  • Undead Legionnaire
  • Undead Legionnaires, their sub-types and counterparts (like Hoplites) are the most common enemies in the God of War series, as well as Undead creatures in general. Undead Legionnaires are the basic type of this class of enemies, the Undead, which are the most common servants of the Gods and even some powerful creatures.
  • Undead Legionnaires, their sub-types and counterparts (like Hoplites) are the most common enemies in the God of War series, as well as Undead creatures in general. Undead Legionnaires are the basic type of this class of enemies, the Undead, which are the most common servants of the Gods and even some powerful creatures. Dressed in the armor of ancient Greek warriors, they appear as demonic skeletons with bits of decaying flesh clinging to their bones. A frequently encountered enemy, they sometimes come in clusters and are quite varied. Early on, they wear little armor and wield short swords, but, as the games progress, they begin to appear wielding larger swords and wearing heavier armor and eventually end up wielding massive shields and scythes.