  • Irish Whiskey
  • Irish whiskey
  • Jimbo Johnson turned to Irish Whiskey after the deaths of four of his comraeds from Ice Station Delta. Shako lapped up some of the liquid and got drunk.
  • Irish whiskey was an Earth alcoholic beverage, a whiskey originating from Ireland. Single malt Irish whiskey was served at Miles O'Brien's birthday party in 2373. (DS9: "The Assignment") Miles O'Brien shared an Irish whiskey with Worf after Jadzia Dax was slain by Gul Dukat in 2374. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")
  • Dermot Cusack and Christopher Pike consumed some Irish Whiskey whilst they went over personnel files, selecting the crew for Pike's new command, the USS Enterprise. (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh") In 2373, Keiko O'Brien (who was inhabited by a pah-wraith at the time) gave Miles O'Brien a neat single malt Irish whiskey during his birthday party. (DS9 episode: "The Assignment")
  • Jimbo Johnson turned to Irish Whiskey after the deaths of four of his comraeds from Ice Station Delta. Shako lapped up some of the liquid and got drunk.
  • Irish whiskey was an Earth alcoholic beverage, a whiskey originating from Ireland. Single malt Irish whiskey was served at Miles O'Brien's birthday party in 2373. (DS9: "The Assignment") Miles O'Brien shared an Irish whiskey with Worf after Jadzia Dax was slain by Gul Dukat in 2374. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")
  • Dermot Cusack and Christopher Pike consumed some Irish Whiskey whilst they went over personnel files, selecting the crew for Pike's new command, the USS Enterprise. (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh") In 2373, Keiko O'Brien (who was inhabited by a pah-wraith at the time) gave Miles O'Brien a neat single malt Irish whiskey during his birthday party. (DS9 episode: "The Assignment")