  • Lunar Landing Hoax
  • There are some dumbasses in the world who think man never landed on the moon. While it stands to reason that anyone, liberal, conservative and otherwise who believe in this hoax should be unconditionally labeled as an obscene retard, it turns out that only conservatives believe in this myth, and not a single liberal on the planet is dumb enough to fall for this, mainly because liberals are intelligent and conservatives are not. For this reason, it is estimated that nearly a third of the world's population believes in this crap. Fuck them.
  • There are some dumbasses in the world who think man never landed on the moon. While it stands to reason that anyone, liberal, conservative and otherwise who believe in this hoax should be unconditionally labeled as an obscene retard, it turns out that only conservatives believe in this myth, and not a single liberal on the planet is dumb enough to fall for this, mainly because liberals are intelligent and conservatives are not. For this reason, it is estimated that nearly a third of the world's population believes in this crap. Fuck them.