  • Sonic Colossal Chaos Collection
  • Sonic Colossal Chaos Collection is a game currently being made by Sega and Boulder Games Inc. It was scheduled to be released on June 23, the same day in which Sonic 1 was released, but was later rescheduled to be released March 15th, for more time to fix bugs, but in turn, adding more features to the game. It will be released on the 3DS along with BGI's new console, the B.D.S otherwise known as The Boulder Dimension System. The game will have every video game from the Sonic Series be ported into the game. The games will have been released from 1991 to current day (excluding remakes or other collections).
  • Sonic Colossal Chaos Collection is a game currently being made by Sega and Boulder Games Inc. It was scheduled to be released on June 23, the same day in which Sonic 1 was released, but was later rescheduled to be released March 15th, for more time to fix bugs, but in turn, adding more features to the game. It will be released on the 3DS along with BGI's new console, the B.D.S otherwise known as The Boulder Dimension System. The game will have every video game from the Sonic Series be ported into the game. The games will have been released from 1991 to current day (excluding remakes or other collections).