  • Camp Inferno
  • Camp Inferno was a Havenite facility for prisoners-of-war on the Hades Planetary Prison, run by the Office of State Security. (HH8) Inferno was located in the center of the Alpha Continent, almost exactly on the equator. Prisoners could be sent to Inferno as punishment, with an average sentence of one year for a first offense (with longer sentences for repeat offenders), but some were sent there permanently.
  • Camp Inferno was a Havenite facility for prisoners-of-war on the Hades Planetary Prison, run by the Office of State Security. (HH8) Inferno was located in the center of the Alpha Continent, almost exactly on the equator. It was the only prison camp on the planet listed by name instead of number (other than the HQ Camp Charon, and it's location was not on official StateSec survey maps of the planet, ostensibly for security reasons. It was used as a "dumping ground" for "troublemakers". Multiple escape attempts, insisting that military decorum be maintained in POW camps, etc could qualify for being transferred to Inferno. Prisoners could be sent to Inferno as punishment, with an average sentence of one year for a first offense (with longer sentences for repeat offenders), but some were sent there permanently.