  • A Drunken Meeting
  • He let his shirt slip to its casual position around his biceps, having drawn it up to his shoulders upon seeing he was being tailed. He pulled out his gourd, teeming with his favorite brew of sake. The alcohol was strong, yet sweet, bringing him to a state of inebriation fast. And he liked it that way. He took a sip and moaned a bit at the taste, the warmth of the liquor flowing down his throat and settling in his belly. He was beginning to heat up already, a soft fuzz settling over his mind like mist over water on a cloudy day. He lounged a bit in his seat, beginning to cheer on those fighting. When he drank, his taste for violence was numbed a bit, but that didn't mean that someone getting the snot kicked out of them lost its humor. He smiled and finally began to enjoy his self-prescribe
  • He let his shirt slip to its casual position around his biceps, having drawn it up to his shoulders upon seeing he was being tailed. He pulled out his gourd, teeming with his favorite brew of sake. The alcohol was strong, yet sweet, bringing him to a state of inebriation fast. And he liked it that way. He took a sip and moaned a bit at the taste, the warmth of the liquor flowing down his throat and settling in his belly. He was beginning to heat up already, a soft fuzz settling over his mind like mist over water on a cloudy day. He lounged a bit in his seat, beginning to cheer on those fighting. When he drank, his taste for violence was numbed a bit, but that didn't mean that someone getting the snot kicked out of them lost its humor. He smiled and finally began to enjoy his self-prescribed day-off "Just what the doctor ordered~" He purred as he took another sip of his drink. The lights suddenly turned off. Whispers and mutters spread across those in the stands.Then, the lights reappeared, moving in a random pattern. A loud voice suddenly filled the room, most likely amplified by the speakers across the stadium. "Ladies and gentlemen!" it called out. "Tonight, we have a special surprise for you! Tonight, we have an exhibition match for the upcoming tournament!" The lights stopped moving over one man, a red-haired individual who most knew as Junsei. Junsei was loved by many, and his skill was impressive. He used the Strong Fist to fight, and was ranked #214, an impressive feat. "And his opponent. The one, the only, Dark Fighter!" the voice said. Instantly, the people in the stage went wild, roaring at the top of their lungs. "Kuro! Kuro! Kuro!" the crowed roared repeatingly, stamping there feet as if following a rythym of sorts. A door launched open, and the blonde walked out. Kurojō looked around the stadium, letting a smirk manifest on his face as he observed the countless people that cheered him on. Making his way up to the stadium, he grinned, and entered a fighting stance. Many of Kurojō's hardcore fans would recognise the fighting stance as his regular position before fighting via the Drunken Fist. Junsei made his way onto the stage, entering his standard Strong Fist fighting stance. The bell rung, and Junsei attacked. Before Junsei could reach Kurojō, Kurojō hit one of his own Tenketsu, and Kurojō became a drunken maniac. As Junsei approached, Kuro easily dodged, slamming his wrist into Junsei's jaw, shattering it. Junsei staggered back, blood dripping from his mouth. Kuro stumbled forward, releasing a barrage of attacks, Junsei not being able to block any of them. Junsei collapsed, and Kuro slammed his elbow into the mans back, which would no doubt cause some internal bleeding. Kurojō shook his head, as he visibly became sober. Without waiting for a signal, he jumped out of the ring, and began to make his way back to his room. "Incredible folks!" the voice called out. "Kurojō Mōdoku defeated Junsei in under fourty seconds! That sends Junsei down a few ranks, and Kurojō remains our champion!" At that moment, a man came up to Taima. "You're the Head Medical Ninja, right? You mind treating Junsei? He's suffering from a bunch of broken bones. Kurojō is also there in case you need a blood donor." the man said, before beginning to lead Taima to the infirmary. Taima had sat forwards in his seat, paying rapt attention to the fight that had unfolded before him. He hadn't been around here very often, so he didn't know this "Dark Fighter" or his usual moveset, but he knew the other's stance intimately. He had used, no mastered it after all. He thought he was the only one in the village that was capable of using the Drunken Fist, but apparently he had been mistaken. He watched how fast the other was capable of dispatching his opponent with a smirk. The blonde was good, and attractive to boot. He did the style justice. If Taima had a chance, though, he would need to inquire how the other was capable of switching into the stance without drinking a drop of alcohol. That had shocked him, if he was being completely honest. He had leaned back, thoroughly entertained with the proceedings, ready to move onto the next fight, but he was sadly interrupted. He had come here for a break from work, under the pretense of doing said work, only to actually have to do work. It was very saddening and caused him to groan inwardly. He nodded to the male and stood, coaxing his blood into burning away some of the alcohol to lift the haze on his mind a bit. He couldn't very well operate drunk...well he could, but it never ended well. He painted on his most dazzling fake smile and motioned to the other to lead the way "Let's get the poor old chap patched up, yes?" He entered the infirmary and cast his eyes about. There were several others here resting or being patched up from the matched they themselves had been in. However, many of the injuries were minor and being dealt with the normal way by experienced doctors and nurses of the non-Shinobi variety. Those with more severe damage, head trauma, broken bones, et cetera, were being catered to by Medical Ninja. All of those here were under his employ, however, and they all perked up and set to work vigorously, obviously believing this to be a surprise inspection. He walked over to a woman whose hands had started shaking the moment he walked in, moving them tentatively over her patient as she attempted to heal a wound. Taima walked over to her and put a calming hand on her back, whispering reassuring words to her gently. She calmed and did her work flawlessly and caused him to move on with a smile. The white haired male moved to the bed Junsei was placed in and looked down at the man's unconscious form. His eyes roved over the body and did a surface diagnostic. A nurse had come to his side immediately, pen poised over a pad as he started speaking "Jaw severely, broken. Same with the nose." He moved his hand across limbs and the other male's chest, checking places here and there "Hairline fracture in the right ulna, two in the left humerus. Three broken ribs: two on the right one on the left. Internal bleeding highly probable. Concussion possible." He gave a sigh and shook his head "That guy really did a number..." He looked to the man that was still standing there "Find this...Kurojō. We may need a transfusion." He looked back to the man and examined his face, adding a few notes on more injuries to the nurse as the man went to carry out his orders and bring forth the Dark Fighter. Kurojō was napping. It was a very nice nap, mind you. He was immensely angered as he was forced to wake. "Wake up, Kuro!" a voice yelled in his ear. Kuro jerked his body up, banging heads with that man. "God damn it!" the voice repeated. "Your fault for waking me." Kuro spat back. "You need to head to the healing area." the voice replied. "You mean the infirmary?" "Yeah, whatever you call it." Kurojō shook his head in disgust as he arose from his bed. The other man went red. "You're naked!" he yelled. Kurojō said nothing until he had dressed himself. "Now I'm not." he said, as he left his room, making his way down to the infirmary. As he opened the door leading to Junsei's room, he saw him. That Head Medical Ninja. Kurojō whistled in his mind as he gave the man a quick once-over. He was hotter than the sun. Kurojō made his way over to him putting his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Kurojō. I was told you need me?" He had gotten done cataloging all of the wounds a few moments ago, and was now working on healing the things that could be done fast. The male's face had been battered pretty bad, but now the bones were healing and the bruising fading under the soft cerulean blue of Taima's chakra. The white haired man had been forced to use his medical training in order to calm the internal bleeding, lest it threaten the male's life even more. Kurojō walked in as Taima was taking a sterilized scalpel to a spot beneath the male's ribcage, slipping a tube in there in order to release the blood build up. Red poured into a nearby bowl. Once the flow stopped, the bowl was sent away and another bed was pulled close to Junsei's. Taima moved out of the way of the second bed, beckoning Kurojō over with only a cursory look in his direction "Please get on the bed. I was told you are a match for this man's blood type and he needs a transfusion. Only a small bit to stabilize him further. From there I should be able to pump a bit of chakra into him to amp up his natural blood production. It should only take a moment." Taima moved over to a table and pulled forth a few more tubes, attaching them to a rather complicated looking machine "This will pull your blood from your veins and deposit it into Junsei. You will only feel a pinch and a funny pulling sensation as your blood is redirected. Maybe a bit of light headedness, but nothing more than that." Taima looked at the blonde expectantly, his air of professionalism palpable. Kurojō nodded in approval as he witnessed the man do his work. Sighing, Kurojō took off his shirt, revealing his toned body. Stretching, he got onto the bed, laying down, and began to observe the man. "Damn. He's good." Kurojō thought to himself. And not in the professional sense, however on more personal sense. The mans tanned body was attractive, but Kurojō contained himself. He was very wary now, not wanting to trust others as easily as he did before. "Whenever you're ready. Come and suck my blood." he called out. Taima nodded and let his eyes trace over the other's chest very quickly, giving a light swallow at the sight. His professionalism was so close to slipping, the need to flirt nearly clouding his need to bring his patient back to good health, but he pushed it down. Junsei came before any personal matters. He pulled a small bit of gauze from a platter nearby, as well as a bottle of rubbing alcohol. The gauze was coated and he used it to clean a spot on Kurojō's arm, easily finding a vein. A tube pierced the flesh there with only a small pinch as promised, a bit of tape being placed over the tube to secure it. He moved to Junsei and removed the tube from his rib area, the skin knitting closed as another wave of Taima's hand sent medical chakra through the area. He placed a tube similar to the first in Junsei's arm as well, another piece of tape used to secure it. He pressed a button on the machine and it began to drain Kurojō's blood steadily. Taima sat back and looked at the blond inquisitively "Are you a universal donor, or do you just happen to match his blood type?" "I'm pretty sure I just match his blood type." Kurojō replied, smirking when he saw Taima's eyes trace over his chest. He let out a yawn as the transfer of blood was occurring. Kurojō traced his own eyes over Taima, smirking slightly as he saw Taima's built body. Kurojō waited until the transfer of blood was complete, and he yanked out the tube, rubbing the hole in his arm. Kurōjo put on another shirt, the shirt tightening around his biceps. He checked the small screen in the room, and he let out a sigh. "I got my next match. I should be going." Kurojō muttered, walking away. Taima blushed blue as he felt the eyes roaming him, suddenly finding something very interesting on the screen before him. When the transfer was complete and Junsei was stable, he turned to take the tube from Kurojō's arm...only to see that the man was already up and walking away. He crossed the distance between them with astounding speed, appearing before the blonde and placing a hand on his chest to stop him. The medic noted that the other seemed to be taller than him, a flash of annoyance flickering through him at the fact before he pushed it aside "I am afraid that this is one match that you will be missing. You've just given blood, so you need time to replenish your own. Strenuous activities are not recommended at this time, because lack of blood can cause a downgrade in your performance and could possibly even put your life in danger. I have worked myself enough today, I do not want to bring you back from the brink of death." He pressed on the other's chest lightly for emphasis "Please lay down." Kurojō let out a chuckle, moving Taima's hand away from his chest slowly, after letting it trace over his body subtly. "Trust me, I've done this before. I'll be fine." he stated, continuing away. Before Taima could stop him, Kurojō began to run away, heading to the ring. He hopped in, after his regular introduction. He let out a cough, slightly feeling lightheaded. Must've given a bit too much blood... he thought to himself, before entering his usual Drunken Fist stance. Kurojō cracked a few knuckles, before becoming intoxicated. However, Kurojō's body began to ache, and feel pain. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. Snapping out of his intoxication, Kurojō shot forward, faster than the eye could blink, wrapping Dark Release chakra around his fist, and slamming it into his opponents chest. That man shot out of the ring, crashing into the stadium wall. Without waiting, Kurojō hopped out the ring, and went down the tunnel to the Med Room. But halfway through, he collapsed. Taima hadn't noticed the way his hand had trailed the other's body, he was in full on "Medic Mode" so sexual tension and advances were wholly lost on him. The man left and Taima let out a sigh, waving his hand at...something next to him to go follow. If one held any connection to the dimension of Limbo they would be able to clearly see the sea green apparition that appeared to be Taima if he was female. The apparition followed Kurojō into the ring and watched the short match. Taima himself had went back to Junsei in order to set to work replenishing the rest of the male's blood. It was done quickly, just in time for his Bake to alert him to Kurojō's return. Taima rolled his eyes and fully activated the power of one of his semi-dormant Plagues, granting him the speed he needed to catch Kurojō mid-fall. He lifted the other male up with little issue, due to the strength he had gained, and moved him over to a bed. Taima set to work replenishing his blood, glaring down at the man "Now, what did we learn about listening to a Medic when they tell you something isn't a good idea in your condition?" "Yeah..." Kurojō said between gasps. "I'll listen to time..." And with that, he blacked out. Taima rolled his eyes and set to work with replenishing his blood to full. The blonde wasn't in any danger, but Taima definitely wanted him conscious so he could chew him out. It was completely idiotic of him to strain his body that way for a simple fight. He would be sure to tell him that when he was awake. Taima worked the medical ninjutsu he knew that could replenish blood, and even some medical senjutsu as well. He stopped once Kurojō was at a healthy level and pulled up a seat next to his bed to wait for him to get up. He watched the steady rise and fall of the other's chest as he slept, his eyes flickering up to the peaceful expression on the other's face. He reached in and moved a lock of blonde hair to the side, out of his eyes. He woke up with his hair in his eyes enough times to know that it was more than a bit annoying. Kurojō jerked his his open, sitting up in a matter of milliseconds. He panted heavily, and looked at Taima. A quick blush spread over Kuro's face, but he dismissed those thoughts. He stood once again, wincing slightly as he did. He cracked a few knuckles, and began to walk away, back into the arena, not wanting to miss a fight. Taima was shocked as the other bolted up, but his reaction time was nothing if not exemplary. He was finishing a set of hand seals before he even had a chance to register which jutsu he was using. Wood pillars sprouted from the ground at break neck speeds and attempted to wrap themselves around the blonde's body, trying with all their might to contain him "You are a daft idiot! You barely made it back here in one manageable piece and now you're trying to rush off again?!" Taima's voice was a low hiss, laden with anger and concern "If you do not get some sense into that empty head of yours and lay down, I will kick your ass!" Kurojō turned back abruptly, an angry stare in his eyes. His muscles briefly flexed before relaxing. "You don't understand. I fight so I others. Plus, you couldn't kick my ass if you tried." Taima raised a brow and the wood pillars moved to constrict him, but the white haired male thought better of it. He waved his hand and let them fall back into the ground, silently hoped he wouldn't need to pay for the repairs for the floor. He untied the sash keeping his first shirt in place before shrugging his shoulders, letting the garment flutter to the ground. He was left only in the white one beneath, bearing his sides and arms for all to see "Fine, we'll fight. Though in your sorry state, I doubt it will be much of a challenge. If you win, you can keep on fighting until you run yourself into the ground. But if I win, you rest. And I mean rest. Deal?" He had his arms crossed over his chest and was looking at the other expectantly, waiting for his answer. Kurojō sighed, entering a Strong Fist position. He decided to drop his usual carefree facade, and openly began to analyse Taima. "You're obviously a user of Wood Release, which is something I've faced before, despite it only being once, I did win. However, the easy control you had of those tendrils signify your skill with it. Not only that, your knuckles, the way you twitch, I'd say you're a user of the Drunken Fist. You obviously have to manually get drunk. I'm also pretty sure it would be best if I didn't cut you. Unlike others, your skin has a different 'glow' to it, which leads me to believe something is up with your blood." Kurojō stated matter of factly. "Anyways, let's get to it. You're up." "Your analysis is largely correct. However, you are wrong in one regard. I do not need to get drunk at all to use it." Taima gave a small smile and twirled around in place three times, his hair flitting around his face as he did so. He came to a stop and looked as if he were about to fall forward, before suddenly accelerating at a nigh instantaneous speed in order to get up close and personal with Kurojō "I am just better with it when I am." His surgeon's eyes flicked over the other's body before his arms struck out in a flurry of blows that would be hard for even an Uchiha to track, aiming for pressure points on the other body in order to cause paralysis. A quick and easy win, he thought. Kurojō may not have been an Uchiha, but years of living with his surrogate father, being able to track the path of his blade would be what would allow Kurojō to trace Taima's path. Despite being weakened, Kurojō gracefully avoided the attacks, as if he was a falling leaf. These graceful maneuvers to avoid the attacks created virtually no distance between them, and with mere centimeteres between them, Kurojō shifted into Drunken Fist, and slammed his wrists down towards Taima's shoulders, in hopes to dislocate them. Taima didn't need to see attacks to know they were coming, thanks to the situational awareness granted by his Drunken Fist. Granted it was dulled due to him not actually being drunk, however it was still impeccable. He turned in such a way that the blows slipped past his body harmlessly, before his own hands snapped downwards to latch onto the other's wrists. He pressed into the joints there in order to dislocate the other's hands befoee yanking the down, pulling Kuro with them. This would place him directly into the path of the knee that Taima brought up, in hopes of impacting his face. Kurojō grimaced as his wrists were dislocated. But he didn't let that stop his plan. Using the momentum Taima had created as leverage, Kurojō flipped forwards, wrapping his legs around Taima's neck. With that, Kurojō flipped forward once again, which would cause Taima to slam on the ground, and for Kurojō to land somewhat awkwardly. However, that slam should have dislocated Taima's shoulders. " fun." Taima noticed the flip the other was preparing to to, making a quick change of his plans. He got a btter grip on the blond's wrists and preformed a high speed spin. During the spin, he brought his hands and the other's wrists together before letting go, flinging him into a nearby wall. Taima tooka a moment to stop spinning and let the dizziness pass, standing wuth his hands on his hips and raising an eyebrow at the other male "Done yet?"