  • Jame Flynn meets parry the platipus
  • Isabella: whatcha doin'? Crystal: whatcha doin'? Phineas: I'm making blueprints for a laser.... Inator,I dunno why, I just have a feeling it'll help us someday. James (agenst the tree): im making a- *falls into Perry's lair* Monogram: Go Perry.............A BOYS IN THE LAIR! * Perry hides* James: cool battle-suit, major 4000gigawat sensor tv, hover-jet, a lot of spy stuff. * James finds Perry* James: Perry? Perry (with spy hat): *gulp* * Brandon taps on something and pops back to Phineas* Phineas: where did you go? James: Perry's a secret agent! Isabella: is that it? *points to a shovel* James: why?
  • Isabella: whatcha doin'? Crystal: whatcha doin'? Phineas: I'm making blueprints for a laser.... Inator,I dunno why, I just have a feeling it'll help us someday. James (agenst the tree): im making a- *falls into Perry's lair* Monogram: Go Perry.............A BOYS IN THE LAIR! * Perry hides* James: cool battle-suit, major 4000gigawat sensor tv, hover-jet, a lot of spy stuff. * James finds Perry* James: Perry? Perry (with spy hat): *gulp* * Brandon taps on something and pops back to Phineas* Phineas: where did you go? James: Perry's a secret agent! Phineas: Ferb, get the shovel, james has gone insane again. Isabella: is that it? *points to a shovel* Phineas: where did James go this time? * everyone looks for james* James (on the street): where is Baljeet? Baljeet: hello James? James: whatcha doin', hey, I just sounded like Crystal and Isabella AT DOOFENSHMIRTZ EVIL INCORPORATED Doof: where's Perry the platypus? Wait, is that Planty the potted plant? *Planty hits Doof* AT THE STREET James: soooooo, what ARE you doing? Baljeet: hiding from Isabella and Phineas. James: why? Baljeet: I stole one of phineas' blueprints. James: *grabs the blueprints* Baljeet: man. James: -_- why would you steal a blueprint? Baljeet: *lots of pointless tech talking about a portal to venus* James: to much info! Crystal: whatcha talking about? James: Crystal and Isabella are behind me, aren't they? Baljeet: Crystal is, and Isabella's coming with the fireside girls. James: do you mind distracting them while I run away? Baljeet: ok. *distracts 'em* * James runs away* * James falls in a hole and lands in Perry's lair again* Monogram: HE'S BACK! Perry: *chatters* James: uuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm * James wakes up from a dream* Phineas: *yawns* what woke you up James? James: *looks around* hmm, I'm not crazy after all. Ferb: what is he talking about? Phineas: I don't know ferb *yawns* but let's go eat some breakfast. James: oh there you are perry. Perry: *chatters*