  • Disneyland
  • Disneyland
  • Disneyland
  • Disneyland
  • Disneyland
  • Disneyland
  • Disneyland is the heterosexual Neverland Ranch. Opened in 1955, Disneyland offers amusement park rides, food, entertainment and marketing opportunities for the whole family!
  • Players will be redirected to DISNEYLAND if one enters a world with a name that includes a vulgar word or a slang. Unlike other worlds, DISNEYLAND has yellow gems, Green Beer and Magic Eggs scattered around the world; some could be found inside Dirt blocks or in the air. @Hamumu blocked DISNEYLAND up with two Mushrooms on August 15, 2014. @Solorien now owns DISNEYLAND. Players who try to enter HELL will be redirected here to DISNEYLAND.
  • What we imagine the lawyers of the Walt Disney Corporation don't want you to know is that it's just another amusement park. However, it's the only amusement park run by child labor and hamster wheels.
  • Parmley Station, an orbital resort near the planet Ameta, was partly modeled after it, including the Fantasyland area and the Sleeping Beauty Castle. (CS2)
  • Disneyland är en nöjespark belägen Kalifornien, USA. SG-1 var på Atlantis för uppdrag få ett maskhål via Stargate och Ori Supergate skämtade han till Doktor Daniel Jackson att Atlantis var Daniel Disneyland för honom. (SG1: "The Pegasus Project")kategori:Jorden kultur
  • Disneyland is a theme park located in Anaheim, California. It was featured in the Season Sixteen episodes, "Raising the Bar" and "Obama Wins!".
  • Disneyland is the laboratory in the Vatican City where Gordon Ramsay works. They attempt to turn smaller, insignificant animals into larger insignificant animals with very sharp menacing claws. However, the experiments usually end in the minds of the workers being transported into the small, insignificant animal's bodies.
  • The Disneyland Resort is a theme park resort in Anaheim, California, run by the Walt Disney Company. The first park, Disneyland opened on July 17, 1955. The second theme park in the resort, Disney California Adventure, opened on February 8, 2001. The resort also includes three hotels and a shopping, dining, and entertainment district called Downtown Disney.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Disneyland/preload editintro=Disneyland/editintro width=25
  • In "Brian Does Hollywood", Brian Griffin has a job at a carwash and, hoping to become a director, presents to each of his customers a script of his own screenplay. Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner pulls up to the carwash, but ignores Brian's offer of the script and simply pulls out a Mickey Mouse hat with "Brian" on it. He then tells Brian to come to Disneyland, but just before driving off, he shouts, "Bring money!" When Brian, Mort Goldman and Stewie arrive to Berlin in "Road to Germany", the city is called "The Happiest Place on Earth", which is the nickname for Disneyland.
  • Disneyland consists of eight separate nations, each of which maintains a distinct culture and set of customs: * Main Street, the Maínawk nation * Adventureland, the Adveneca nation * Frontierland, the Frontayuga nation * Fantasyland, the Faneída nation * Tomorrowland, the Tommorodaga nation * New Orleans Square, the Nuolora nation * Critter Country, the Beár nation * Toontown, the city-nation of Tún. Although not actually a part of Disneyland, the American state of Calisota is under control of Disneyland, but is not an actual member of its 'League of bitches'.
  • Disneyland was the name of a number of popular theme parks on Earth and beyond. Disneyland was the intended destination of a Navarino party travelling with Nostalgia Tours. However, their craft crashed in Wales. (TV: Delta and the Bannermen) The Ninth Doctor was not impressed with Disneyland, and told Rose Tyler he could take her somewhere with real talking mice. (PROSE: Winner Takes All) The European version of Disneyland, known as "EuroDisney", became known in the 22nd century as Urrozdinee. (PROSE: Urrozdinee)
  • Disneyland Park, originally and colloquially known as Disneyland, is the first and original Disney theme park at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California and is owned and operated by the Walt Disney Company. Created by brothers Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney, Disneyland has become the world's most famous themed amusement park and one of the most visited sites in the world.
  • Disneyland Park, commonly known as Disneyland, is the first of two theme parks built at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. The creation of brothers Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney, Disneyland has become the world's most famous themed amusement park and one of the most visited sites in the world. Following a televised first-look of the park along with a pre-opening for the press and VIPs on July 17, 1955, the official and historic public opening of Disneyland occurred on July 18, 1955.
  • Ésta página es sobre el parque temático. Para el resort en el que se encuentra, véase: Disneyland Resort. right Disneyland Park, originalmente Disneyland, es el primero de los dos parques temáticos construidos en el Disneyland Resort en Anaheim, California, abrió sus puertas el 17 de Julio de 1955. Es el único parque temático diseñado y construido bajo la supervisión directa de Walt Disney. Originalmente era la única atracción en la propiedad; su nombre fue cambiado a Disneyland Park para distinguirlo del complejo en expansión en la década de 1990.
  • Im Jahr 1999 war ich mit meiner Familie im Disneyland. Gemeinsam sind wir dort alle die Small World Attraktion gefahren. Ich war 12 zu diesem Zeitpunkt und meine Schwester 6. Wir genossen jeden Augenblick, und unsere Eltern schwelgten in Erinnerungen. Plötzlich kurz vor dem Ende, gingen alle Lichter aus und nur die Hintergrundbeleuchtung die den Boden beleuchtete blieb an. Alles was sich bewegte wurde ausgeschaltet, und kurze Zeit danach kamen Mitarbeiter des Parks um die Personen aus den Booten zu den Notausgängen zu bringen. Kategorie:Kurz Kategorie:Tod Kategorie:Übersetzung
  • Walt Disney en zijn zakenpartner en broer Roy wouden een Hollywood filmstudio bouwen voor het idee van een themapark naar voren kwam. Walt's originele idee was een permanente familiepretpark zonder "negatieve elementen", die rondreizende kermissen dikwijls aantrokken. Toen hij met zijn dochters Dianne en Sharon een dagje uitging, besefte hij zich dat er geen parken waar ouders en kinderen samen van activiteiten konden genieten.
  • In "The Grasshopper Experiment" (S01E08), Sheldon sees Raj's Indian date and she reminds him of Princess Panchali from the Indian folktale, The Princess & the Monkey. He wonders out loud how often you see a beloved fictional character come to life. Howard says that they do at Comic-Con. Disneyland and those that you pay for that come to your front door. In "The Porkchop Indeterminacy" (S01E15), Sheldon's twin sister Missy is visiting LA to attend a friend's wedding that will take place at Disneyland.
conventional long name
  • The Mainland Disneyland Confederacy
  • 1009347
  • 2006-09-21
leader name
leader titles
national heros
  • That's pretty much it.
Major Exports
  • Diarrhea, Broken Dreams
Major Imports
  • Apocalypse
  • Money, Lost Children , Tortured soildiers
  • and rebels from the Great Disney War of
  • Eurodollarpesos, Mickey Mouse hats
national anthem
  • "The Hymn of the Disneyland Confederacy"
  • Disneyland declared independence from
  • the rest of the world. Ittook five years
  • to finally secede from common sense.
official languages
  • Engrish, Spanish, Japanese
national motto
  • "Unite the World, Take the Money and Run"
image map
  • 300
  • (The Disneyland Confederation consists of the territories of eight distinct nations.)
government type
  • Corporate Disnacracy Nazism
native name
  • Disneyland
image coat
  • 125
leader names
Leader title
  • Public Speaker
  • Executive President
  • Manager of Peace
  • of Disneyland
Largest City
  • Itsabigworldafterall
  • Main Street
image flag
  • 200
Common name
  • Where Dreams are Made at minimum wage
  • Disneyland is the heterosexual Neverland Ranch. Opened in 1955, Disneyland offers amusement park rides, food, entertainment and marketing opportunities for the whole family!
  • Im Jahr 1999 war ich mit meiner Familie im Disneyland. Gemeinsam sind wir dort alle die Small World Attraktion gefahren. Ich war 12 zu diesem Zeitpunkt und meine Schwester 6. Wir genossen jeden Augenblick, und unsere Eltern schwelgten in Erinnerungen. Plötzlich kurz vor dem Ende, gingen alle Lichter aus und nur die Hintergrundbeleuchtung die den Boden beleuchtete blieb an. Alles was sich bewegte wurde ausgeschaltet, und kurze Zeit danach kamen Mitarbeiter des Parks um die Personen aus den Booten zu den Notausgängen zu bringen. Wir hörten eine Stimme über die Lautsprecher: „Das Disneyland bedankt sich bei Ihnen für Ihren Besuch. Bitte verlassen Sie nun die Attraktion. Schauen Sie bitte nur gerade aus und folgen sie den Befehlen des Personals. Vielen Dank.“ Als wir versuchten das Personal zu befragen, was denn los sei, bekamen wir keine Antwort sondern wurden nur schnell weitergeschickt. Wir konnten bereits den Ausgang sehen, vor dem ein Polizeiauto und ein Krankenwagen stand. Meine Mutter nutzte noch diesen Moment und schoss ein paar Fotos vom Personal und den mechanischen Kindern. Sie schaffte es noch in letzter Minute so viele Bilder zu schießen, dass der Film voll wurde, wir wollten diesen ohnehin am Abend entwickeln. Dieses Foto, war das letzte auf dem Film, gerichtet auf die Decke der Attraktion. Kategorie:Kurz Kategorie:Tod Kategorie:Übersetzung
  • Disneyland consists of eight separate nations, each of which maintains a distinct culture and set of customs: * Main Street, the Maínawk nation * Adventureland, the Adveneca nation * Frontierland, the Frontayuga nation * Fantasyland, the Faneída nation * Tomorrowland, the Tommorodaga nation * New Orleans Square, the Nuolora nation * Critter Country, the Beár nation * Toontown, the city-nation of Tún. The most prominent geographical features are four isolated large mountains: Big Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, and the Matterhorn. For this reason, early Spanish missionaries termed the area Quatros Altos while Chinese immigrants during the nineteenth century called the Disneyland confederation the "Four-Mountain Kingdom”, or Sìshāngúo (四山國). Outside of these mountains, the other most prominent feature is a river located on the edge of Frontierland, which serve as a major transportation route. Although not actually a part of Disneyland, the American state of Calisota is under control of Disneyland, but is not an actual member of its 'League of bitches'.
  • Players will be redirected to DISNEYLAND if one enters a world with a name that includes a vulgar word or a slang. Unlike other worlds, DISNEYLAND has yellow gems, Green Beer and Magic Eggs scattered around the world; some could be found inside Dirt blocks or in the air. @Hamumu blocked DISNEYLAND up with two Mushrooms on August 15, 2014. @Solorien now owns DISNEYLAND. Players who try to enter HELL will be redirected here to DISNEYLAND.
  • What we imagine the lawyers of the Walt Disney Corporation don't want you to know is that it's just another amusement park. However, it's the only amusement park run by child labor and hamster wheels.
  • Parmley Station, an orbital resort near the planet Ameta, was partly modeled after it, including the Fantasyland area and the Sleeping Beauty Castle. (CS2)
  • Disneyland är en nöjespark belägen Kalifornien, USA. SG-1 var på Atlantis för uppdrag få ett maskhål via Stargate och Ori Supergate skämtade han till Doktor Daniel Jackson att Atlantis var Daniel Disneyland för honom. (SG1: "The Pegasus Project")kategori:Jorden kultur
  • Ésta página es sobre el parque temático. Para el resort en el que se encuentra, véase: Disneyland Resort. right Disneyland Park, originalmente Disneyland, es el primero de los dos parques temáticos construidos en el Disneyland Resort en Anaheim, California, abrió sus puertas el 17 de Julio de 1955. Es el único parque temático diseñado y construido bajo la supervisión directa de Walt Disney. Originalmente era la única atracción en la propiedad; su nombre fue cambiado a Disneyland Park para distinguirlo del complejo en expansión en la década de 1990. A Walt Disney se le ocurrió el concepto de Disneyland después de visitar varios parques de atracciones con sus hijas en los años 1930 y 1940. Inicialmente se previsó la construcción de una atracción turística adyacente a sus estudios en Burbank para entretener a los fans que deseaban visitar; sin embargo, pronto se dio cuenta de que el sitio propuesto era demasiado pequeño. Después de contratar a un consultor para ayudar a determinar un lugar adecuado para su proyecto, Walt compró un sitio de 160 acres (65 hectáreas), cerca de Anaheim en 1953. La construcción comenzó en 1954 y el parque se dio a conocer durante una conferencia de prensa televisada en el especial de televisión ABC Television Network, el 17 de Julio de 1955. Desde su apertura, Disneyland ha sido objeto de varias ampliaciones y reformas, incluyendo la adición de New Orleans Square en 1966, Bear Country (ahora Critter Country) en 1972, y Mickey's Toontown en 1993. Disney California Adventure fue construido en el sitio del estacionamiento original de Disneyland e inaugurado en 2001. Disneyland tiene una atención acumulativa más grande que cualquier otro parque temático en el mundo, con más de 650 millones de visitantes desde que abrió. En 2013, el parque acogió aproximadamente 16.200.000 personas, lo que es el tercer parque más visitado en el mundo ese año. De acuerdo con un informe de Marzo de 2005 de la compañía Disney, hay 65.700 empleos en Disneyland Resort, que incluye, en el propio Resort, 20.000 empleados directos de Disney y 3.800 empleados de terceros (es decir, los contratistas independientes o sus empleados).
  • Disneyland was the name of a number of popular theme parks on Earth and beyond. Disneyland was the intended destination of a Navarino party travelling with Nostalgia Tours. However, their craft crashed in Wales. (TV: Delta and the Bannermen) The Ninth Doctor was not impressed with Disneyland, and told Rose Tyler he could take her somewhere with real talking mice. (PROSE: Winner Takes All) The European version of Disneyland, known as "EuroDisney", became known in the 22nd century as Urrozdinee. (PROSE: Urrozdinee) Peri suggested Disneyland when the Sixth Doctor pondered out loud where on Earth he could go to have a good time. (AUDIO: The Nightmare Fair) The quarantine centres at Apalapucia contained a replica of a Disneyland on Clom, complete with the "Warpspeed Death Ride" rollercoaster. (TV: The Girl Who Waited) The Eighth Doctor described Kursaal to Samantha Jones as a cross between Disneyland and Babylon 5. (PROSE Kursaal)
  • Disneyland is a theme park located in Anaheim, California. It was featured in the Season Sixteen episodes, "Raising the Bar" and "Obama Wins!".
  • In "Brian Does Hollywood", Brian Griffin has a job at a carwash and, hoping to become a director, presents to each of his customers a script of his own screenplay. Former Disney CEO Michael Eisner pulls up to the carwash, but ignores Brian's offer of the script and simply pulls out a Mickey Mouse hat with "Brian" on it. He then tells Brian to come to Disneyland, but just before driving off, he shouts, "Bring money!" The family rides the Mad Tea Party at Disneyland in the "No Bones About It" segment of "Family Guy Viewer Mail No. 1" and Peter flies out. Afterwards, he was mistaken to be a towel by Michael Eisner. During the afterparty in Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story, Peter explains about having a series of part-time jobs after Family Guy was canceled including as Mickey Mouse at Disneyland. When Brian, Mort Goldman and Stewie arrive to Berlin in "Road to Germany", the city is called "The Happiest Place on Earth", which is the nickname for Disneyland. A photo of Billy Corgan riding the Big Thunder Mountain roller coaster from a trip to Disneyland in 2015 appears in "Saturated Fat Guy".
  • Disneyland Park, commonly known as Disneyland, is the first of two theme parks built at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. The creation of brothers Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney, Disneyland has become the world's most famous themed amusement park and one of the most visited sites in the world. Following a televised first-look of the park along with a pre-opening for the press and VIPs on July 17, 1955, the official and historic public opening of Disneyland occurred on July 18, 1955. As the original Disney theme park and resort operated by the Walt Disney Company and the only theme park to be designed and built under the direct supervision of Walt Disney himself, it is dedicated to fairy tales and Disney characters. The park is represented by Sleeping Beauty Castle, a replica of the fairy tale castle seen in the 1959 film. A successful theme park, Disneyland contains various attractions, including the Pirates of the Caribbean, located at New Orleans Square.
  • Disneyland Park, originally and colloquially known as Disneyland, is the first and original Disney theme park at the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California and is owned and operated by the Walt Disney Company. Created by brothers Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney, Disneyland has become the world's most famous themed amusement park and one of the most visited sites in the world. Following a televised first-look of the park along with a pre-opening for the press and VIPs on July 17, 1955, the official and historic public opening of Disneyland occurred on July 18, 1955. A half-century later, the official commemoration of Disneyland's 50th anniversary began on May 5, 2005 and ended on September 30, 2006. Since May 22, 2015, the park and surrounding resort has been celebrating its 60th anniversary as part of the ongoing Disneyland Resort: Diamond Celebration.
  • Walt Disney en zijn zakenpartner en broer Roy wouden een Hollywood filmstudio bouwen voor het idee van een themapark naar voren kwam. Walt's originele idee was een permanente familiepretpark zonder "negatieve elementen", die rondreizende kermissen dikwijls aantrokken. Toen hij met zijn dochters Dianne en Sharon een dagje uitging, besefte hij zich dat er geen parken waar ouders en kinderen samen van activiteiten konden genieten. Door de jaren heen ontving Walt meerdere brieven van mensen die graag eens de Walt Disney Studios zouden willen bezoeken om hun favoriete Disney personage te ontmoeten. Realiserend dat een werkende filmstudio weinig te bieden had voor een bezoekende fan, begon hij ideeën te bedenken om een gedeelte in zijn studio te bouwen voor toeristen om te bezoeken en om foto's met Disney personages als standbeeld te kunnen maken. Zijn ideeën veranderden in een klein pretpark met een boot-attractie en andere gethematiseerde delen. Door de jaren heen zouden deze plannen veranderen in een groter initiatief; Disneyland. Disneyland was gedeeltelijk geïnspireerd door Tivoli Gardens, gebouwd in 1843 in Kopenhagen, Denemarken en Children's Fairyland gebouwd in 1950 in Oakland, Californië. Disney's eerste ingetogen plan was om een park te bouwen op 3,2 hectare naast de Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, Californië waar zijn werknemers en families heen konden gaan om te relaxen. Een andere invloed op Disneyland was Walt's interesse in miniatuur treinen. Hazel George een dokter die Walt's chronische pijn dagelijks behandelde in de studio's, suggereerde in 1948 al dat Walt op vakantie zou moeten gaan naar de Chicage Railroad Fair, dat hij deed samen met Ward Kimball, een animator en trein fan. Walt's interesse voor treinen werd ook aangemoedigd door een andere animator, Ollie Johnston. Niet veel later bouwde Walt een miniatuur trein, de Carolwood Pacific in de achtertuin van zijn huis op Carolwood Drive. Walt gaf met veel plezier zijn bezoekers een ritje op de miniatuur trein. In de jaren 50 werd het al snel duidelijk dat er een grote gebied nodig was. Problemen met het bekrijgen van de financiering leidde er toe om Disney een nieuwe manier te bedenken om geld op te halen. Hij koos om televisie te gebruiken om de ideeën in mensen hun huizen te krijgen, een show genaamd "Disneyland" werd uitgezonden op de nieuwe televisiezender American Broadcasting Company (ABC). In ruil hiervoor ging de zender akkoord om het nieuwe park mee te financieren. Op suggestie van de onderzoekers bij Stanford Research Institute, die voorzagen hoe het gebied potentieel zou kunnen groeien, kocht Disney 73 hectare sinaasappelgaarden en walnootbomen in Anaheim, ten zuiden van Los Angeles in de naastgelegen Orange County. De bouw begon op 18 juli 1954 en zou 17 miljoen Amerikaanse dollars kosten. Door zijn broer Roy's wantrouwen in het project, en financiële overwegingen, was Walt genoodzaakt om externe financiering in te schakelen voor zijn themapark. Voor de eerste vijf jaren was Disneyland in bezet van Disneyland Inc., waar Walt Disney Productions en ABC elk de helft van bezat. In 1960 kocht Walt Disney Productions ABC's deel van het themapark. Dit werd later compleet toen in 1999 The Walt Disney Company, de opvolger van Walt Disney Productions, zich samenvoegde met ABC.
  • Disneyland is the laboratory in the Vatican City where Gordon Ramsay works. They attempt to turn smaller, insignificant animals into larger insignificant animals with very sharp menacing claws. However, the experiments usually end in the minds of the workers being transported into the small, insignificant animal's bodies.
  • The Disneyland Resort is a theme park resort in Anaheim, California, run by the Walt Disney Company. The first park, Disneyland opened on July 17, 1955. The second theme park in the resort, Disney California Adventure, opened on February 8, 2001. The resort also includes three hotels and a shopping, dining, and entertainment district called Downtown Disney.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Disneyland/preload editintro=Disneyland/editintro width=25
  • In "The Grasshopper Experiment" (S01E08), Sheldon sees Raj's Indian date and she reminds him of Princess Panchali from the Indian folktale, The Princess & the Monkey. He wonders out loud how often you see a beloved fictional character come to life. Howard says that they do at Comic-Con. Disneyland and those that you pay for that come to your front door. In "The Porkchop Indeterminacy" (S01E15), Sheldon's twin sister Missy is visiting LA to attend a friend's wedding that will take place at Disneyland. In "The Large Hadron Collision" (S03E15), Leonard is trying to get Penny to guess that they are going to Switzerland together to see the Large Hadron Collider. One of her guesses is that they are going to Disneyland to ride the Matterhorn bobsled ride. Her next guess is that they are going the same thing at Disney World, though they don't have that ride. In "The Spaghetti Catalyst" (S03E21), Penny takes Sheldon to Disneyland after he hears that she is going with her friends. Leonard gives Penny suggestions on how to take care of Sheldon at Disneyland, as he is familiar with the events of Sheldon eating junk food and throwing it up after he goes on Space Mountain. Also he is afraid of Goofy, but has no trouble with Pluto. Later Penny admits that he did get sick on Space Mountain and Sheldon is seen having a nightmare about Goofy. In "The Russian Rocket Reaction" (S05E05), Bernadette mentions that Howard got seasick on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. He claimed that big kids were rocking the boat. In "The Werewolf Transformation" (S05E18), Sheldon is driving people more crazy than usual because his usual barber is no longer available. Penny wants to give him a haircut as she mentions others things she has done for him like taking him to Disneyland. In "The Contractual Obligation Implementation" (S06E18), Raj is asking the girls where he should take Lucy and they suggest Disneyland and then then get excited about going themselves. While playing hooky, Bernadette wants to have a Disney princess makeover, while Penny thought they would get drunk and throw-up on the rides. Each of them want to be Cinderella; however, Bernadette gets aggressive and tells them that she is going to be Cinderella. Later she tempts Howard in her costume, while Penny gets all apologetic in front of Leonard dressed as Sleeping Beauty getting Leonard all excited. Amy as Snow White tries to get Sheldon to kiss her to wake her up. In "The Bon Voyage Reaction" (S06E24), both Bernadette and Penny remind Leonard about when he got seasick after being trapped on the "It's a Small World" ride. Penny wants to make sure he has plenty of Dramamine since he will be on a ship in the North Sea for three months. In "The Locomotion Interruption" (S08E01), Sheldon is dealing with Officer Hernandez in Kingman, AZ after he is robbed of all of his possessions on his train adventure. Several times he asks about his stolen property. The officer claims that they are doing everything they can while he is munching on Doritos. Sherlock Holmes used cocaine to sharpen his senses; however, Sheldon claims that the officer's Doritos are probably going to do the same thing. Doritos were first introduced at Disneyland in 1964. In "The First Pitch Insufficiency" (S08E03), the gang is attending a LA Angels game to see Howard throw out the first pitch. While the others are planning on enjoying the entire game, Sheldon wants to watch the pitch and then head to Disneyland to see Mickey's Soundsational Parade. Amy tells him that if he stays, she'll get him some cotton candy and a bobble-head doll. In "The Leftover Thermalization" (S08E18), Amy reminds Sheldon about the time he didn't get picked to pull the sword out of the stone at Disneyland and another kid pulled it out instead.
is Inspiration of
is rides of
is parque of
is Park of
is Features of
is Location of
is wikipage disambiguates of