  • Mooneater
  • Eragon walks through the Varden's camp and stumbles upon Angela with a group of Urgals and werecats who are listening to Angela tell a story. Once she finishes, Nar Garzhvog thanks her, calling her Uluthrek, which means mooneater. Nar Garzhvog goes on to explain to Eragon that the reason the King lost half his army in the Spine was because of Urgals. The Urgals take their leave leading Eragon to ask questions of Angela. She goes on to explain why she said "cheep cheep" to Grimrr Halfpaw back in Belatona.
  • Eragon walks through the Varden's camp and stumbles upon Angela with a group of Urgals and werecats who are listening to Angela tell a story. Once she finishes, Nar Garzhvog thanks her, calling her Uluthrek, which means mooneater. Nar Garzhvog goes on to explain to Eragon that the reason the King lost half his army in the Spine was because of Urgals. The Urgals take their leave leading Eragon to ask questions of Angela. She goes on to explain why she said "cheep cheep" to Grimrr Halfpaw back in Belatona.