the direction of the light print. "Onii-chan~~!" The girl cried, extending the last syllable until she was out of breath. "Why are you being so mean? Come and play with me!" She had abandoned her earlier efforts and now simply walked over to the sleeping boy. But when she tried to pull onto his shoulder, her hands sunk through his skin as easily as they had done through the lake's surface. With a 'humphh', the girl retracted her hands, crossed her arms and sat down with her back facing her guardian. "Baka no onii-chan" she mumbled, but then she also nestled herself against the log and fell asleep. As soon as the girl's breathing grew steady, the boy's eyes shot open. The four fresh chakra signatures rumbled within him, and a single drop of blood appeared on his chin. His tongue caught it when it dripped down, and his mouth was deformed into a maniacal smile. It seemed as if the story was finally taking an interesting turn, after the last chapter ending in that horrendous murder. Although he was no sensor, the feeling in his gut was enough to tell him that there would soon be an avenger standing before him. Oh boy, what a cliffhanger. Ninigi was jumping from tree to tree, swinging on branches as well. "Maybe I should get a contract with monkeys like the Third. They would compliment my abilites well." Ninigi said to himself. As time has passed, Ninigi has began to calm down, knowing going into a fight angry could be dangerous for himself. As he jumped he felt a spike of chakra, falling from the height as he became distracted. Ninigi landed without harming himself, wiping dust off himself. "That spike, it felt monstrous. It also felt like a mix of different things. This is strange." Ninigi spoke to the air, and began running in its direction. Eventually, he came across what he was looking for. Before him stood a boy and slept a young girl. The air smelled of war. Seigetsu took it in and savored it. The area was tense with killing intent, like a fiddle waiting to be played. Leaves rustled, the forest announcing the next competitor like it was all just one big orchestrated game. It made the boy almost laugh. Walking restlessly between the fire and the lake, he pondered on what his position should be. Should he be sleeping, so the avenger could try and suffocate him? No, then there wouldn't be an epic showdown. Maybe he should place Yaseko in a victim role, so his attacker could come and free her. He stared down at the little girl, weighing the possibilities. Then again, needlessly putting Yaseko in danger could be a fatal mistake - fatal for himself, that is. Still, that didn't solve the dilemma he was having. Eventually he settled on sitting down on a rock at the shore, his back facing the rustling within the forest so he could be caught in his enemy's ambush. Ninigi's vision began refocusing thanks to the fire's light. Ninigi took notice of things greater now. He placed his hand on a tree to take in the area before walking to his target. Looking down at the girl sleeping peacefully, he walked past her and towards the beach. Walking towards the boy sitting there, he walked up beside him and sat in the sand with some distance between the man and himself. "Hello kid. Seems to be a bit dangerous out here in the night for two children. Though you seem odd, a myriad of energy seems to come off you." "Judging a person purely by an external trait? That's racism, sir." The boy turned his head, his smile evidencing it was only a joke. "I guess you'd be suspicious, mister, but the truth is my little sister and I come from a small farm not far from here. Our father has always been rather violent, and yesterday we decided to run away from him. It's not easy alone in the woods, but it's better than getting beaten up everyday." The boy raised himself, wiping the sand from his legs. "Would you maybe like some pork? It's not much, but we managed to snatch it before we fled. Please don't be too loud though, I wouldn't wanna wake Yaseko-chan up." He smiled again and gestured towards the cosy fire. "Sorry, I'm not very hungry. The thing is I said I felt a myriad of of chakra from you. I suck as a sensor, my skill is low, but from you I feel something familiar. Renji and Tokiya, a man and a child along with 2 other were found dead. What little sensing I have, I can feel Renji. I grew up in class with him. So tell me kid, how are you when it comes to murder?" Ninigi said as he stood with a solemn look on his face. The boy's motions became rigid and he sat down again. "That's an awfully lugubrious question to ask a stranger in a place like this, mister." He pulled his knees to his face and wrapped his arms around them. "Honestly, I don't really know what to say. One could say that it would be morally right to say that murder is incorrect. But what if that murder could prevent other bad things from happening? In a world like this, where children are trained to give their lives for their village, isn't murder just the culmination of their education?" He gulped slowly and continued to watch the stars now that the sun had completely settled. The moon was bright and in combination with the fire cast flickering shadows on the two men and the sleeping girl. "The ninja academies teaches to defend one's home, yes. Murder sometimes happens because that is how our little world spins. Yes, a murder of one or a group can prove to be better for a larger group too. But the problem is, even though death is expected and will happen, no village will lie down and accept their soldier's deaths. Three families have lost someone they loved, one was an orphan and an inspiration to the other little ones, and friends grieve. Blood is spilled and it can be hard to forget." Ninigi said sadly, unconsciously moving his hands in the eye closing pattern he had earlier. Ninigi turned to Seigetsu as he finished that speech. "Now tell me, I already know the rudeness of my questions but frankly I don't give a damn. Have you ever killed someone, do you have blood on your hands?" "Darake. That's what your reasoning is. Dishing out what you can't take is a coward's way of handling things." He unwrapped his arms and bent over, shuffling to the edge of lake and dipping his hands into it. "Now for your second question, that is a hard one. Have I ever killed someone? How can you kill something that's not living? And how can you prove something's alive other than killing it? I have made it clear to a few people that they are alive. As for that last part..." It was hard to see because of the moonlight and the shadows, but the boy's hands seemed to vanish and melt into the lake. "Mirror flower, water moon. Crimson lake." He etched his last two words with a horrific grin on his face, and when Ninigi looked at the lake, he saw it had been colored red completely. "Now who is to say I plan to kill you, or whoever the murderer may be? I can't say I'm innocent, I have taken lives and I surely expect people want to claim my head for their friends and family that I have slain. Coward? I guess your right. Shinobi are fine with killing but despise their own being killed. Being called a coward doesn't bother me, sometimes it is the best course of action. Sometimes, it is the thing that can bring something of peace." Ninigi said with his arms crossed. "Killing sure is a mess, isn't it?" The boy retracted his hands, the water found its blue color again. Curiously, not a single droplet fell from the boy's hands. "So are spilled noodles. Unfortunately, those rarely bring peace, so you could say they are sadder. With that said, why are there such penalties for murder and none for the shameless waste of noodles? What a twisted society we live in." The boy shook his head. "Sure you don't want any of that pork? It's nicely roasted and seasoned." "I'm quite sure. You are quite wise. There is no way you are as young as you look." Ninigi said as moved his arm and got into a stance. "Let's cut to the chase, at this point it seems to me you are the one who slayed my villagers. Now show me what you can do." "That's some accusation, old man. Sure you've got the means to back something like that up?" He repeated his actions from before, standing up and wiping the rough sand from his legs. "I can do a lot of thing, actually. I've even been told that I'm quite a mean dancer. Would you like to dance, ginger-san? We've gotta be quiet though, wouldn't want to wake the little girl." His smile was radiant and full of confidence. "Then let's move away from here." Ninigi said as he smirked. "Dancing tends to make me become rather loud." said Ninigi as he flickered behind Seigetsu and lightly put his hand on his shoulder, teleporting the the tree Ninigi made contact with before getting close to Seigetsu and the girl. Ninigi quickly moves away from Seigetsu. "Come on dancer, take the first true step." "Ooh, we got ourselves a fast one. Well, since you've given me such a delicious insight into your abilities, I guess it's time for the story to move on." Fog began to lift as the boy evaporated, starting at his feet. His wide smile was the last solid thing that was left of him, like some obscure pop culture reference. Just before he was completely gone, he informed: "The name's Seigetsu by the way. Just so you know what name to shout in anger and such." "Alright, thanks. The name is Ninigi of the Senju clan." Ninigi said as the boy evaporated away. Ninigi made a small area begin sprouting with trees before melding into the ground. "Strange ability, I will have to think on this one." Ninigi thought as he moved up a tree. The tree in which Ninigi was moving exploded from the inside. The force of the explosion pushed the mist back for a second, but then it moved back to Ninigi's position, as if it had a will of its own. Seigetsu materialized near the remnants of the tree and silently waited for his opponent to respond. A small waterfall flowed down from the tattered pieces of trunk. "Pretty nice ability, you gave me a splinter." chuckled the Senju as he extended his hand to show a small piece of wood sticking out of his index finger. Ninigi bit the little bit of exploded tree and pulled it out. Spitting it away, Ninigi stood back up and wiped his cloak of dirt. Placing his hand on rocks, he created two clones out of the stone and increased the weight of the clones while he was touching them. All three Ninigis began to fly above Seigetsu. "Hmm" Seigetsu dispersed into mist again. For a second, it was silent, but then two droplets of water pierced each clone through the forehead, weathering through the weighted rock in an instant. "You know, I could just shoot you in gut right now, but there wouldn't be much drama to that, would it?" The voice sounded from behind Ninigi, but when he turned around there was nothing there. "Come on, there isn't much to a fight without some flashy moves and an epic clash, is there?" "Alright then Seigetsu, let's have it your way." Ninigi said as trees upon trees began sprouting over a wide-scale area, the beach they were once at now coated with foliage. As this happened Ninigi also formed a large number of wooden clones they all dispersed into the forest now of Ninigi's complete design. Seigetsu materialized from the fog to secure Yaseko. As he picked her up, her eyes lazily grew open. "Onii-chan?" She said, half-yawning. Seigetsu smiled, although it was one that would have creeped out any bystander. "We're at the next chapter, Yaseko-chan. Just sit back and enjoy it." Then he dispersed again, as did she, only to appear again and place her on a high branch. Repeating the process, Seigetsu manifested in a place where the branches hadn't yet covered the ground completely. "Hello Ninigi? I'm here!" Two of the wooden clones appeared from the forest and began walking towards Seigetsu. From them sprouted wooden tendrils and fired high-speed wooden stakes at the man. The real Ninigi sat in the middle of the forest, feeling the connection between the trees roots. The stakes phased through Seigetsu even before he was fully dispersed. Moments later, both clones fell on the ground simultaneously, a small hole poking out on both their foreheads. Seigetsu's upper body materialized in mid-air, near the top of the trees, so he could overlook the area. Although the myriad of branches made it hard, he eventually spotted Ninigi. A droplet of water shot out of Seigetsu's chest instantaneously, moving towards Ninigi so fast it appeared as nothing but a light blue blur. Seigetsu hovered quietly and motionlessly, waiting to see if he had found the real one or another clone. The bullet flew at Ninigi, getting closer and closer as brief moments past. Boom. Bark was shattered by the bullet, a small drip of blood diluting in the water. Upon another tree on the far side of the forest, stood Ninigi with a small wound on his left cheek from where the bullet was about to penetrate him before teleporting to safety with the Flying Thunder God. "Those bullets are rather tricky, his mist transformation is bothersome. If I remember correctly, these are in line with abilies of the Hōzuki. What I wouldn't give to be able to have some lightning release techniques to stop his evaporation." Ninigi said to himself as he began planning his next move. Seigetsu descended to the remains of the clone, a hint of sadness in his features. The droplet he had fired and then had been scattered by the impact, slowly reformed in front of him, the tad of blood shining in the middle lie a ruby. Seigetsu sighed and swallowed the drop. "This fight is getting too easy for me..." He closed his eyes, materializing completely. "Time to kick it up a notch!" His body started to bubble and shift under his skin, and a single tear of blood ran down from the corner of his left eye. "I don't have much to a counter him in that mist form. Damn the Senju and our mostly physical prowness!" exclaimed Ninigi as he formed a thick, large wooden barrier in the shape if a face. Ninigi left a wood clone in the barrier and quickly teleported to a tree on the other side of the field, opposite if where Seigetsu was facing. "I really only have one technique to counter him, sure he can probably explode it like the trees but I'll be able to reform it many times." the Senju thought as his plan was about to be executed. "I'm getting tired of playing hide-and-seek Ninigi. I thought we were going to dance, not play these children's games." Resting his left hand on the back of his right, his irritation made way again for a devious smile. "Come out come out wherever you are!" When he moved his hands away from each other, there was a flash of red, and then everything in a five meter radius was cleaved in half, at the height of Seigetsu's chest. Trees fell to the ground, thudding with great sound as the weight of the wood slammed into the earthen floor. Leaves scattered in the air. Despite this, a single structure in the forest remained unscathed by the blast. A dragon made of wood stood without a mark, thanks to its chakra absorbing properties. "Let's see how you can hurt this with chakra, I can reform it from damage and it will feast upon chakra." remarked Ninigi, who stood on top of the wooden reptile. A gunshot resounded and the wood next to Ninigi's right foot erupted into splinters. The construct quickly repaired the damage, but was left with a red smear, like a giant mosquito had been swatted there. "It's not really that much about hurting your craftwork, Ninigi. If I can just get your head off my problems are history." As he spoke, the mist drifted upwards, into Ninigi's direction. Seigetsu summoned two more blades of blood at his shin and left underarm, in addition to the one still poised on his right hand, and then materialized into the mist, which by now had reached Ninigi's position. There was a second of silence, and then Ninigi's position was seemingly consumed by a hurricane, millions of splinters obstructing the sight of what had truly transpired. Ninigi was ready for the assault of the mist, sinking into the dragon moments as it began, recieving minimal damage as he his in the dragon's mouth. The head proved to be able to survive the majority of the barrage and began to reform as soon as it began. The true purpose of the dragon came into play as Ninigi was safely hidden in the mouth. The dragon's absorbing properties began to consume the chakra from the mist made up of the Hōzuki's body, draining it away rapidly. "Come now Seigetsu, this technique was even able to restrain the full power of Nine-Tails, it can absorb your chakra just as easily." taunted a clone on the ground before it fell as a wooden dummy, each clone deactivating themselves. Seigetsu appeared a few dozen meters in front of the construct, no longer bearing his blades. "I see. That's one impressive technique you have there. Must be hard to keep up." The mist melted away, and all that was left was the remains of the forest, the giant wooden dragon with Ninigi inside, little Seigetsu bravely facing it and, somewhere in the distance, Yaseko on her miraculously unharmed branch. Seigetsu directed his attention towards the latter. "See that, Yaseko-chan? Don't you think it's pretty?" Yaseko waved and shouted something at Seigetsu, but her words got lost in the wind. Seigetsu sighed and turned back to Ninigi. "It doesn't really make for a good story, but it doesn't seem like my efforts will bear much fruit. I'll just wait here until your pet goes away, thank you." Seigetsu smiled and sat down on a trunk, without a care in the world. "Putting this pet away would be the end of me. Seigetsu, you are my enemy but I can't deny you are powerful. Your skill set is not anything I've encountered or expected to face. I have very few things that can counter that damned mist form you have. May I ask a simple question though for this brief ceasefire? What is with the girl? From how I've seen you, you don't seem much for caring about others. No offense." Ninigi said as he left the dragon's mouth and sat on its head. The beast coiled down into arresting form. "Oh, but I do care a lot about others. My mother taught me not to play with my food." He stretched his finger in front of his face and watched disinterestedly as a bubble formed from his fingertip and drifted to the skies. "Yaseko-chan, however, she's... my trumpcard. A twist of fate the world will never see coming, and one that I would very much like to decided on when it will happen. But trust me, once she'll get involved, the story will become a lot more interesting." Another bubble popped harmlessly. "Now we're talking about stories anyway, why don't you tell me one? If there's anything I like more than a nice danceparty, it's a good story." "I guess if we are taking this break a little longer. My chūnin exams, I was taking them with my team. My teammate, Yoshitsune, was being attack by a bunch of Oto-nin. These guys knew Yoshitsune's brother, and remarked how Yoshitsune was weak in comparison, and insulting him with other remarks. Poor Yoshi-boy, couldn't handle the information and began freaking out a bit. The Oto-nin placed Yoshitsune in an illusion that screwed with his mind. I showed up, and with a kunai I had handy I stabbed Yoshitsune, in a non-vital area keep in mind, just hard enough to jolt him awake. Yoshitsune activated some special eyes and then we fought the Oto guys back. Fun story, I remember it mostly because that was the first true time that it was the first time that only my friend and I fought together. Not our sensei, not our other teammate, bless her soul." Ninigi said as he sat on the dragon, smiling. "I wonder what that old boy is up to now any way. By now I bet he can mix energies with nature by now." laughed the jolly Senju, before returning his attention to Seigetsu. Seigetsu cupped his hands in front of his mouth. "Boooooooooring! Let me teach you how to tell a story, Ninigi." He crossed his legs. "In a faraway country, the people decided to rebel against the king, who had been mistreating them for years. The civil war that erupted lasted for years, and threw the whole country in turmoil. One day, a poor man with four children, a wife and barely any means to feed them hears a knock on his door. Standing in front of his house is a tall, bald man dressed in black and a little girl. The man asks the poor man to take care of the girl until his return and promises a bulky reward. The poor man refuses, saying he can barely provide for his own family, but a few golden coins and a knife on his throat are enough to change his mind. Time passes by, and soon the money is spent and the family is in an even worse situation. Then another man appears, and offers to take the girl of their hands for a royal payment, to employ her in the 'entertainment industry'. Now the poor man knew just as well as you that the girl wouldn't be singing any ballads, but what choice did he have?" Now turns out, after he had sold her-" Seigetsu had to interrupt his story when he began to chuckle. "That girl was the fucking princess! He sold the fucking princess to a whorehouse!" And then Seigetsu burst into laughter, almost rolling over the ground in ecstasy. Ninigi snickered a bit. "How unfortunate for the princess, but funny regardless. Any more to the story? The king returns for her, kills the man and his family for selling the girl, all who attended the brothel being castrated and killed by various torture methods? I guess my story is just nostalgic for me, but the orphans seem to like it." shrugged the Senju with my light smile. "Now back to business. You want my dragon gone, I want your mist gone. I put my dragon away, you become mist again. Now why should I accommodate what I want for your desires?" "Oh no, the king is murdered, the people fight among themselves and the country burns to ashes." Seigetsu shrugged as well. "The girl isn't always saved, you know." The Hōzuki stood up and started stretching. "Actually, I don't really mind your dog standing guard. You see-" He put one hand next to his mouth, despite the distance between them making any kind of privacy practically impossible. "I won this fight even before we got here, and I could kill you any time I want. But what kind of story development would that be, right? I need to at least make it look like you stood a chance, don't I?" "You are confident, I like that, but you seem to underestimate me too. I could have made all of these trees here sprout these dragons, making a field of chakra consuming monster that could sap you and the little girl of your chakra, as well as any potential idiot wondering it now too. Sure, it would cost me much chakra, but I have plenty of it as well as a powerful life force. I could survive it most likely." Ninigi said as the dragon shifted under him a bit. Seigetsu laughed. "You just don't get it, do you? This isn't a question of who has the most chakra, or who has the strongest technique or the best beliefs. This isn't even about who's the better fighter between us two. You made a fatal mistake when we came here, and ever since then your fate has been sealed. Sow as many of your dogs as you want, even then I could still get a bullet through your throat before you could even blink properly." "And before you could even properly form it I could be gone, teleported away to a place you wouldn't locate quickly. You fail to realize, I'm not boasting my techniques' power, rather, how I can use them. Two different aspects." Ninigi said as he stood upon the dragon. The dragon's head rose a bit, and Ninigi stood on the slope of the trunk. "Bullet in the neck? Surely painful, but I bet you could do worse." Seigetsu flashed all of his teeth, his lips uncovering them one by one like two parting curtains. "Oh, but you don't know what I'd do to you after you're dead. Now that's a panel I'd like to see drawn." He had finally finished stretching, and suddenly his hand vaporized into thin air. When it returned, it was holding on to the head of the little girl, who was looking joyfully as ever. Seigetsu put her down like she was a doll, whispered something in her ear and then bit his finger. He slipped it into her mouth. It was silent for a second, Yaseko staring at the ground with her bangs covering her eyes and Seigetsu's finger in her mouth. Then a forest's worth of trees, their tops sharpened like spears, shot out from beneath the dragon, moving to skewer him in a moment's notice. Ninigi jumped from the dragon, leaving it as he teleported as far out as he could. As he reappeared, one spear stabbed into his arm. Ninigi grunted in pain but quickly flew above the trees. "What the hell was that?" asked the shocked man. He looked upon the trees in confusion. "Wood Release is very rare. I doubt he has it, or either of them. It must be something else."' Seigetsu's laugh echoed through the forest. "Plot twist!" Yaseko was lying on the ground, but since she was nestled quite cozily it seemed Seigetsu had put her that way. "Now, to finally finish this..." he muttered to himself and his eyes darted in Ninigi's direction, despite the trees obscuring his vision. There was a second of silence, and then the foliage exploded, thousands of waterdrops shooting in Ninigi's direction. There was no doubt that the projectiles were heading at the real Senju hovering above the forest - ever since Seigetsu had swallowed a drop of his blood Ninigi might as well have been wearing a big neon sign saying 'I'm right here if you need me!'. Ninigi had seconds as the foliage exploded, really, less than seconds. Sweeping his chakra quickly, he discoved a tiny tree still existing with his mark. As the bullets arrived, they found their target missing. Ninigi was breathing hard. "He must have found a way to track me, but how?" panted Ninigi as he made a new wooden dragon, having it coiling around him as a chakra consuming defense as he can try to think of either a way to succeed, or flee. Thump thump thump. Three knocks resounded within Ninigi's wooden defense. "Can I come in?" Seigetsu laughed again. "You know, I'm having a lot of fun, but I'm afraid our audience is growing tired of this impasse. Time to reveal my trump card, I assume." There was a second of silence, where Ninigi was coiled up within his wooden pet and Seigetsu was doing god-knows-what and then Ninigi's hand, the same hand he had used to grab the Hōzuki by the shoulder that long ago, exploded just like the tree had done. Ninigi roared in pain and clutched the stump where his arm was. Pain was raging like a fire and blood loss would soon kill Ninigi. Using his wood release for a powerful application, he flooded his at stump with wooden chakra. The effect became apparent as his arm regrew. Ninigi had merged an application of wood, specifically the tree's stem cells into his arm. Combined with chakra to make rapid growth, his arm gre back as if nothing had happened, though he seems to lack hair on it. "Good... Technique." Nibigi panted as he activated a homing seal. "Seigetsu it has become apparant I'm not the one to beat you. Cowardly or not, I'd rather live to fight another day than end here against one I'm not set to fight." Ninigi said as he finally activated his Flying Thunder God seal left at Konoha's grand gate. Silence filled the woods as the man disappeared, far from the Hōzuki and the girl.