  • Kung Fu Panda Wiki:Discussion Policy
  • These are the universal rules that apply to all pages with discussion features. Any messages that break these rules will be removed on the spot and its poster may face consequences. * Always show respect for other users and their opinions. This wiki stands by the belief that every human being is entitled to their opinion. Users will not make personal attacks on other users, nor attempt to silence their personal views. Such behavior is intolerable and will have immediate consequences. * Always use appropriate language. Because we're a wiki about a subject primarily targeted to children, any words or phrases above a PG rating is considered inappropriate for this site. Please show respect to our readers and other users by never using such language. In select cases where a message is
  • These are the universal rules that apply to all pages with discussion features. Any messages that break these rules will be removed on the spot and its poster may face consequences. * Always show respect for other users and their opinions. This wiki stands by the belief that every human being is entitled to their opinion. Users will not make personal attacks on other users, nor attempt to silence their personal views. Such behavior is intolerable and will have immediate consequences. * Always use appropriate language. Because we're a wiki about a subject primarily targeted to children, any words or phrases above a PG rating is considered inappropriate for this site. Please show respect to our readers and other users by never using such language. In select cases where a message is out of context (like quoting) and you feel it's necessary to include a particular inappropriate word, censor it with asterisks (****). However, we will not allow this action to be used against other users; doing so violates the first bulletpoint and will result in consequences. * Please post all messages in English. Because we are the English version of the Kung Fu Panda Wiki, all material submitted to this wiki must entirely be in English. Any messages submitted in any other language (in whole or in part) will be removed. (See our Deletion policy for more details.) * Use proper text formatting. Please avoid posting messages (entirely or in large part) in ALL CAPS, bold, italics, or any other format separate from regular text format. Such messages tend to give off an inappropriate sense of anger or excitement that may be taken as spam or a troll post. * Keep all messages relevant to the topic. Messages on this wiki should always stay on-topic to the given subject, not act as a social conversation between users. EXCEPTION: User message walls generally do not apply to this rule. However, if there is a case where a conversation is getting too topically out-of-hand, an admin may interfere. * No spamming, flaming, or trolling. Spamming encompasses any messages that take up space and do not instigate conversation (e.g. nonsense posts, double-posts, etc). Flaming and trolling includes any messages that are angry/hostile in nature and are unreasonable. Any assertions or criticisms made should sound reasonable and be properly backed up with reasoning and evidence. * No advertising. Do not comment on a page simply to tell about or link to your fan-made material, website, blog, or anything else unrelated to the wiki. Any messages that are advert in nature or contain non-discussion-related links or material will be removed.