  • Piers Roddance
  • Piers Roddance was a lieutenant and later a captain in the Imperial Military on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal. As an Imperial Military officer, Roddance took a substantial interest in Imperial Military technology and also helped to train Imperial cadets at the Academy for Young Imperials. Roddance was known for taking a harsh stance against dissenters and opponents of the Galactic Empire's policies on Lothal. On one occasion, Roddance ordered his stormtroopers to open fire on a crowd of demonstrators protesting their eviction from their farmlands.
  • Pale blue
  • *Galactic Empire **Imperial Military
  • Dark
  • Piers Roddance
  • Galactic Empire
  • Pale
  • Piers Roddance was a lieutenant and later a captain in the Imperial Military on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal. As an Imperial Military officer, Roddance took a substantial interest in Imperial Military technology and also helped to train Imperial cadets at the Academy for Young Imperials. Roddance was known for taking a harsh stance against dissenters and opponents of the Galactic Empire's policies on Lothal. On one occasion, Roddance ordered his stormtroopers to open fire on a crowd of demonstrators protesting their eviction from their farmlands. The following year, Roddance was promoted to the position of Captain. In response to the growing insurgency on Lothal, Captain Roddance took an interest in the Cadet Zare Leonis, whom he viewed as a security risk due to his association with "rebel elements." Despite his best efforts, he failed to expose Leonis and to sabotage his academic progress. Later, Roddance committed his cadets to a planetwide security sweep launched by Governor Arihnda Pryce. After Leonis took charge during an anti-smuggling operation, Roddance, under orders from the Grand Inquisitor, reluctantly acquiesced to his colleague Lieutenant Chiron's recommendation to transfer Leonis for officer training at the Arkanis Academy.