  • Bonnie Knight
  • Bonnie Knight
  • Bonnie Knight
  • thumb|Bonnie Knight Bonnie Knight ist einer der beiden Hauptcharaktere der von Canyon Entertainment produzierten Fernsehserie Angel and the Knight aus Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories und Grand Theft Auto IV, die jeden Dienstagabend um 19 Uhr auf VBC ausgestrahlt wird. Zusammen mit Chris van Angel jagt sie in der Serie nach Verbrechern. Kategorie:Fiktive Figuren
  • Bonnie Knight es una de las estrellas ficticias del show televisivo Angel and the Knight, junto con Chris Van Angel. Bonnie Knight vive junto a Chris en una lancha, además de luchar contra el crimen y sus demonios internos al mismo tiempo.
  • Bonnie Knight is the sister and wife of the infamous Charles Knight and has been by his side since he came to her for help when he was on the run from the Umbrella Corporation when he was infected with G-Virus Alpha 1. Bonnie was usually a lonely kind of girl and never really had anyone that cared for her other than Charles, but she saw so little of him when he left. When Charles came to her for help in 2036, she sheltered him for the next 3 weeks, then after a while Bonnie started to question her brothers motives and then he revealed to her that he has been trying to refrain from mating with her because of her blood connection with him. She understood when he showed her what Oswell E. Spencer did to him and then the last night they were in Wisconsin, they made love and then the next morni
  • Ninguna
Actor de Doblaje
  • Ninguno
  • Bonnie Knight
  • Desconocida
  • 200
  • Bonnie Knight es una de las estrellas ficticias del show televisivo Angel and the Knight, junto con Chris Van Angel. Bonnie Knight vive junto a Chris en una lancha, además de luchar contra el crimen y sus demonios internos al mismo tiempo. Bonnie es una personaje menos realizado que Chris, ya que no tiene una habilidad especial, ya que en la serie es una ninja alcohólica en rehabilitación. Además suele ser llamada "prostituta borracha" por un traficante boliviano de drogas, al que después le hace sexo oral para sacarle información (se escucha en el comercial que aparece en la emisora de radio, Wave 103). Ya que al ser mujer se cree que podría tener alguna relación amorosa con Chris.
  • thumb|Bonnie Knight Bonnie Knight ist einer der beiden Hauptcharaktere der von Canyon Entertainment produzierten Fernsehserie Angel and the Knight aus Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories und Grand Theft Auto IV, die jeden Dienstagabend um 19 Uhr auf VBC ausgestrahlt wird. Zusammen mit Chris van Angel jagt sie in der Serie nach Verbrechern. Kategorie:Fiktive Figuren
  • Bonnie Knight is the sister and wife of the infamous Charles Knight and has been by his side since he came to her for help when he was on the run from the Umbrella Corporation when he was infected with G-Virus Alpha 1. Bonnie was usually a lonely kind of girl and never really had anyone that cared for her other than Charles, but she saw so little of him when he left. When Charles came to her for help in 2036, she sheltered him for the next 3 weeks, then after a while Bonnie started to question her brothers motives and then he revealed to her that he has been trying to refrain from mating with her because of her blood connection with him. She understood when he showed her what Oswell E. Spencer did to him and then the last night they were in Wisconsin, they made love and then the next morning were on there way. While on the road, Umbrella Soldiers were on their trail, so Charles drove them into New Raccoon City where Division Delta Codenamed:Anti-Virus took out their pursuers with an M1 Abrams. Since then, Bonnie and Charles have stayed in New Raccoon City and have worked for Division Delta. Bonnie married Charles in 2037 and they honeymooned at home.