  • Rsenkrantz
  • Rsenkrantz is a senior officer of the crew Slow Children at Play in the flag Caution Road Humps. Most recently, Rsenkrantz was a senior officer of the crew Imperial Pillagers and lord of the flag Imperial Margarine. His first crew was the Munchkin Bears and he was promoted to prince of their flag, the Midnight Refugees, after forming the crew Don't Ask to Gun, which was founded to allow him to memorize the ocean in peace.
  • 1
  • Rsenkrantz
  • Cobalt
  • yes
  • Rsenkrantz is a senior officer of the crew Slow Children at Play in the flag Caution Road Humps. Most recently, Rsenkrantz was a senior officer of the crew Imperial Pillagers and lord of the flag Imperial Margarine. His first crew was the Munchkin Bears and he was promoted to prince of their flag, the Midnight Refugees, after forming the crew Don't Ask to Gun, which was founded to allow him to memorize the ocean in peace. Nearly a native to the Cobalt Ocean, he can sometimes be found on the Midnight Ocean with the crew We're From Coblat which is a collective crew of Cobaltians bent on creating mayhem and havoc with the flag Notorious Fandango.