  • 36
  • 36
  • 36
  • 36
  • 36
  • 36
  • [[Plik:36.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 36 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:Marymont-potok-36.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Trzydziestka szóstka na pętli Marymont-Potok (2007)]] [[Plik:1452+1451-36.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Trzydziestka szóstka na zmienionej trasie wjeżdża na pętlę Metro Młociny (2008)]] 36 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała z Metra Marymont do Metra Wilanowska. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej około 55 minut, a kursowała co 10 minut w godzinach szczytu i co 15 minut poza szczytem i w dni wolne.
  • 36 was a year in the 1st century.
  • #36 is the thirty-sixth song written by Dave Matthews for his band. Matthews wrote it after anti-apartheid campaigner Chris Hani was assassinated in South Africa. At the onset of the Everyday sessions, with Glen Ballard, they evolved the song into into Everyday. Since the songs evolution into Everyday, Dave has been interpolating the lyrics from 36 into the bridge of Everyday. This is called the 36 interpolation or 36 outro. An example of this interpolation is on the live release The Gorge.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 36.
  • El treinta y seis (36) es el número natural que sigue al treinta y cinco y precede al treinta y siete. Categoría:Números
  • Julians Überredungsbemühungen schlagen fehl und Diana schmeißt ihn wütend aus der Wohnung. Darüber ist Simone alles andere als erfreut, denn die Zukunft des Konzerns hängt nun am seidenen Faden. Nach Julian beauftragt sie deshalb Mike, Diana zur Fortführung ihrer Karriere zu überreden. Von Opa Lutz wird Mike über Dianas Vergangenheit aufgeklärt. Mit diesem Wissen macht Mike sich auf den Weg zu ihr. Da Annette Roman und Andrew in einer eindeutigen Situation beobachtet hat, fürchtet Roman öffentlich geoutet zu werden. Mit Argusaugen verfolgt Ben die wachsende Freundschaft zwischen Vanessa und Tim. Vanessa bildet sich ein, dass Tim ihr mehr vertraut als jedem anderen. Ihre Schwärmerei führt zum Streit mit Ben, in dessen Verlauf sie ein unfreiwilliges Geständnis macht.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "36" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Pedro Borbon Jr. (2000) * Bill Caudill (1985-1986) * Don Cooper (1983) * Bob File (2001-2002, 2004) * Jerry Garvin (1977-1982) * Darren Hall (1994-1995) * Marty Janzen (1996-1997) * Kevin Mench (2008) * Francisco Rosario (2006) * Jamie Vermilyea (2007) * David Wells (1987-1992)
  • Kursowała po takiej samej trasie jak obecna i przezreformowa linia 6. Na czas kursowania linii 36 linia nr 6 nie była wskrzeszana na innej trasie. Została zlikwidowana 31 sierpnia 2007 kiedy to została przywrócona linia nr 6.
  • 36 is a number. It is double 18, and can be gotten several ways.
  • 36 (thirty-six) is a positive integer following 35 and preceding 37. Its ordinal form is written "thirty-sixth" or "36th".
  • #36 is the thirty-sixth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 36 (linia tramwajowa, nocna) podobnie jak wszystkie linie nocne we Wrocławiu zlikwidowana z dniem 1 września 2003, została zastąpiona przez nocny autobus 257. Linia kursowała z Grabiszynka na Osobowice.
  • Blue Agent 36 FIELD AGENT AKA: 36 AGE: 30 HEIGHT: 5'7" HAIR: brown/black EYES: Brown DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: burn scars on arms, bullet scar on left leg STRENGTHS: Arson, bombs, bomb defusion, dealing with Agent Lapis WEAKNESSES: pyromania, impulse control, machism. has a tendency to cause trouble to Agent Lapis LANGUAGES: Spanish, English PERSONALITY: self destructive, implusive Notes: HIGHLY unstable unless paired with Agent Lapis and/or Agent Gumshoe. Undiagnosable mental illness. however is highly skilled at what he does.
  • 36 is the ninth track on SOAD's third studio release Steal This Album!. It holds the record for the shortest song the band has ever released, running at 46 seconds long. This song has a few demo versions including: * .36 from the 1997 Demo Tape 4 * Your Own Pace from the Toxicity II leaked tracks Curiously the song lists some numerological facts not announced by the band, putting the official release of the previous albums before "Steal this Album" , the song " 36" is in fact the 36th music, and being the 9th album's song, 3+6=9.
  • The number 36 was not generally used in English league football until the introduction of squad numbers into the club game. This was initially done by the Premier League in 1993, followed by the Football League in 1999. It was first worn by a Rovers player when Marcus Andreasson returned to the club towards then end of the 1999–00 season. He had begun the campaign with Rovers, but after a spell playing in Sweden the 15 shirt which had been allocated to him was now being worn by Vitālijs Astafjevs, forcing the club to issue him with a new number until the end of the season.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 36 (May 29, 2009) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Ahoy-oy! [may be Slovak. HELP!- ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses . Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen): If SpongeBob Squarepants was a woman, would his boobs be called cubes? Narrator: My toaster asked me to stick my hand in it while it was still hot. What should I do? Narrator: What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Narrator: How do you ask a question that will be on your show? Narrator: Can you see me? THE END
  • The number 36 has an intimate connection to the number 6. Six, multiplied by it's self equals 36. Multiply 36 by 6 again and the result is 216. 36x12=432, and 432 is 216x2. Adding every number from 1 through 36 yields 666.
  • Victoria tells Elizabeth that she's leaving Collinwood while an eavesdropping David listens. Vicky recounts David's words to Elizabeth. Elizabeth tells Victoria she understands the governess' fear of the little devil, but that she is frightened for the evil one. Elizabeth is evasive about her reason for wanting Victoria to stay, but she tells Victoria that she chooses to keep her here because she's no longer a stranger. Victoria thinks, given David's feelings for her, someone else might be better. Victoria presses but Elizabeth holds out.
  • 46.0
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Folgen Nummer
  • 36
  • 36
  • DStitle.jpg
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  • 1.300000
  • co 20 minut
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 24102006
  • 37
  • 1966-08-01
  • 36
lyrics credits
  • yes
  • 1967
  • 2
  • 36
  • Episode 36
  • Galactic Republic
  • 1966-08-15
  • 36
Character Name
  • Skullduggery
  • Bones and Tendons Man;
  • Kinkotsuman;
  • nocna
music credits
  • yes
  • 1.83
  • 36
  • Human
  • 36
  • 1
  • Tankian
  • Tankian
  • 35
  • 35.0
  • 36
  • 37
  • 37.0
  • Bawz_20061024_0036_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • tak
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  • 36
  • [[Plik:36.png|right|thumb|250px|Schemat historycznych tras linii 36 (powiększ)]] [[Plik:Marymont-potok-36.JPG|right|thumb|250px|Trzydziestka szóstka na pętli Marymont-Potok (2007)]] [[Plik:1452+1451-36.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Trzydziestka szóstka na zmienionej trasie wjeżdża na pętlę Metro Młociny (2008)]] 36 – nieistniejąca linia tramwajowa zwykła, która kursowała z Metra Marymont do Metra Wilanowska. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmowało jej około 55 minut, a kursowała co 10 minut w godzinach szczytu i co 15 minut poza szczytem i w dni wolne.
  • 36 was a year in the 1st century.
  • #36 is the thirty-sixth song written by Dave Matthews for his band. Matthews wrote it after anti-apartheid campaigner Chris Hani was assassinated in South Africa. At the onset of the Everyday sessions, with Glen Ballard, they evolved the song into into Everyday. Since the songs evolution into Everyday, Dave has been interpolating the lyrics from 36 into the bridge of Everyday. This is called the 36 interpolation or 36 outro. An example of this interpolation is on the live release The Gorge.
  • This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 36.
  • El treinta y seis (36) es el número natural que sigue al treinta y cinco y precede al treinta y siete. Categoría:Números
  • Julians Überredungsbemühungen schlagen fehl und Diana schmeißt ihn wütend aus der Wohnung. Darüber ist Simone alles andere als erfreut, denn die Zukunft des Konzerns hängt nun am seidenen Faden. Nach Julian beauftragt sie deshalb Mike, Diana zur Fortführung ihrer Karriere zu überreden. Von Opa Lutz wird Mike über Dianas Vergangenheit aufgeklärt. Mit diesem Wissen macht Mike sich auf den Weg zu ihr. Da Annette Roman und Andrew in einer eindeutigen Situation beobachtet hat, fürchtet Roman öffentlich geoutet zu werden. Mit Argusaugen verfolgt Ben die wachsende Freundschaft zwischen Vanessa und Tim. Vanessa bildet sich ein, dass Tim ihr mehr vertraut als jedem anderen. Ihre Schwärmerei führt zum Streit mit Ben, in dessen Verlauf sie ein unfreiwilliges Geständnis macht.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "36" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Pedro Borbon Jr. (2000) * Bill Caudill (1985-1986) * Don Cooper (1983) * Bob File (2001-2002, 2004) * Jerry Garvin (1977-1982) * Darren Hall (1994-1995) * Marty Janzen (1996-1997) * Kevin Mench (2008) * Francisco Rosario (2006) * Jamie Vermilyea (2007) * David Wells (1987-1992)
  • Kursowała po takiej samej trasie jak obecna i przezreformowa linia 6. Na czas kursowania linii 36 linia nr 6 nie była wskrzeszana na innej trasie. Została zlikwidowana 31 sierpnia 2007 kiedy to została przywrócona linia nr 6.
  • Victoria tells Elizabeth that she's leaving Collinwood while an eavesdropping David listens. Vicky recounts David's words to Elizabeth. Elizabeth tells Victoria she understands the governess' fear of the little devil, but that she is frightened for the evil one. Elizabeth is evasive about her reason for wanting Victoria to stay, but she tells Victoria that she chooses to keep her here because she's no longer a stranger. Victoria thinks, given David's feelings for her, someone else might be better. Victoria presses but Elizabeth holds out. Sam calls for Roger, who's not home, and leaves a cryptic hang-up. Roger's at the diner and he's pissed that Sam called Collinwood. Roger orders Sam not to paint Burke's portrait. Sam and Roger have a secret that's 10 years old; Sam regrets what he did to Burke at that time. David is chagrined when Victoria agrees to stay; Elizabeth purports it's so Carolyn can leave that Victoria should stay. David announces himself and boldly reiterates his threat in front of Elizabeth. Elizabeth attempts to use reason with him; Victoria goes to a movie. Elizabeth and David hug as she vows to protect him; Roger comes in and is rude to the devil. Sam and Victoria talk about the middle of things, which Victoria hates and Sam prefers. Roger and Elizabeth fight about the future of Collinwood and, of course, David. Elizabeth places a call to Ned Calder in Portland.
  • The number 36 has an intimate connection to the number 6. Six, multiplied by it's self equals 36. Multiply 36 by 6 again and the result is 216. 36x12=432, and 432 is 216x2. Adding every number from 1 through 36 yields 666. The Magic Square of the Sun (see image) numbers from 1 through 36. Each of it's rows and columns, as well as the diagonals, add to 111. Six (row or columns) multiplied by 111 equals 666. There is also a connection here with the number 74 as there are 9 "squares" (4 numbers at each corner of a square or rectangle arrangment of numbers from this grid) which add to 74, and 9x74=666.
  • 36 is a number. It is double 18, and can be gotten several ways.
  • The number 36 was not generally used in English league football until the introduction of squad numbers into the club game. This was initially done by the Premier League in 1993, followed by the Football League in 1999. It was first worn by a Rovers player when Marcus Andreasson returned to the club towards then end of the 1999–00 season. He had begun the campaign with Rovers, but after a spell playing in Sweden the 15 shirt which had been allocated to him was now being worn by Vitālijs Astafjevs, forcing the club to issue him with a new number until the end of the season. N.B. Nationality is defined as the country represented by a player at any level of international football, or their country of birth if they have never played internationally.The only exception to this is Marcus Andreasson, who was born in Liberia, but who holds a Swedish passport a League games (+substitute appearances) played and goals scored while wearing the number 36. * Number of league games played between the start of the 1999–00 season and 25 April 2012: 596 * Number of appearances by players wearing number 36: 40 * Percentage of Rovers games featuring a number 36: 6.7%
  • 36 (thirty-six) is a positive integer following 35 and preceding 37. Its ordinal form is written "thirty-sixth" or "36th".
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 36 (May 29, 2009) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book) Ahoy-oy! [may be Slovak. HELP!- ed.] Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses . Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen): If SpongeBob Squarepants was a woman, would his boobs be called cubes? That Guy: (with his back to screen right, he turns to the camera) That's a very good question. Actually, no. They would still be called "boobs." They would just be called... "Spongeboobs." / [indicates a jump cut] And thus, his name would be changed to Spongeboob Squarepants. / (points pipe at camera) In fact, they should do that to increase their viewership. / Have Spongebob go in to have a sex change, / cut off his square penis and replace it with a square vagina, / and have him walk around having conversations about who's TRULY spongeworthy. / But you don't have to call him Spongeboob Squarepants if you don't want to. / There's PLENTY of other names you can call him: / like "SpongeBRA Squarepants," / "SpongeBOX Sqaurepants," / or Vanessa. (pauses) Because that's a nice name. / I just farted. Narrator: My toaster asked me to stick my hand in it while it was still hot. What should I do? That Guy: (back to right and turn) Have you thought about consulting the microwave? / Microwaves are often VERY intelligent. / I know a microwave who just graduated from Harvard. / (looks up, almost disgusted) Or at least he would if he didn't fall in love with that blender. / (Points pipe at camera) Never trust blenders, people. (pauses) They are sluts. / And especially don't try to make LOVE to a blender. / (leans in a little) Because when you try to turn it on,'ll regret it. / (hesitantly with mouth quivering) My penis looks like Kibbles 'n Bits. (looking worried, he smokes while staring down off-screen) Narrator: Why did Jack go up the hill with Jill since he had a crown and was so obviously a king? Why didn't he just get a servant to go up the hill with Jill and get the water? That Guy: (back to right and turn) Because Jack was having an affair with Jill, / and on the hill was the only place where they could do it and not get caught. / And, actually, "Fetch a pail of water" is really the CODE phrase for... "Let's fuck like monkeys." / Think about it. If I said the phrase like this: / "Let's go fetch a pail of water." / You wouldn't think anything of it, but if I said it like this: / (standing closer to the camera and smiling, with the standard erotic music playing, he nods and speaks in a deeper and obviously-altered tone) "Let's go fetch a pail of water." (gives a small smooch) / You would be like, "Hey. THIS person wants to make love." / Very horny love. / (whispers) The best kind. (holds still a few seconds then briefly raises his eyebrows) Narrator: What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? That Guy: Batman hangs the Joker upside down, and they talk ethics. / I know that doesn't SOUND right, but I saw it in a movie somewhere. / (looks up for a bit) Terms of Endearment, I believe it was. / Yes. Narrator: How do you ask a question that will be on your show? That Guy: You just did it, asshole. Next! Narrator: Can you see me? That Guy: (chuckles) I can see you ALL. / I see you when you're sleeping. / I know when you're awake. / I know if you've been bad or good. / (in an altered, deeper, and demonic demeanor; PLUS closer to the camera) SO BE GOOD FOR GOODNESS SAKE! / OR I WILL DESTROY YOU! (finishes with a horrifying look) / (back in his normal position, he laughs for a bit, suddenly stops, and swtiches his facial expression to one of surprise) Narrator: Yesterday, I planned to go to Africa; but my trip was canceled. Where is the god damn question? That Guy: (back to right and turn) Have you tried looking behind the fridge? / I find whenever I lose something, it's often behind the fridge. / One time, I looked behind the fridge; and I found Amelia Earhart, Bigfoot, and Jimmy Hoffa. / (chuckle) And I slaughtered the lot / because they asked me why they were tied up and behind my fridge. / (chuckles) I get so tired of answering that question, so I KILL things. (pauses) People, usually. / (looks up) I tell a lie. (at camera) ALWAYS. / Drink your milk. Narrator: I found a cat with whipped cream at the mouth. Should I keep it? That Guy: I'd say that's the only sensible thing to do. / After all, if he has whipped cream at the mouth, that CAN'T be incredibly healthy for him. / But you know what makes cats like that feel better? Kisses. LOTS and LOTS of kisses. / And if he starts scratching or biting at you, that just means he wants to be kissed more. / (chuckle) I've known so many people who've kissed their animals who've had whipped cream at the mouth. / And, for some reason, they all died. / (looks up a bit) I THINK it was the swine flu. That stuff is dangerous. (raises his eyebrows) Narrator: Are you my conscience? That Guy: (looks to his right, formulating) Yes. / And right now, your conscience wants you to take ALL your money and give it to me. / Why? Because your conscience said so; / and your conscience is always right. / Remember the song that damn cricket sang: / "The Circle of Life." / THAT'S what it's all about. / That and money, / which you will give me at once / so that I can buy you and own you forever. / And I will be happy. / (hushed tone) And rich. / (smiles and raises his brows again) Narrator: How could you type with boxing gloves on? That Guy: Indeed. How could you? (pauses, then in an angry voice:) HOW COULD YOU? / This is That Guy With The Glasses saying, "There's no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it." (winks at the camera and then returns to reading his book) THE END
  • #36 is the thirty-sixth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 36 (linia tramwajowa, nocna) podobnie jak wszystkie linie nocne we Wrocławiu zlikwidowana z dniem 1 września 2003, została zastąpiona przez nocny autobus 257. Linia kursowała z Grabiszynka na Osobowice.
  • Blue Agent 36 FIELD AGENT AKA: 36 AGE: 30 HEIGHT: 5'7" HAIR: brown/black EYES: Brown DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: burn scars on arms, bullet scar on left leg STRENGTHS: Arson, bombs, bomb defusion, dealing with Agent Lapis WEAKNESSES: pyromania, impulse control, machism. has a tendency to cause trouble to Agent Lapis LANGUAGES: Spanish, English PERSONALITY: self destructive, implusive Notes: HIGHLY unstable unless paired with Agent Lapis and/or Agent Gumshoe. Undiagnosable mental illness. however is highly skilled at what he does.
  • 36 is the ninth track on SOAD's third studio release Steal This Album!. It holds the record for the shortest song the band has ever released, running at 46 seconds long. This song has a few demo versions including: * .36 from the 1997 Demo Tape 4 * Your Own Pace from the Toxicity II leaked tracks Curiously the song lists some numerological facts not announced by the band, putting the official release of the previous albums before "Steal this Album" , the song " 36" is in fact the 36th music, and being the 9th album's song, 3+6=9.
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