  • The Worm Turns
  • Bestowal Dialogue: 'Curse my foolish pride! I should never have ventured into this worm-lair on my own. There are just too many of them, and now that I have found this safe place, I do not dare try to sneak away on my own. 'Can you help me to escape? I would ask that you not tell the other hunters, for I would be ridiculed for the rest of my life.' Background: Machan foolishly sought to hunt fire-worms alone and ended up trapped and wounded. Objective: Rescue Machan from the fire-worm lair. Walkthrough: Objective 1 Protect Machan Help Machan to get out of the fire-worm lair. Reward: 22s 40c
  • Bestowal Dialogue: 'Curse my foolish pride! I should never have ventured into this worm-lair on my own. There are just too many of them, and now that I have found this safe place, I do not dare try to sneak away on my own. 'Can you help me to escape? I would ask that you not tell the other hunters, for I would be ridiculed for the rest of my life.' Background: Machan foolishly sought to hunt fire-worms alone and ended up trapped and wounded. Objective: Rescue Machan from the fire-worm lair. Walkthrough: Objective 1 Protect Machan Help Machan to get out of the fire-worm lair. Objective 2 Tell Murdaigán that Machan is safe. Data Entered By: --Esteldir 10:20, 27 March 2007 (EDT) Reward: 22s 40c