  • Garn Stewer
  • Garn Stewer
  • [Source] Garn Stewer était un humain qui servait en tant que chef des techniciens dans l'équipe d'entretien des vaisseaux de l'Alliance Rebelle. Son équipe connaissait les X-Wing T-65B, Y-Wing et U-Wing UT-60D aussi bien que leur pilote et Stewer s'assurait de la cohésion entre son équipe et ses derniers. Il implorait souvent les pilotes de ne pas endommager "ses" vaisseaux, cachant une bonne humeur entre Stewer, les mécaniciens et les pilotes. Garn Stewer était présent dans le Grand Temple Massassi sur Yavin 4 lorsque Jyn Erso fut amenée pour prendre part à l'Opération Fracture.
  • Garn Stewer was a human male who acted as chief technician of the starship maintenance crew in the Alliance to Restore the Republic's base on the moon Yavin 4. His team knew the T-65 X-wing starfighters, BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers and UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support crafts that they maintained as well as the rebel pilots that flew them, and Stewer made sure there was a symbiotic relationship between the pilots and ground crew in the base. The chief would often implore the pilots with exhausted futility to not damage "his" starfighters; however, these complaints masked a good humor shared between Stewer and his crew and the pilots. In the year 0 BBY, he was present in the base's hangar when the criminal Jyn Erso was brought in to take part in Operation Fracture. Stewer had
  • Masculin
  • Brown
  • *Alliance to Restore the Republic **Alliance Military ***Massassi Group
  • *Alliance Rebelle **Technicien Rebelle
  • Garn Stewer#kanon
  • Garn Stewer
  • Garn Stewer
  • Rebel
  • Garn Stewer
  • Garn Stewer
  • Гарн Стивер
  • Garn Stewer
  • ガーン・スチュワー
  • Fair
  • Mécanicien
  • Garn Stewer was a human male who acted as chief technician of the starship maintenance crew in the Alliance to Restore the Republic's base on the moon Yavin 4. His team knew the T-65 X-wing starfighters, BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers and UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support crafts that they maintained as well as the rebel pilots that flew them, and Stewer made sure there was a symbiotic relationship between the pilots and ground crew in the base. The chief would often implore the pilots with exhausted futility to not damage "his" starfighters; however, these complaints masked a good humor shared between Stewer and his crew and the pilots. In the year 0 BBY, he was present in the base's hangar when the criminal Jyn Erso was brought in to take part in Operation Fracture. Stewer had brown hair and eyes and fair skin. While in the base he wore a synthetic fabric boilersuit and a variant of the standard Alliance service helmet with a comlink but no visor.
  • [Source] Garn Stewer était un humain qui servait en tant que chef des techniciens dans l'équipe d'entretien des vaisseaux de l'Alliance Rebelle. Son équipe connaissait les X-Wing T-65B, Y-Wing et U-Wing UT-60D aussi bien que leur pilote et Stewer s'assurait de la cohésion entre son équipe et ses derniers. Il implorait souvent les pilotes de ne pas endommager "ses" vaisseaux, cachant une bonne humeur entre Stewer, les mécaniciens et les pilotes. Garn Stewer était présent dans le Grand Temple Massassi sur Yavin 4 lorsque Jyn Erso fut amenée pour prendre part à l'Opération Fracture.
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