  • Sidhe
  • Sidhe
  • Sidhe
  • Sidhe
  • Sidhe
  • The Sidhe is a book on the Fae by Astaldo of Merinita, written in 1041. Astaldo was a very personable Magus and was well-liked by many, but others felt he made light of them and despised him. He was personally the subject of a Wizards' War twice, and fled on both occasions into hiding, re-emerging only when the declaration of War had expired. This did not endear him to those who sought his death in the first place; nor could he be coerced into settling the matter of his perceived insults by Certamen.
  • The Sídhe (pronounced "Shee") are an immortal race of Avalon, the Island of Youth, and they appear as small blue humanoid winged creatures. Gaius describes them as "masters of enchantments and a cruel race of beings." The Sidhe had kings who were called Sidhe elders, they were served by Pixies and could live for 1000 years.
  • Faerie 38
  • The Sidhe (pronounced "she") is a Covenant submersible.
  • Piano di esistenza in cui hanno origine gli spiriti e i folletti, luogo in cui sono migrate parecchie creature mitologiche all fine dell'era dei miti, come ninfe, elfi, satiri, folletti, ecc. Vi è stata traslata l'isola di Avalon.
  • Sidhe är en ras som lever på planeten Théah. Sidhe lever i landet Avalon. Nuvarande drottningen av Avalon har allierat sig med de Sidhe, som har förvandlat landet till något av legend. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game")kategori:Raser
  • The Sidhe are the kith born of the dreams of kings and queens - both noble and otherwise. Regal, beautiful and graceful, they are power and coldness personified. They are tied intimately to the Dreaming and are new to the Changeling Way - most of the Sidhe on Earth are either exiles or escapees from Arcadia, unable to return home. As a result, they feel the cold sting of Banality far more harshly than commoner kithain, but they still command both the Seelie and Unseelie courts and are determined to survive the coming of Winter.
  • Sidhe is a breed that lives on the planet Théah . Sidhe live in the country Avalon . Current queen of Avalon has allied itself with the Sidhe, who have turned the country into something of legend.(RPG :" Stargate SG-1: The Role Playing Game)
  • Sidhe is a video game developer based in Wellington, New Zealand. Sidhe bought over PikPok. Along with the latter, The company collaborated with the DreamWorks How to Train Your Dragon franchise to develop Tap Dragon Drop.
  • Sidhe are Irish Ghouls often mistaken for Vampires.
  • The Sidhe are a branch of Oberon's Children, who were a powerful supernatural race in pre-Christian Ireland. Banshee is the only current member that have as yet been encountered.
  • thumb|300px|Przedstawiciel Sidhe wizji Werdandi (źródło Deviantart)Sidhe to rasa istot baśniowych bardzo podobnych do ludzi i elfów. Są oni tak do nich podobni pod względem budowy ciała, że dla przedstawicieli tych ras są prawie nie do odróżniania. Podobnie jak elfy mają one związek i pociąg do natury, lecz tak jak ludzie są bardzo elastyczni i potrafią się dostosowywać do życia. Niektórzy sidhe mają w sobie szlachetną krew istot baśniowych, co sprawia że mogą również używać mocy zauroczenia osoby i rozmowy ze zwierzętami, choć są ograniczeni do jednego użycia dziennie.
  • After the Sylayan were rediscovered by the world, many decided to live within the confines of the city once more. Slowly these 'city elves' became known as the Sidhe. Still marked by their unearthly agility and amazing intelligence, the Sidhe have definitely become a race of their own.
  • The Sidhe are the Whateleyverse's version of Elves, ancient, frequently magical and not particularly well disposed to the humans who have taken over their world. Never very numerous, the Sidhe ranks have been augmented recently by apparently ordinary humans mutating into Sidhe. Fey is supposed to be the one thousandth such instance since about 1695. Besides Fey, there is a group of another four Sidhe at Whateley. Also, the Bastard is supposed to be partly Sidhe and was born one. Sidhe are not humans or mutants. Technically, they shouldn't be evaluated with mutant power rankings.
  • The Sidhe are faeries from the ethereal plane; thin, up to six feet in height, handsome and young-looking despite their great age. Their forms are shadowy, and they can only fully materialize in the presence of another humanoid. Even their beauty is that of another world. Their skin is soft, their hair long and flowing, their clothes blindingly white. Their voices are sweet and seductive, and they have shimmering translucent wings, like those of a butterfly. * Bard * Wizard * Ranger * Monk * Priest * Druid * Valkyrie * Paladin * Cavalier
  • In Irish mythology, the Sidhe (properly spelled Sídhe) refers to both fairy mounds or hills in which fairies live and the fairy people which reside in those hills (thus, sidhe is the term for both the place and the people that inhabit that place). The Scottish mythology equivalent of the sidhe, the sith, only refers to the fairy people and lacks the geographic component. These fairy people were supernatural humanoid beings that often (but not always) appeared fair of skin and very attractive and often had magical powers or abilities. Sidhe is pronounced “shee” and means “people of the fairy mounds” and “fairy” (sith means “fairy”).
  • thumb|center|450px|Os cavaleiros Sidhe, de John Duncan (1911) Sídhe, sìth, sidh é uma palavra gaélica (irlandesa e escocesa) que se refere a pequenas colinas ou montes de terra imaginados como o lar de um povo sobrenatural de espíritos da natureza vinculado às fadas, janas e elfos de outras tradições, e posteriormente, a seus supostos habitantes, propriamente Aes Sídhe, Daoine Sídhe ou Duine Sìth, o "povo das colinas" (em irlandês moderno, Aos Sí, que se pronuncia "és xi")
  • Tap Dragon Drop
  • N/A
  • nowiki * Sophia † * Aulfric † * Sidhe elder † * Elena
  • The Gates of Avalon
  • The Changeling
  • Covenant
  • Sidhe
  • Tractatus
  • Small blue humanoid winged creatures
  • Latin
  • Prototype
  • The Sidhe
  • Wellington, New Zealand
  • Entertainment
  • Video Games
  • 7
  • May 1997
  • The Sidhe is a book on the Fae by Astaldo of Merinita, written in 1041. Astaldo was a very personable Magus and was well-liked by many, but others felt he made light of them and despised him. He was personally the subject of a Wizards' War twice, and fled on both occasions into hiding, re-emerging only when the declaration of War had expired. This did not endear him to those who sought his death in the first place; nor could he be coerced into settling the matter of his perceived insults by Certamen.
  • The Sídhe (pronounced "Shee") are an immortal race of Avalon, the Island of Youth, and they appear as small blue humanoid winged creatures. Gaius describes them as "masters of enchantments and a cruel race of beings." The Sidhe had kings who were called Sidhe elders, they were served by Pixies and could live for 1000 years.
  • thumb|300px|Przedstawiciel Sidhe wizji Werdandi (źródło Deviantart)Sidhe to rasa istot baśniowych bardzo podobnych do ludzi i elfów. Są oni tak do nich podobni pod względem budowy ciała, że dla przedstawicieli tych ras są prawie nie do odróżniania. Podobnie jak elfy mają one związek i pociąg do natury, lecz tak jak ludzie są bardzo elastyczni i potrafią się dostosowywać do życia. To co odróżnia ich od tamtych ras to fakt, że równie dobrze oddychają na lądzie jak i w wodzie, oraz to że na życzenie potrafią stać się niewidzialnymi. Dodatkowo jak prawie wszystkie istoty baśniowe, zimne żelazo jest dla nich trujące przez co nie mogą używać żadnego wyposażenia wykonanego z tego materiału. Niektórzy sidhe mają w sobie szlachetną krew istot baśniowych, co sprawia że mogą również używać mocy zauroczenia osoby i rozmowy ze zwierzętami, choć są ograniczeni do jednego użycia dziennie. Sidhe lubią przebywać w małych grupach lub bandach podobnie jak elfy. Na swoje domostwa wybierają naturalnie piękne miejsca, daleko od uczęszczanych szlaków, najczęściej w pobliżu lasów. Domy lub wręcz pałace tych istot zawsze są dobrze ukryte, często w podwodnej pierzarze lub za wodospadem a także za pomocą magii. Sidhe uwielbiają podróżować i przebywać wśród ludzi będąc niewidzialnymi. Lubią płatać drobne figle, pomagać potrzebującym i pakować się najróżniejsze kłopoty i przygody. Nierzadko zakochują się w śmiertelnych istotach i zamieszkują w ich społecznościach, lecz zawsze taki związek kończy się śmiercią ludzkiego partnera, ponieważ sidhe dożywają wieku ponad tysiąca lat.
  • Faerie 38
  • thumb|center|450px|Os cavaleiros Sidhe, de John Duncan (1911) Sídhe, sìth, sidh é uma palavra gaélica (irlandesa e escocesa) que se refere a pequenas colinas ou montes de terra imaginados como o lar de um povo sobrenatural de espíritos da natureza vinculado às fadas, janas e elfos de outras tradições, e posteriormente, a seus supostos habitantes, propriamente Aes Sídhe, Daoine Sídhe ou Duine Sìth, o "povo das colinas" (em irlandês moderno, Aos Sí, que se pronuncia "és xi") Muitos vêem os Sídhe como uma versão folclorizada dos Tuatha Dé Danann ("povo da deusa Danu"), que abandonaram a Irlanda para viver no Outro Mundo depois de derrotados pelos milésios (os irlandeses atuais). De acordo com o Lebor Gabála Érenn (O Livro das Invasões), os Tuatha Dé Danann ou Daoine Sídhe, foram derrotados em batalha pelos mortais Filhos de Míl Espáine. Como parte dos termos de rendição, os Tuatha Dé Danann concordaram em residir no subsolo, em síde (singular síd), as pequenas colinas, freqüentemente artificiais (túmulos pré-históricos) que são comuns na paisagem irlandesa. A cada líder de uma das tribos dos Tuatha Dé Danaan, foi dado uma colina. Posteriormente, tanto os montes quanto as entidades sobrenaturais se tornaram conhecidas pela mesma palavra: síd; com a mudança da língua através dos tempos, tornou-se sídhe, sìth e sí. thumb|left|250px|"Mound of the Hostages", em Tara, Irlanda, datado de 1.800 a.C. Na crença e prática popular, os sídhe foram freqüentemente reverenciados com oferendas e toma-se cuidado para que eles não fiquem irados. Deles usualmente se fala através de eufemismos como "Os Bons Vizinhos", "O Povo das Fadas", "Os Nobres" ou simplesmente, "O Povo", na esperança de que se os humanos os considerarem gentis, provavelmente eles assim o serão. Banshee ou bean sídhe, significa "mulher dos Sídhe". Todavia, a expressão passou a indicar especificamente as mulheres sobrenaturais da Irlanda que anunciam uma morte iminente com seus gritos e lamentos. Sua contraparte na mitologia escocesa é a Bean Nighe – a lavadeira que é vista lavando as vestes ou a armadura ensanguentada da pessoa fadada a morrer. thumb|right|250px|outro sídhe ou "morro das fadas" na Irlanda Outros nomes comuns são "Leanan sídhe" - a "fada amante"; o Cait Sidhe – um gato encantado e o Cu Sith – cão encantado. Os "sluagh sídhe"; "a hoste das fadas" – são algumas vezes representados no folclore irlandês e escocês como espíritos que se movem pelo ar como bandos de pássaros. São de natureza desagradável e talvez representem os mortos amaldiçoados, maléficos ou sem descanso. Os sídhe são por vezes vistos como ferozes guardiães de suas moradas – sejam elas uma colina encantada, um círculo das fadas, uma árvore especial (freqüentemente um pilriteiro), ou um lago em particular ou uma floresta. O Outro Mundo celta é visto como mais próximo durante o crepúsculo e a aurora, que por isso são especiais para os Sídhe, bem como para festivais como o Samhain. Os Sídhe são geralmente descritos como estonteantemente belos, embora possam também ser terríveis e asquerosos.
  • After the Sylayan were rediscovered by the world, many decided to live within the confines of the city once more. Slowly these 'city elves' became known as the Sidhe. Still marked by their unearthly agility and amazing intelligence, the Sidhe have definitely become a race of their own. BASE STATISTICS --------------------------------------- Strength : 11 Dexterity : 14 Constitution : 11 Intelligence : 16 Size : 12 RACE ADVANTAGES ---------------------------------------- Level 1 - Faster Equilibrium Recovery - Infravision - EAVESDROP (level 25) RACE DISADVANTAGES ---------------------------------------- Level 1 - Slower XP Gain
  • The Sidhe (pronounced "she") is a Covenant submersible.
  • The Sidhe are faeries from the ethereal plane; thin, up to six feet in height, handsome and young-looking despite their great age. Their forms are shadowy, and they can only fully materialize in the presence of another humanoid. Even their beauty is that of another world. Their skin is soft, their hair long and flowing, their clothes blindingly white. Their voices are sweet and seductive, and they have shimmering translucent wings, like those of a butterfly. The Sidhe have the ability to cast a glamour over weaker beings, which lets them influence the behavior of others, slip by dangerous places virtually undetected, or assume the form of another creature. Because they are inherently good beings, Sidhe are difficult to control with magic, and can sense the presence of evil creatures. Although their powers are greatest on the ethereal plane, they are yet powerful in the mortal realms, impervious to the effects of poison and resistant to disease. However, they are still vulnerable to the cold touch of iron. * Bard * Wizard * Ranger * Monk * Priest * Druid * Valkyrie * Paladin * Cavalier
  • Piano di esistenza in cui hanno origine gli spiriti e i folletti, luogo in cui sono migrate parecchie creature mitologiche all fine dell'era dei miti, come ninfe, elfi, satiri, folletti, ecc. Vi è stata traslata l'isola di Avalon.
  • Sidhe är en ras som lever på planeten Théah. Sidhe lever i landet Avalon. Nuvarande drottningen av Avalon har allierat sig med de Sidhe, som har förvandlat landet till något av legend. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game")kategori:Raser
  • The Sidhe are the kith born of the dreams of kings and queens - both noble and otherwise. Regal, beautiful and graceful, they are power and coldness personified. They are tied intimately to the Dreaming and are new to the Changeling Way - most of the Sidhe on Earth are either exiles or escapees from Arcadia, unable to return home. As a result, they feel the cold sting of Banality far more harshly than commoner kithain, but they still command both the Seelie and Unseelie courts and are determined to survive the coming of Winter.
  • Sidhe is a breed that lives on the planet Théah . Sidhe live in the country Avalon . Current queen of Avalon has allied itself with the Sidhe, who have turned the country into something of legend.(RPG :" Stargate SG-1: The Role Playing Game)
  • Sidhe is a video game developer based in Wellington, New Zealand. Sidhe bought over PikPok. Along with the latter, The company collaborated with the DreamWorks How to Train Your Dragon franchise to develop Tap Dragon Drop.
  • In Irish mythology, the Sidhe (properly spelled Sídhe) refers to both fairy mounds or hills in which fairies live and the fairy people which reside in those hills (thus, sidhe is the term for both the place and the people that inhabit that place). The Scottish mythology equivalent of the sidhe, the sith, only refers to the fairy people and lacks the geographic component. These fairy people were supernatural humanoid beings that often (but not always) appeared fair of skin and very attractive and often had magical powers or abilities. Sidhe is pronounced “shee” and means “people of the fairy mounds” and “fairy” (sith means “fairy”). Those mounds or hollow hills in which they resided are tumuli, burial mounds, or barrows and are hollow earthen structures covered by dirt and grass (and later trees if in wooded areas) which are used to bury the dead in certain cultures. Burying the dead in this manner was common in the British Isles from around 3000-800 BCE. Examples: Banshee, Baobhan Sith, Leanan Sidhe, Cait Sith, Cu Sith, Daoine Sidhe, Du-Sith.
  • Sidhe are Irish Ghouls often mistaken for Vampires.
  • The Sidhe are the Whateleyverse's version of Elves, ancient, frequently magical and not particularly well disposed to the humans who have taken over their world. Never very numerous, the Sidhe ranks have been augmented recently by apparently ordinary humans mutating into Sidhe. Fey is supposed to be the one thousandth such instance since about 1695. Besides Fey, there is a group of another four Sidhe at Whateley. The term Sidhe is sometimes used interchangeably with Faerie and Fey, but might just constitute a sub-group of the latter. Selkie or Shadowdancer may be Fey, but whether they are considered Sidhe is unclear, though Shadowdancer being a Sluagh, also known as Sluagh Sídhe in Irish folklore, would seem to indicate that she is. Also, the Bastard is supposed to be partly Sidhe and was born one. Supposedly there is a surviving coven of ancient Fey, quite possibly Sidhe, under the Himalayas and constitutes the main source of the mystical metal Orichalcum. Sidhe are not humans or mutants. Technically, they shouldn't be evaluated with mutant power rankings.
  • The Sidhe are a branch of Oberon's Children, who were a powerful supernatural race in pre-Christian Ireland. Banshee is the only current member that have as yet been encountered.
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