  • One Piece/Headscratchers
  • Funniest. Description. Ever. Also, he was voiced by the same guy who did InuYasha and Mouse. * Something that quite bugged me while reading through some old mangas: Skypieans really have wings, or those things are actually accessories? And, being one thing or another, why do Shandians have wings, too? * Yes, they really have wings. If you read Enel's Cover Story you'll find out that the ancestors of the Shandians; the Shandorians, along with the Skypeians and Bilkans originally came from the Moon. * It's possible that the wings are a vestigial feature. Humans don't have tails, but we still have a tailbone. * Which is used to support the muscles that keep us from pooping our pants! * Also, on a related note... why does Gan Fall not have wings? Both the Skypeians and Shan
  • Funniest. Description. Ever. Also, he was voiced by the same guy who did InuYasha and Mouse. * Something that quite bugged me while reading through some old mangas: Skypieans really have wings, or those things are actually accessories? And, being one thing or another, why do Shandians have wings, too? * Yes, they really have wings. If you read Enel's Cover Story you'll find out that the ancestors of the Shandians; the Shandorians, along with the Skypeians and Bilkans originally came from the Moon. * It's possible that the wings are a vestigial feature. Humans don't have tails, but we still have a tailbone. * Which is used to support the muscles that keep us from pooping our pants! * Also, on a related note... why does Gan Fall not have wings? Both the Skypeians and Shandians have wings, but Gan Fall does not. Neither do the Priests of Enel. Why?! * Do we ever see Gan Fall without his armor? Wings might just be tucked in there... * He takes off his armor after the Skypiea arc ends, but he doesn't seem to have wings under his robe. * After Luffy, Zoro and Sanji have their shadows taken by Gekko Moriah, why is it that, though they indeed don't drop a shadow onto the ground, they still drop a shadow on themselves? for example, in a close up of Luffy, his nose clearly drops a shadow on his face, and on a shot of Zoro, his torso indeed drops a shadow onto his arm. Sounds like a clear overlook, if you ask me. * There may be difference between a single object shadow and a full body shadow. What Moriah took was the full body shadow or the shadow that the full body casts. The shadow on the ground represents them, not the shadow that is on their neck or on their nose since that shadow itself is the shadow of the nose, not the whole body. It's a separate shadow to be exact. They are not connected to the main body shadow which is the one that is connected and copies the body. Also, there is such thing as Overshadowing. * Is it not outright stated, however, that having your shadow taken means an existence outside of light or something to that effect? I always assumed that in that condition, light simply passes right through you and therefore you have no shadow and cast no reflection in the mirror. So technically, one should also not cast any shadown on themselves. However, they should also not be visible, as light is a requirement for vision, and an object that reflects no light is either invisible or an impossibly deep black. As such, it may be best to just file this issue under "Things that utterly maim the laws of physics in One Piece" and leave it at that. * But if it really worked like that, then they would also be invisible, since an image is created by light bouncing off an object and being read by the eye. Here's my explanation: it's MAGIC! * * It's possible that only "direct" sunlight at "full strength" can harm a person who has had his or her shadow stolen. Even though sunlight is almost never completely absent, even when blocked by the clouds of the Florian Triangle, it probably doesn't do a thing unless it's completely sunny out. Also, it doesn't look like artificial light or the light from fire does all that much either, as the zombies and Zoro, Luffy and Sanji were still in tact in Moriah's castle when brightly lit by candles or lightbulbs. Though, the zombies ARE afraid of fire... but that might be just because it's "really hot." * When you think about it, why couldn't you see the inside of Brook's skull if there was no shadow in there? * because A) this is ONE PIECE, and physicics are already treated more like suggestions, and B) devil fruits are magic, and therefore unexplainable * If Nico Robin is such a threat to the WG that they would put a bounty on her head since the age of 8 due to possible nasty secrets she'd be able to decipher about the WG, why didn't Dragon the Revolutionary pick her up before the events of the story? * I don't think she trusted anyone at that point, and would rather make it on her own ability to manipulate people, because the people she DID trust and thought were nice always turned her in. Not to mention Dragon probably has so much on his plate GLOBALLY that it isn't surprising one eight year old girl slipped by. Not to mention I doubt they put "Has skills that are an enormous threat to the stability of the world government, and might be helpful to revolutionaries" on her bounty poster. * Two possible explanations: either he hadn't operated on the first half of the Grand Line yet, or she had reasons to trust his agents even less than everyone else. As far as we can guess, Dragon is not a good guy. * And the various villainous characters she's been working for, including Crocodile, were so much better? * But she was in control (or so she thought) in those situations. She could use 'em and leave 'em. Doubt an entire revolutionary movement based on ideals that she wasn't concerned with would have taken kindly to that. * "Not being any different" is enough. And we can suppose, that were easier to betray and get away with this, as she presumably always did (until Crocodile, who saw straight through her intentions from the beginning). * This has been answered. It's not through lack of trying: Dragon's forces have been looking for her for years. They even call her "The Light of the Revolution". * It was stated that the information released to the public was that she is "a demon child who sank Buster Call ship with her demon powers" (in reality it was Sakazuki that sank the ships) rather than "a scholar who can read a dead language that can resurrect a WMD" * If one didn't eat an entire Devil Fruit, just split it in half and shared with a buddy, would the effects still be exactly the same as if you'd eaten a whole one? Or what about if you only took one bite? * Word of God states that you only need to take one bite of the Devil Fruit to gain its powers. Also, Oda said that the same Devil Fruit powers can exist in different people in different times... but not at once. So no, two people can't have the same Devil Fruit power at the same time. Presumably, the first person to swallow that one piece of fruit would be the person the gain the power (even if they ate it at the same time, one person would most likely swallow it a "millisecond" or two before the other did), and the other person would just end up with a bad taste in his or her mouth (because the Devil Fruits taste terrible). * But would Person Two still sink like a rock, even with no powers? * No, person two would stay the same as they were. The second person would be eating the fruit as if it were just a regular fruit. A regular fruit that tastes really horrible. Only the first person who ate the fruit or swallowed it first will have all pros and cons of the devil fruit. * If Sanji has to go on a big, huge quest to find the All Blue, who does he expect his customer base to be? Rich people who happen upon the all blue and don;t have a 5-star chef? People who got stuck there? That people will sail a path to his door once he starts a restaurant in a place that is mythically hard to find? Or did he just hear Zeff talk about it so much that he just never thought it through? * It's fanon that states he wants to stay there and open a restaurant. The restaurant was ZEFF's dream, not his. Sanji just want's to prove it exists. After they find it, he's still gonna be cook for the Strawhats after all! Like Luffy would let him quit, and like he'd want to. * His dream is basically to be able to make a great meal from the sea life found there. Nothing about opening up a restaurant or anything like that. * So what the Hell is with the Tashigi/Kuina thing? Did Kuina bring herself back to life with sheer will and just come back to life somewhere else in the world? Is it just a pointless coincidence made to tick Zoro off and isn't going anywhere? * IMO, the evidence is in favor the former, although those with an opinion on the subject seem to prefer the latter. Not sure why, though; the first one is more epic and suits the story more. (Plus, come on, it would eventually be pure Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, and Oda never resists a chance to pull those.) * Evidence? Tashigi doesn't even have the same DREAM as Kuina. And if it was will bringing her back from the dead, then it would probably be in relation to that ever so important promise, wouldn't it? I think Oda's stated (but don't hold me to this, I heard it from someone else!) that they aren't the same person, and I think it's meant to be a coincidence that keeps Zoro from killing her in the first fight. * That may be because Back From the Dead is a common Pet Peeve Trope. It wouldn't necessarily be bad if it's built up well and is a single really special occasion rather than to pull a cheap drama trick, though. * Where the latter got placed in the Sorting Algorithm of Deadness doesn't help. Unless, of course, that part was intentional to throw off a majority of the readership.... * I, personally, disregard the above. MY NAKAMA-SHIP OTP CANNOT DIIIIE. ZORO SHOULDN'T HAVE TO WORK TO FULFILL THE PROMISE ALOOOONE. THAT KIND OF THING IS THE HEART OF THE STOOORRRYYY. * In the manga, the viewer can actually see Kuina's body at her wake, which makes it harder to claim that she's just hiding and possibly amnesiac. * I agreed with you until we found out that in the OP universe, a pregnant woman could hold a baby in her stomach for 2 years. Now I've utterly given up on trying to apply logic to this story. (other than that, no solid opinion on this.) * Stomach? * Damn. This is controversial. Can I say "I don't claim to know where this story is going, and neither should you?" * This troper always figured it was just a matter of Kuina and Tashigi being twin sisters who were separated at birth. Unless Oda has said otherwise in an SBS, I'll continue to believe that. * Unfortunately, in a recent Q&A done by Viz for the American Shonen Jump magazine, Oda did say that it was indeed a coincidence, and even explicitly said that there's not going to be any backstory where she turns out to be Kunia's sister or anything like that. * What do you mean by "unfortunately"? Do you have any clue how relieved This Troper was to read that? The uncertainty around the whole deal was bugging me for way too long; it's good to hear something that makes all the fan speculation void, even if it's a little disappointing. * When Kumadori escapes from the fridge, he seems to have gained about three hundred pounds. Chopper then says something about how he's never seen anyone who could do that. The heck? Did he forget about someone? I think his name was Monkey D. Luffy. Even Usopp has been shown to be capable of acts of extreme gluttony. Of course, Chopper isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but still, spending several weeks, at least, traveling with Luffy's group and forgetting about Luffy's gluttony is a personal best when it comes to stupidity. * You gotta remember that Luffy has a stomach made out of rubber, so eating until he becomes a huge balloon is easy for him, but for a human without Devil Fruit powers (such as Kumadori), this act is seen as completely implausible, so I think we'd all be surprised to see something like that happen when the consumer in question isn't made out of rubber. * Also, it wasn't that Kumadori ATE all of that... it was that he PROCESSED IT INTO BODY FAT so quickly. His stomach wasn't just bulging, his whole body was heavier and his face was much more fat too. * Does this bug anyone else, throughout the Crocodile arc, the Marines and World Government were good, if not slightly incompetent people for the most part. Smoker was even introduced as a Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Then suddenly they are the most evil organization ever, with a serious evil upgrade. CP9 and Impel Down in particular, that and Smoker's role has been reduced to that of Cameo appearances, seriously he fought against Ace and kicked Luffy's ass. So what is up, with the sudden mood shift? * Smoker is SUPPOSED to be sorta maverick. See the end of the arc when the WG completely buries Smoker's report, to his fury, and promotes him rather than admit they screwed up. That entire bit alludes to the problems they'd have in the future with the WG. Not to mention, Smoker is disregarding orders even BEING there chasing Strawhat. * It's probably because 1) The story has gotten darker and 2) Smoker has to share screen-time with Loads and Loads of Characters, and we haven't gotten to the part where his role in the story is huge. Also, there are plenty of good people in the World Government (Smoker, Tashigi, Hina, Coby, etc.) but the government itself being deeply corrupt has been firmly established ever since the Arlong Arc. * The World Government didn't really feature much in the beginning of the story, so not much can really be said about how "good" or "evil" they were back then. And even in Alabasta, the lost history was mentioned, dropping the first hints about the true nature of the WG. As for the Marines, while their ideals are righteous, they've had many corrupt members from the very start. Consider Morgan, Fullbody (who may not have been so much corrupt as he was a total jerk) and Nezumi. In fact, I believe Smoker and Tashigi were the first significant Marine characters to be portrayed as truly good people. * Though this troper thought the implied baby-killing in the latest chapter was pushing it. * The Marines are not the World Government and don’t include Cipher Pol or the guards of Impel Down among their ranks, they are subordinate to the World Government. If the Marines and Impel Down guards appear “evil”, keep in mind what most Pirates in the series are actually like. That aside, it is heavily implied that lower-ranked Marines are more concerned with protecting people from magical fruit-powered villains who would rape, pillage and plunder all of the world’s oceans if only given the chance while higher-ranked Marines are often put in position to defend the very corrupt and ancient institution that is the World Government which having obtained near-absolute power (only partially-balanced out by Pirates of all things), would like to keep it. * If Magellan's diarrhea is bothering him so much (because of his love for poisoned food because of the poison poison fruit), then why doesn't he just use seastone accesories or jewelry or whatever to cancel out his ability when he doesn't need it? * Sea Stone doesn't just negate powers, it sucks the energy out of Fruit users. * I don't think Seastone negates powers at all. It saps energy and makes users far more vulnerable. But the only thing shown to NEGATE powers so far is Blackbeard's power. For instance, in the seastone cage in alabasta, Luffy was still rubber, just really weak. * Depends. Nico Robin was able to move just fine and even resist her arrest to a certain degree. * Sea Stone does negate the power to an extent on which type of fruit you have and also will weaken them. Sea Stone can't negate "perpetually-active" fruits like paramecia, where the power is always on and can't be turned off, like Luffy's or Alvida's. Powers that require conscious activation (ex. Robin, Mr. 3, Buggy, etc.) can and will be negated by simply touching Sea stone, since the power is not always on. Magellan can be assumed to be an "active" paramecia where his poison abilities are always active despite Sea Stone, since he has a poisonous breath. * When has this been mentioned or shown? Luffy bled when he was hit by Blackbeard, who has devil-fruit-negating powers, as hard as if it were a normal heavy punch for a normal person, instead of absorbing the blow with his rubber body (chapter 544). * The SBS talks about Devil Fruits and several obvious points from when Luffy was submerged under water and other parts of the manga. Also, Blackbeard=\=Seastones. Blackbeard ROBS the DF user of their power when he touches them. Seastones WEAKENS the DF user to the point of no strength to think or move if it is pure seastone, well, the "active" DF powers at least. As for Logia and non-active paramecia, they are completely negated. Note, Luffy was underwater during Arlong Park Arc, yet he stretched. Seastone=The Sea. Therefore Luffy can still stretch by outside forces even if he is touching seastone. Seastone seems to have no effect on negating active Paramecia powers, only the energy of the user. Non-active Paramecia, Logia and maybe Zoan all have different rules it seems, due to different natures of the categories. But one can guess that it depends on how much Seastone is used and where it is being used like in handcuffs or nets. Blackbeard is a different case since his completely takes away the DF power but does not rob the user of strength. * If he used Seastone to cancel out his abilities when he doesn't need them, then the massive amounts of poison in his body thanks to all the poisoned food he eats would kill him. * I'd imagine that the poison immunity function is always on. Just like I doubt that you would instakill Buggy with a seastone net; there's probably two levels to those types of fruit, one that allows one to do something through the fruit power (like split apart and levitate body parts) and another that renders one immune from the obvious side-effects of the power (like dying from being split apart). Just the same that I'd figure slapping Buggy with seastone cuffs would simply paralyze him and render him unable to split apart or to float/control split off body parts rather than causing him to bleed out from being dismembered, Magellan's power probably protects him from poison regardless of seastone. Remember, from what we've seen, Paramecia fruits often make permanent changes to the user's body that aren't nullified by total immersion in seawater. They may be unable to activate their powers, but the passive benefits would still stay. For another example, look at Brook, who is able to survive immersion in water despite being literally alive only due to his power. * The other guards in Impel Down have commented on this, it seems to be just his thing. * instead of these complicated means (which probably wont work in the first place, and are way more likely to hinder him) wouldn't it be easier to stop eating those poisons? it's not like he has to. * Just what do the Admirals do when they're not on-screen? They seem capable of curb stomping just about anybody short of a Four Emperors, and yet they apparently spend all their time at HQ (note the comment that the Celestial Dragons being so close to HQ meant that when they call for an admiral, "it could be anyone"). So in an age of rampant piracy, the most ridiculously powerful assets to the forces of law are doing paperwork and guard duty back at the base? Perhaps it will become the case, current events being what they are, but it's rather baffling that the Straw Hats don't have at least a Vice Admiral or two permanently assigned to tracking them and taking them down. * Admirals do whatever they want, as long as it is near the Marine HQ so they can be summoned on short notices. That is assuming that they have to stay near the HQ to protect the base in case of an attack that is a force to reckon with. Of course, all vice admirals are also probably spread apart in different areas, and the Marine HQ don't have time to waste a vice admiral just on one pirate crew. In short, Admirals and Vice-Admirals probably don't waste their time on just single small pirate crews, but possible higher-threat level crews. Also, the Marine HQ is pinned down with Whitebeard, the rest of the Four Emperors and the revolutionaries. So why tire your best forces on petty pirate crews or trivial matters? Even if they were sent to deal with problems with the world, there are just too many and some well undercover. * ...I'm sorry, but a pirate crew that defeated two out of seven Warlords of the Sea, their supporting organizations and the World Government's top unit of assassins and then declared war on the World Government is a trivial matter? * It is compared to executing the son of the former Pirate King and potentially killing the strongest man/pirate in the world who is also said to be closest to One Piece and is also one of the Four Emperors who's strength is equal to that of the entire Marine HQ + the Seven Warlords of the Sea. * Also, I get the sense that the world is absolutely hugemongous, with a million islands and a million acres of Red Line land. Crazy powerful admirals are leaders, symbols, and commanders well before they become front-line fighters. * I guess the argument holds for Aokiji and Akainu who needs to travel by rather conventional means (vehicles), but couldn't Kizaru just use his light speed to hop around in mid air? * they probably do send them out on imortant buisness from time to time, they only have to ake sure that one is in/near HQ at all times. * What would happen if a merman ate a devil fruit? I assume he'd be unable to swim, but could he still breathe in water? Also, what if a human ate a fish-type zoan fruit? If he couldn't swim or breathe in water, that would be like the most useful Devil Fruit ever. * Question was asked several times. Unless a fish-type Zoan appears or a Fishman (Merman and fishmen are different) who ate a devil fruit appears, we won't know. Look around more to find some theories of that matter. * And now we have an answer. Van Der Decken, a Fishman that is heavily implied (not outright stated, but all the circumstances leave absolutely no other interpretation) to have eaten the Mato Mato Fruit. When underwater, he covers his whole upper body with a diving bubble, and is reluctant to stick his hand out for a handshake without a glove on. He seems to have the same water weakness as all the other Fruit eaters. * The glove thing prevents him from using his target powers. He needs to touch someone or something to do it. * Emporio Ivankov. Just Emporio Ivankov. I am aware of Oda's Author Appeal for Designated Girl Fights. But I manage, since it never hurt the series. I can even manage how Califfa was pretty much Chickified in order to make Nami keep up with her. But Emporio Ivankov just makes me want to scratch my eyes out. * ...because he used his powers to fight? It's very possible that Ivankov transformed just to humiliate Sadi-chan. * And it's probably supposed to be a little badass and subversive that Iva fought as a woman. Remember, this series has brought up the issue of women not being as physically strong as men for the most part a few times; it's actually pretty refreshing to portray a character who'd sometimes prefer being a woman during a fight, and embraces both his/her masculinity and femininity. The unabashed love he has for both his maleness and femaleness is why Iva is awesome. * I believe its less for the fight to be a Designated Girl Fight, and more because Iva-chan just likes changing genders at random. One minute he's a rather disturbing-looking man, the next she's a hot woman. Iva-chan doesn't believe himself to be a man or woman, but both. It's more what she believes to be more aesthetically pleasing at any moment, at least in my opinion. * I think Oda did the designated girl fight just for fun, as a way of invoking and playing it for laughs. * Is actually stated (in the anime at least) that Iwa san's female body is much "softer" and thus more flexible, allowing him-ehm, her to fight better. * How did Ace's mother stay pregnant for twice a human gestation period?. Unless she somehow stopped him from growing entirely, he would have been stillborn. Special Technique my ass. * Part elephant...? But to be serious it probably won't be touched on other than willpower allowing you to do crazy things in One Piece, knowing Oda's attitudes to questions like this. * One Manga forums cite that the longest pregnancy on record in the real world was just over a year. Also, we're reading fiction. * Somehow it doesn't seem more unusual than a guy surviving being caught in the middle of an explosion that was supposed to destroy everything within 5 kilometers. This is the One Piece universe. Anything is possible. * One, she's a D. Two, we already have canon examples of bodies perverting the laws of physics (and biology and etc.), Life Return anyone? * Uterus Uterus fruit, obviously. "And Roger told me this fruit would be useless!" * Maybe she was the previous eater of the Gum-Gum Fruit, so when she died, it went to the place somewhere for Shanks to find it. * I thought she simply used Haki or something like that to "slow down" the growth of Ace. * You ask yourself how she did something impossible for human beings, in a show about a pirate with a body out of rubber where everyone is made of iron? * Okay, so the three powers that control the One Piece world are the Marines, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the Four Emperors. So where do Dragon's forces fit into the whole thing? * They don't. That's why they're called revolutionaries. * I guess it's true that they don't fit in. I am still curious as to just how powerful they are compared to the other groups, considering that Dragon was considered a potential threat in five or six years time...about six years ago. * Those three powers balance each other militarily and at a high level. It’s the World Government that employs 2 of those 3 (yes, the Marines and Warlords are of equal rank, I think this is supposed to demonstrate how corrupt the World Government is) and has a near-absolute monopoly of power. The Revolutionaries directly oppose this power, bypassing the Marines and Seven Warlords altogether, as well as the corrupt countries that form the World Government. * So Garp in his prime was a match for Pirate King Gold Roger himself (or at least was strong enough to almost catch him a few times). He's even considered a "legend". And he has a personal rapport with the head of the Marines. So why is he only a Vice-admiral? Is it explained somewhere why he was held back? Is it because he doesn't have the Game Breaker power of a Logia fruit? Because it seems to me that being able to throw cannonballs like they were baseballs is plenty powerful for an Admiral. * Garp has been offered promotions from Vice Admiral (at least as far back as when Aokiji was just a Vice Admiral himself) dating back to before Roger turns himself in and he has always turned them down explaining he doesn’t need a higher rank to do whatever he wants. * This sort of thing is explained by Smoker after the Alabasta arc; there are plenty of people just as strong as him who are ranked higher, the implication being that in the grand scheme of things, titles are meaningless. * Maybe they're actually stronger than Garp/Roger. Garp fought with Roger when he was young, and probably the actual admirals were still too young to even think about touching Roger. As time passed, they got stronger, and the Logia fruit power gave them a leap in power big enough to make them surpass Garp. * Did you miss the part where Silvers Rayleigh, Gold Roger's subordinate (which means he was probably weaker than Roger) fended off Kizaru by himself? It doesn't make sense for the Admirals to be stronger than Roger if a subordinate of the former can fend one of them off. * Rayleigh just fended off Kizaru for a few minutes. Kizaru probably didn't use his full power at the time since he was just being forced to capture some weak pirates for the nobles, capturing Rayleigh wasn't his objective, and clearly wasn't taking the job very seriously. If he fought at full power, Rayleigh might not have a chance to win the fight. * But remember, by that time Rayleigh was an old drunk and ship coater who probably hadn't seriously fought in years, so was probably a little rusty, and Kizaru was a much younger man. In his prime, he most likely could have beaten any of the Admirals one-on-one. Also, I believe the fact that Garp is only a Vice-Admiral being more politically motivated than his strength. Remember, he's got a rather... abrasive personality, and is the father of an infamous criminal, and grandfather to two more, one of whom is the son of Gold Roger. The reason he managed to get so high in the Marines in spite of those facts is a testament to his strength, in my opinion. * according to chapter 0, garp was offered a spot as an admiral several times by Fleet Admiral Kong but denied it everytime. SO yes Garp is easily admiral level. * Okay, if the 3 Admirals did surpass Roger/Whitebeard/Garp/Rayleigh then why haven't they wiped out the likes of Whitebeard's pirate crew? Sengoku wouldn't have been freaking out so much if he had 3 guys who were stronger than the likes of Roger. * Becouse if they made a move for Whitebeard, other Emperors would help him too. Plus, if you move your three most powerful fighters to New World (with their respective crews, mostly involving crapload of footsoldiers and captains), Marine HQ will be vulnerable to attack by anyone. Warlords? Supernovas? Revolutionaries? Emperors? Someone else? Also, keep in mind that Whitebeard's men aren't slouches and chances are they'll meet someone who can keep up with Admirals, maybe has a power that could nullify theirs? Either way, its a lose-lose situation. * Whitebeard was the strongest man alive prior to his demise. Which means he was stronger than any of the Admirals. He was also not stronger than Roger, which means that none of the Admirals are better than Roger. * How stupid is the World Government??? They didn't want to take on Whitebeard and his armada and allies, but still went through with Ace's execution for the sole purpose of killing off the former Pirate King's bloodline? They didn't realize that ships in the New World would be able to be submersible? How on earth did they think this was going to turn out? * Because the truth is, no matter what rank or place in society they have, most people are REALLY slow and have poor observation skills and foresight. The powerful tend to be arrogant, making these inborn human flaws even more severe and sometimes hazardous. * There's also the matter of time and place. By forcing Whitebeard to come for them, they were able to pool their resources in order to better face the threat. Holding his second squad commander captive while adding the one who took him down to your own forces (or so they thought, though I still think Blackbeard's planning on returning to the battle after recruiting some reinforcements) tips the scales somewhat and prevents him from simply running away if the fight doesn't go his way. * He does come back, but betrays the World Govrernment in the process after recruiting prisoners from Level 6 of Impel Down. Trusting him wasn't the best idea. * ...Didn't the World Government set up Ace's execution so that they could lure Whitebeard into a trap and kill him? * Whitebeard was more of a bonus since they saw killing Ace and making him an example as more important than killing an aging pirate like Whitebeard. Sengoku even says as much when he was announcing Ace's bloodline about it was important that he died despite they would have to go to war with Whitebeard. * they did. And it worked like a charm. The only thing they didn't expect was Blackbeard stabbing them in the back. * Nico Robin was given a bounty of 79 million as an 8 year old girl. The World Government considers her to be a highly dangerous threat, yet over the next 20 years, her bounty remains static until the Enies Lobby arc, at which point it only increases by 1 million. You'd think her bounty would have increased after the Alabasta arc: Smoker and some of his men correctly identify her (thereby confirming that she is very much alive and active), she is directly involved with a treacherous Schichibukai in the forced takeover of an entire country (to say nothing of the organization's international deeds leading up to said takeover), and she is not captured along with the rest of the organization at the arc's end. * The reason why her bounty stayed the same was probably due to her only crime which is just existing, which the World Government calls it a big crime on its own so her bounty froze until she escaped with the Straw Hats at Enies Lobby. Also, it wasn't possible to arrest her with the rest of Baroque Works because Luffy was the one who dragged her out of the crumbling ruins and placed her somewhere, in which she took that opportunity to sneak on to the Going Merry. * Bounties are determined by the treat that one poses to the world government. that treat just hasn't risen since that time. To the WG, being a cog in the works of a coup d'etat is insignificant compared to the treat of the poneglyphs. * Okay, I really enjoyed chapter 552. It was basically a Crowning Chapter of Awesome for Whitebeard and his crew. But that last bit where Whitebeard used his Quake Quake fruit powers to summon a tsunami? If he's a fruit user, won't all that seawater drastically weaken him? Or is that tsunami only going to hit the outside of Marine HQ? And if it does that won't it hit his allies as well? While very cool, it just doesn't seem like a well thought out move. * Whitebeard's ships are coated in resin, which allows underwater travel. I'm sure that will protect his forces from the water. * It's moot anyway, as in the latest chapter Aokiji simply froze them. One has to wonder what Whitebeard would've done if he hadn't bothered to do so... * The tsunami didn't hit any of his allies, it would have just killed a lot of Marines and sunk their ships. And he could have just done it to scare the Marines and show off his power. * This troper believes that it was Whitebeard's plan to have Aokiji freeze the tsunami because he knew that Aokiji couldn't just let the tsunami wipe out the whole fleet, so he had to freeze it for protection. Also, the marine ships severely outnumber the Whitebeard ships and so a naval battle would be risky at best. However, now that the bay is frozen the Whitebeard pirates can fight on land and they seem to be superior hand to hand fighters than the marines. * This may not be a bad thing, but as the series has been going on, it would seem that every single major development has been listed as a Crowning Moment of Awesome. While a fantastic thing for One Piece, it kind of weakens the meaning of the page since it's night really highlighting the true top moments of the series. If anything, it'd almost be better to say "From this chapter on, everything that happens is awesome." * One of the most infuriating is the one which lists Luffy punching Magellan in their first fight... I mean, why even Luffy's worst defeat must be in Luffy's Crowning Moment of Awesome? * Because it just keeping getting better. Luffy landing an attack on Magellan is a Crowning Moment of Awesome, because Luffy is going against one of the most broken powers in One Piece and a character that isn't meant to be a push over or flawed villain punk that overestimates himself. The fact that he land a strong blow on a guy who oozes acidic poison is huge even if Magellan is back up on the next page. Remember Luffy is very much out classed in the New World and everyone has been telling him such since he and the crew barely survived Ennis Lobby. * The problem is that for the Marineford War arc, every chapter DID have several CMoAs. * Why limit yourself to only seven Warlords? Why not go to every powerful pirate who isn't an Emperor and give them a Letter of Marque? * That would ruin the Seven Samurai Shout-Out. * Plus, consider all of the havoc that the Seven Warlords of the Sea can wreak with the Government's legal protection. These guys are highly untrustworthy and liable to abuse their power. The Government probably just wants to keep the number of them manageable, because having even more would 1. make it harder to keep track of the individual machinations of each one and 2. give too much power to too many pirates who are likely just in it for the profit. They have a hard enough time keeping pirates like Hancock, Moriah, and Donflamingo under some sort of observation; it would probably be too much effort to add any more treacherous and dangerous pirates to the bunch. * Could Buggy eat or drink while his head is detached? Would the swallowed food teleport into his esophagus/stomach? * Considering that he's already done that and appears to have no circulatory problem despite having spent days/weeks without his heart, lungs and the rest of his main body, I'd say yes. * In the 4Kids Macekre, Bellemere was "locked up in a dungeon" rather than shot by Arlong. This happened, at the very most, 10 to twelve years ago. Woudln't Bellemere still be in Arlong's dungeon? Why did the Straw Hats not go and free her? Great oversight there, 4Kids. * It was implied that she had died of starvation in the dungeon (either that, or the Arlong pirates just killed her for kicks later on). Then again, this only raises another plot point: Arlong Park hadn't even been built when Bellemere was "taken to the dungeon", so where would the dungeon had come from in the first place? * Arlong Park was built already, but not in the same way: Arlong Park was made from Arlong's ship. I guess the ship'd have accomodations for locking up prisoners. * Ironically this is actually darker than the original - she's dying slowly and painfully. * Why does a chief as dedicated Sanji Smoke? Don't cigarettes damage ones sense of taste? * Because Smoking Is Cool. No, seriously, that's his reason. One of his flashbacks shows the ten or so year old Sanji proclaiming that he's "Now a man!". * Zeff points this out, but Sanji doesn't care. * What would happen if you attacked Buggy with a drill? Or a syringe? * He seems to be immune to slashing damage, not piercing damage. He could probably protect himself by splitting before the attack reached him, though. * What the Hell is going on with those translators over at Shonen Jump? Everyone and their mamas knows what happens in the next bunch of arcs and they're still on Alabasta. * Dude, haven't you heard the news about Viz speeding up their release of the One Piece manga to five volumes a month? And to make it even better, in January, they're going to skip right to the Impel Down saga in Shonen Jump itself. * Wow. How can they do that? * They did the same thing with Naruto, rapidly releasing the volumes between just before the end of Naruto's fight with Gaara and the timeskip (16-27) and the volumes between the end of the Sasuke and Sai arc and midway through the Sasuke vs. Killerbee fight (35-44). One Piece definitely needs it, as many of the issues have three One Piece chapters or less (which means they're falling behind the Japanese version every month). * Wait, how is it that there are fat people on Amazon Lilly if they're all hunters and fighters? You'd think all the exercise would keep them slim... * Sometimes people really are just born fat or muscled in a way that looks it. The better question is what is up with some of them being miniature giants? * Word of God says that the reason Marigold filled out was because she put herself through the same kind of training regimen that sumo wrestlers do. It's possible that maybe some of the other Amazons did something similar. * Why do people keep insisting that Roronoa name is Zoro instead of Zolo. While his name is obviously supposed to remind people of the legendary Spanish swordsman and spelling it like that is obviously Writting Around Trademarks is every official translation that I have seen his name is spelled with an L instead of an R. * Because that's how Oda spells it on Zoro's bounty poster. * But it's so fun to watch the more hard-core fans squirm... * And Portuguese translation writes it with R. I was bugged to find out he was called "Zolo" in any other language... (And Luffy, too) * It's Ruffy and Zorro in the official German releases. * It's also Zorro in the official French release, and they even call him "Zorro Roronoa", but kept "Monkey D. Luffy". A good indication over the quality of the French release. * It's called Zoro in Italy, albeit his surname was first translated as "Loronoa", then "Roronoa", then "Rolonoa" and finally set back up on Roronoa. Also Luffy is called Rufy. Except in the bowdlerised anime where he's called Monkey D. Rubber. * How come there is so much swearing in the Funmation dub it's like some bad fansub. Considering that Japanese is such a clean language and what few bad swears they have would never be broadcast on TV it comes off as kind off-putting while watching it. * Because they DO swear all the time. Sanji's constant use of the word kuso for example. * But kuso is not that bad of a word, I remember once seeing a show Denn&# 333;Coil where a little kid said it all the time * Dennou Coil used 'unchi', which is more like 'poop', whereas 'kuso' is more like 'shit'. Neither is completely equivalent, but that's the idea. * Kuso literally means 'shit'. * It's to indicate what 'rough' characters they are. It's not like pirates are supposed to be polite company. There's not really any other way to convey this in American language. * They get a lot better about after a while; there's still occasional swearing, but people aren't saying "bastard" every other minute. * Ever been on a bus? I have, and there are sometimes people who practically speak in swears. The point of this little sidestory is that people swear, all the time. As for Sanji, he's always been a spitfire from what I can tell. * I don't believe Japanese treat swears the same way we do. And when you think about it, the whole "bad word" concept we have is kind of absurd anyway. It just so happens that swear words are the closest thing English has to those particular expressions. * I agree that English swearing is the closest equivalent to the kind of speech they use in Japanese, but it's far from acceptable. Talking like most anime/manga characters (who use informal and often rough speech) to anyone who isn't a close friend is very much frowned upon, because polite speech is what's socially acceptable. * they are pirates. What do they care about being socially acceptable? * Hiruluk explained how he came up with the name "Chopper" (he said his antlers looked like they could chop down trees), but where did the "Tony Tony" part come from? * It's a play on the Japanese word Tonkaichi which means "Reindeer" * It's Hiruluk. He probably just named him Tony Tony for some insane reason or another that makes sense only to him. * What bothers me is the fact that Hiruluk misunderstood the word 'Chop'. Hint: it involves sharp edges. A reindeer's antlers have no sharp edges! * Like in "Karate Chop", that is delivered with bare hands? Now, really, "Chop" does not necessarily involve sharp edges. * A Karate chop explicitly moves in a way which imitates a bladed weapon, which does have sharp edges. A reindeer's antlers, edged or not, cannot move in a 'chopping' motion. The name, while cute in a Deathbringer the Adorable kind of way, makes no sense. * Again, it's HIRULUK we're talking about here. Logic need not apply. * I know that it's dumb to complain about anime filler, but still, the invention of some of these Devil Fruits just pisses me off. And I don't mean cool ones, I mean ones like Apis' Hiso-Hiso-Fruit, which lets her talk to animals. Did they really need that so she could talk to a DRAGON!? IT'S A DRAGON! Luffy seems to understand it just fine! Why couldn't they just say something like the dragon can communicate with individuals it trusts on a spiritual level or something? IT'S! A! DRAGON! * Because without running into Apis they wouldn't have a reason to get sidetracked from heading to the Grand Line and ending up on Warship Island in the first place. * I agree that was dumb to think up that Devil Fruit, hopefully there would be more to that power that only would take a more strong minded person to unlock, but to be fair only Luffy and Apis could understand the Dragon, and with Luffy it's debatable if Luffy really knew what the Dragon was saying or just making it up and seemingly getting it right. * Another problem with the Hiso Hiso fruit is that it doesn't fit into the Paramecia, Logia or Zoan classes of fruits. Oda could make up a new class of fruit later on, but it seemed like a cheap way to give Apis the power. * No, it's a Paramecia. Logia lets you produce and change your body into an element of nature; Zoan lets you tranform into an animal, and Paramecia is a catch-all category for everything else. And how does it not fit in Paramecia with other fruits like Hana Hana, Mato Mato, Woshu Woshu (Vice-Admiral Tsuru's), and Doa Doa, among other patently absurd ones. * Prior to Haki, the series had exactly one type of phlebotinum, those being Devil fruits. It doesn't make much sense to invent a new source of power just for the sake of a single filler arc when the power can be explained as the result of a Paramecia fruit (and it indeed can). Also, I don't see why it's so nonsensical that you can't speak to dragons without that fruit; it's not as if dragons have a unified set of rules across all fiction. * Maybe an example of unintentional Fridge Brilliance; the manga was hinted that Luffy may have the same power as Gol D Roger of "hearing the voice of all things", that way only Apis (due to her devil fruit power) and Luffy would be able to understand the dragon. Still an awful filler though. * How did Crocodile know that both the Poneglyph revealing Pluton's location and Pluton itself are in Arabasta? If it's common knowledge, why didn't the World Government send lots of people to Arabasta to dig around until they found Pluton? That's what Crocodile said he would do after Robin betrayed him. * Crocodile was Alabasta's "Hero" for... how long, now? Chessmaster that he is, he probably had a way to get that info, even if only the royal family is supposed to know that. * This doesn't really bug me but I just realized how incredibly overpowered Crocodile is even on the sea, let's assume that mastery of a Logia Fruit lets you control your individual particles we have some foreshadowing of this with Smoker who couldn't control his enough to retain his human shape while still being invincible (So catching him off guard could hit him) now Someone like Enel can take a nap and not be hurt. So by that assumption Croc could simply turn one tiny grain of his body into sand and guide it up some poor bastards nostril, where he would locate the vital organs and then have the grain rupture them. Now this SEEMS like an oversight on Crocs part but keep in mind that a Fruit User is only as good as his imagination with his powers, Croc doesn't seem like the kind of guy to take that into account. * Luffy already proved that Crocodile is just as weak against blood as he is water, so navigating any part of himself within the human body would be impossible. * Beside, it's not just a Crocodile thing. Luffy could invade your body a la Mister Fantastic, Robin could grow hands in your lungs! Buggy could kill you with grain sized parts of his body and has much more control than Crocodile. Name a Devil's fruit user, and there will be at least a dozen Game Breaker s that Oda never used. Sort out the one that are based on wrong assumption, and tag the rest as Plot Leveling. * Shippers right now are pissing me off with talk that Boa Hancock will trick Luffy into marrying her like Chi-Chi did Goku. Disregard that Goku was a complete moron who understood nothing about the world while Luffy is rather intelligent and has already refused a proposal, but what pisses me off is the way they say "Because Oda is a fan or Dragon Ball" because ya know when your a fan of something that means you rip it off instead of paying homage. * Well Oda is more than just a fan of Dragon Ball, he's one of Toriyama's former apprentices. *, he wasn't. He was an assistant for another manga artist for a time, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't say anywhere Oda ever worked for Toriyama. * Shippers have a long, bloody history of claiming dubious evidence as "proof" of their ship being canon. (see Zutarians and Harmonians) When OP shippers do it, it tends to be extra...."special". * Also in episode 304, when the wall of the stair/tunnel/support structure is destroyed, water rushes in at a slower rate than when the others ( Nami, Kokoro etc) encounter it. It should be the opposite and the water level should rise gradually given that the tunnel is quite long. * In episode 304, during the flashback, when Luffy activates his Gear third, he becomes luminous and a shadow of his body is seen on the wall. Shadows occur when an object blocks the path of light, Luffy was the light source, so his shadow should not have been possible. * What was the point in developing Hancock's character if she was going to still be kicking animals? * Comedy value. Plus, Boa herself just only opened up to Luffy, but her character is still roughly the same. * In the anime, Eustass Kidd and Trafalgar Law were fighting the Pacifista. Eustass has magnet powers. Aren't Pacifistas made out of metal? What was stopping him from attracting the metal to him, and then repeling it quickly or something? * Sheer mass and death lasers, I would imagine. * Actually (i'm pretty sure it has been said here before) the fight we saw was anime-only therefore filler. Since, like the OP said, Kidd could have just magnetized the Pacifista, not to mention that Law, who can shift space, was also there. * Non-ferrous metals? and we don't know nearly enough about Law's powers yet. It has to have some unstated weaknesses, or else it's even more broken than the paw-paw fruit. * This always confuses me. So, during the Time Skip, Brook becomes famous, and goes on a World Tour. A WORLD Tour. Couldn't he have just gone to Laboon during that time? Couldn't he have just asked his managers to add one stop at Reverse Mountain? * How do you know he didn't? * Well, why would his managers agree to stop at Reverse Mountain? Only 2 people live there, if you count Laboon. * Because the guy that is making them rich asked. * Brook's promise to Laboon was that the crew would travel all the way around the world (to the end of the Grand Line) before seeing Laboon again. If he just went straight to Reverse Mountain like that, he'd be breaking that promise. * In episode 352, after Luffy's shadow is stolen, the zombie is seen eating lots of food, and some of it is seafood. As one need's salt to return the shadow back to the owner, won't the seafood cause Luffy's shadow to return? Also, nearly all food has some salt in it, so after eating that much food, why didn't his shadow return? * Maybe it was a filler scene that was added to pad out the episode(s), and was added before The Reveal about salt being the key to purging zombies. So, clarify--was this particular scene done before or after that reveal? * If you remember, during the battle with Oars, a major obstacle was that they needed a LOT of salt to purify a zombie that big, with their only chance being a sack the size of a person. It's likely the food just didn't have enough salt in it to purify him. * Why did Nami get mad at Luffy after seeing his message? Everyone else seemed to get the idea right away, but for some reason she was upset and saying Luffy was being selfish. What gave her that idea? The others didn't get upset even if they were on the verge of escaping a place they hated(i.e. Sanji). * Probably, because she just broke out of jail and was on the run, and now had to stay there and get stronger * Just thought her line of thinking was odd, that Luffy was being selfish when it was the exact opposite(albeit through Rayleigh's convincing): He didn't want to rush everyone back together before they were ready to challenge the New World, thus leading to another trouncing like they met before. * She's a tsundere for everyone she likes. (or at least cares about) Odd lines of thinking are to be expected. * Her reasoning is probably because they are best friends they are itching to be together again so putting on hold their meeting for 2 years is a little harsh. * Can mermaids Fly? In Chapter 638 it is shown that Shirahoshi is trying to lead Noah away by swimming away from Fishman Island, but then you see a mini-map of FI and you can see that the lower part is filled with water while tha top part is filled with air, yet you see Shirahoshi "swimming" in the top part so can she fly or is that trick only possible in Fishman Island? * If you look closley you'll see that she's wearing a Bubble Coral belt - You know, Like a Life Ring? Considering the bubbles are like the ones in Saboby, it's likely the mermaids are using this to get around in the air. * Probably. Megalo uses the same thing to float around, even though he is a shark. maybe she took his? * So wait, are the Four Emperors allied with the World Government or not? They were perfectly willing to take out Whitebeard, and as a matter of fact they took a member of his crew and executed him, so it's quite clear they're wanted men. But then why are they part of the Three Powers? Blackbeard and the World government talk about "positions" in the Four Emperors as if it's some kind of honour, but from what has been revealed they're just exceptionally strong pirates. So what's the point in them being there at all? In fact, whether or not they were an emperor or not wouldn't have any effect whatsoever, except to instill fear on others. * You seem to be royally confused. The Three Powers are the three greatest powers in the world. The Four Emperors are on one side, while the Marines and the Seven Warlords are on the other. It's like in the real world, where you've got America, Russia, Britain, etc. Just because there's a group name does not mean the individual elements are allied. * Okay, so one of the world ending weapons that the world government fears is the ability to control sea kings, doesn't the existence of Haoshoku Haki already make that weapon useless? * One, it's not even clear they know about that. They fear Pluton, which is an actual, physical weapon (all evidence points in that direction, at least). Poseidon is only detailed in Sky Island, which the Marines cannot reach. Two, saying Haoshoku Haki ends that threat is like saying one gun could defeat an army of spear-wielding savages 10,000 strong (ignoring that your fire stick would scare the hell out of them). Said Haki is incredibly rare, and all current users are pirates who would not be inclined to help the World Government. Furthermore, there is nothing stopping Shirahoshi from sending an army of angry sea kings to every WG island and tearing them apart. They could save a few islands, or protect their main bases, but a weaponized Shirahoshi is basically game over. She decides she wants to turn the sea kings on you, then you just lost the fight. * How does Brook keeps his pants on? * The Oda answer would be willpower, but he's probably just wearing a belt. * That massive thing that lives in the Florian Triangle that Lola and the Rolling Pirates were sailing towards--Gekko Moriah had been living in its territory for 10 years, and Brook for 50. Something that huge can't escape their notice for that long, and no doubt whatever it is has tried to attack both of them at one point or another. However, Brook makes no mention about it to the Straw Hats--he warns them of Moriah but not of this thing, which is likely more dangerous. So why is it that these two never make any mention of this being? * Fog. * Why do so many people regard Arlong a complete monster?I mean he is unquestionably evil,but unlike most other villains in the series he is not a bad boss(to his fishman subornatives at least),he has an more than decent freudian excuse and unlike some other pirates who would pillage your village and kill you for fun,he would give you chance to survive if you paid him.He is not ever an racist he is a speciesist ,who is,for some reason,considered a complete monster and not a well intentioned extremist or at least a knight templar like Order of the Stick a certain other villain of a certain webcomic who is far more ruthless,or a person likebuggy who,given half the chance,would easily have a bigger headcount.I do not claim that he is not evil,because he certainly is,I just can not understand why he is considered a complete monster in comparison to worse villains who are not considered complete monsters * At that point in the series, he was regarded as such because he was the first villain to directly do something horrible to one of the main characters and already had her home island under his control. All of the other East Blue villains are totally unconnected to the Straw Hat Pirates and just happened to start acting on their plans around the same time the Straw Hat Pirates arrived. Arlong, on the other hand, had already set up an empire, which makes him feel more dangerous than the likes of Kuro or Don Krieg. With the possible exception of Buggy, Arlong also has the worst tantrum problem of the East Blue villains. People forget about his redeeming traits of genuine compassion for his crewmates and for fishmen in general. * In the East Blue Sage, Kuro came off as more of a complete monster than Arlong. Yes, Arlong was undoubtably a racist murderer, and a dishonorable bastard, but what Kuro attempted to do to Usopp's village was far worst. Kuro was going to betray the girl that he had taken care of and look after for the pass three years. Her parents took him in when he was half-dead and gave him a home and a good job. Kaya saw him more as a friend and advisor than a servant and trusted his word over Usopp's. Yet, not only did he rubbed her nose in how much he hated serving her and how he actually looked forward to the day that she was killed, he planned to hurt and kill many of the villagers that he got to know. He even planned to kill his old pirate crew purely to cover his tracks. The icing on the cake, however, is that Kaya offered to willingly give her wealth in exchange that he wouldn't attack the village. He pretty much laughs at her. His actions were so bad that both Luffy and Zoro were utterly disgusted with him and he was the first villain before Arlong that really pissed Luffy off, even more so than Buggy. I think the only reason Kuro is never really consider a complete monster is because his planned failed and no one was killed, unlike Arlong who had eight years of ruling his island. * In the grand line there is an island populated by okamas. okay. they are all ugly. Okay, logical since, presumably, chance-sex surguries are either nonexistent or much worse than real ones. Their king/queen can change the most manly man to a very beautiful woman, and has been shown doing it on screen. Fair enough, since s/he has been (kinda) imprisoned in impel down all thes years and he could not fully change them. Then s/he goes back and they are still ugly men who dress like women or who has been trangedered imperfectly. Okay s/he could not change them all instantly, and s/he may have had more pressing matters to attend to. Two years later, they still look just as ugly. WHAT? * Did it ever occur to you that maybe they just don't want to be changed? Maybe they just want to dress like women and not actually be them. Also, Ivankov doesn't stay on the island all the time. There's revolution to do, you know. * Why does Nami need the way log poses work in the New World explained to her? Didn't she spend two solid years learning how to navigate in the New World? That seems like a really basic thing to not know after spending that long preparing for the journey. * Maybe it was just to remind the readers in case they forgot. * If that were the case, it could have been Nami explaining to the rest of the crew, since she's the one who spent two years studying the New World. * Nami spent two years learning New World's climate. Weatheria studies climate, not navigation (given the way they travel, they may not use poses at all). * Why does Gonbe, Chimney's pet rabbit, think he's a cat? * Because it's funny. * How can Bepo and Pekoms talk? * Same reason Pappug can: because it's funny. * Is Akainu really so much of a hypocrite that he kills people for performing such petty crimes, because that would make him even worse * Elaborate * Why is the world on One piece considered crapsacharine? It is not much worse than ours. It may not be your standard the good will prevail world, and there are certainly better worlds created, but it is not much worse than our world, perhaps it is better. After all,there are more Spadams and hodys in our world than any other kind of villain (In the world of one piece they are the exception), teryubitos existed in our world not too long ago (with other names, obviously) and arguably may still exist, the nuclear bomb is worse than the buster call, all the badasses out there will not kill you wiothout a reason, and the not so badasses will be eventually beaten by the baddasses, in cotrast to our world where the strong in the third world will. Most people also forget the people of the third world, who live worse than the people in the trash district, the fact that in our world there is still underground slavery, the fact that many woman are still oppressed in many parts of the world and the fact that there are more people in poor countries that there are in rich ones. All that while assuming that none of the conspiracy theories are correct. So, why exactly is one piece considered a crapsacharine world, if it is better than ours? * I don't think you actually understand what the Crap Saccharine World trope actually is. The idea is that the initial fun/pleasantness is actually really deceptive. Which frankly, really describes how OP is set up. It's not about the word-for-word type of darkness that happens, it's all in the set up and execution. For example, the picture used for the trope page is from Toy Story 3. Even though nothing that happens in the movie is ever quite as dark as it can get in real life, it still qualifies for that trope really well. * Original troper: Still, the only place the world is happy is obviously where the strawhats are, because due to to their captain, they generate blissfulness becuse they live happilly. At the first chapter we saw a child self-mutilating. Then we saw a lot of antagonists kill their mooks. From the second chapter onward, killing their mooks was done by every non heroic major antagonist expect, ironically Spandam (doing it on accident do not count even if he did not care afterwards anyways). The tragic bacstories were a norm from Zoro onwards and the non-named people who die in this manga is phenomenical. Heck,if you count flashbacks there are many dead named people as well. So,when exactly were we deceived about the nature of that world? Also, tropers have been saying that the sacharine part is beingdropped. That leaves some people to classify one piece as a crapsack world, for which my first argument still counts. * You're...sorta missing some crucial points about differences in what cultures deem appropriate for children or not. Oda makes it really clear in a lot of interviews that he designed OP for young boys. And by Japanese standards, the early part of the story lives up to that idea. And once again, it can also be about the clash between superficial presentation and what actually happens. More examples: Moral Orel counts as one too; it's designed like Davey and Goliath, yet the first episode has a zombie apocalypse, and it gets worse from there. * HOW has the entire world not joined the revolutionaries? How can so many people be OK with stuff like the atrocities of the nobles or the mass slavery of entire countries? * Because islands are relatively isolated, especially on the grand line, and the common man is just trying to scratch out a living. What can they hope to do against a power that runs the entire world? Plus, the WG has very good spin doctors. Not all of that gets out, and what does is just something people have learned to live with. * Quite minor, but, Alvida's crew used ropes to swing onto a cruise ship... When the ship they were boarding was larger than the pirate ship? What? (Of course, I watched the Anime, so...) * Um... Why would Buggy need a chart of the Grand Line? He sailed with Gold fucking Roger, for fucks sake, he'd hardly need a chart of the place. Furthermore, you can't actually navigate the place because the sea turns your ship around all the time, so it's either travel from island to island with the Log Pose, which you don't need a chart for either way and can't actually use it at all, or through Eternal Pose, which is hardly worth going to all the effort of getting it if you just want to raise hell. * Travelling the Grand Line is not the same as navigating it. He'd need a chart if he wanted to know where every island was and what they were called. If he's looking for treasure, best to skip the death traps. * Franky's theme was made before he even appeared in the manga. Seriously? * Van Der Decken wears gloves because he doesn't want to touch anything because otherwise his targeting powers stop aiming for the princess and start aiming for the last thing he touched. Then you realise he's touching the gloves * Van Der Decken's powers only work on people, and he has to touch them for it to work. He just wears the glove as a precaution. * Do Haki users count as Badass Normal or not? * I think it all depends on wether or not the user also has a Devil Fruit Power. * Why do the Shandorians have wings? They couldn't be part Skypiean because they spent centuries hating them, SO WHY THE FUCK DO THEY HAVE WINGS? * Enel's cover story showed that Shandorians, Skypieans and Bilkans share a common origin: they're all winged people from the Moon. Yep. * That still doesn't really make sense, since they lived down on Jaya before the Knuckup stream sent them to Skypiea. Unless this troper missed something and they did actually have wings before they were sent to Skypiea. * They HAD wings before they were sent to Skypiea (Calgara had wings, for example). Apparently, after leaving the Moon, Skypienas and Bilkans settled on Sky Island while Shandorians opted for Jaya... untile the Knock-Up Stream decided otherwise. * When Rayleigh discusses Luffy's message to his crew, he says (paraphrased) "they should all get it, well there was one who weren't too bright but i think it will be allright". Then we are shown each crewmembers reaction to the message, and they all understand instantly right away, except for Zoro, who is on the verge of getting the message. Did Rayleigh think of Zoro as dumb? He's not the smartest of the crew (that would be Nami) and he certainly has no sense of directions, but he's no dimwit. * Just because he doesn't think of Zoro as bright doesn't mean he thinks he's an idiot. He just felt Zoro wouldn't catch the message. * In Chapter 490, the Strawhats are testing out a pool in the ocean. One of the members in the water is CHOPPER. Who can't swim. He did have an inner tube, which I assume keeps over 50% of his body out of the water, plus he's got Ussopp with him, but... I don't understand. * This is the same Chopper who will frequently end up nearly drowning to rescue people who are themselves drowning. How is his use of a pool a surprise? * The Sabaody Archipelago: Why did NO Straw Hat know of it? Of course Luffy didn't, but Nami and Robin ought to - Nami is the navigator, and Robin knows tons of things about the world. They were just completely lost until Keimi appeared, and had Luffy not defeated that sea rabbit, maybe they would still be hanging around at the Red Line. Just about EVERY other pirate on Grand Line knows of the Sabaody Archipelago and how it's the only way to get to Fishman Island, so would that mean that even the most book-smart member of the Straw Hats, Robin, is nothing compared to every other person in the world? Of course I know it had to be a plot point that they just didn't find the Sabaody Archipelago on their own, because then they wouldn't have picked up Hatchan, Keimi and Pappug, but it still seems like utter out-of-character ignorance. Again, not knowing where the archipelago is located is fine, but it's too weird with them being the only people on the sea not knowing of its EXISTENCE. Come to think of it, shouldn't Brook know about Sabaody as well? If the Rumbar Pirates weren't on their way to Sabaody, then what the heck were they doing in the Florian Triangle? * Isn't Fish-man island directly underneath the Archipelago? Even those who didn't know about it could still follow the Log and find Sabaody Archipelago. Presumably they just fallow it unti they get there. (Or, alternatively, follow the Red Line) * It's not, as they were stuck for some time at the Red Line with the Log Pose pointing directly downwards, and they were nowhere near the Sabaody Archipelago before they met Keimi by a stroke and luck, and she had them sail in that direction. * None of the Straw Hats have a map of the Grand Line, as they are very difficult to come by (it's a big deal that Buggy has one). Instead, the Straw Hats seem to figure out where to go next entirely via Log Pose, leaving Nami's role being mainly to figure out the safest path to the next island and to warn the crew of weather anomalies. As for Robin, she likely read about the Sabaody Archipelago (or at least about the yarukiman groves) but don't know their exact location. (We've seen that various Straw Hat members know about islands they haven't visited, such as Sanji's detailed knowledge of Wano--they just don't talk about them unless directly relevant to a conversation.) When the crew reach Sabaody, we see that most of the other pirate crews know exactly where they're going, and they consider the Straw Hats insane for tackling the Grand Line with very little prior knowledge of it. As for the Florian Triangle, that's part of one of the paths going through the Grand Line. Luffy stumbled across it going from Water Seven. Other paths to Sabaody might not involve the Florian Triangle at all. * Where exactly is Amazon Lily situated in the calm belt? * Here.