  • Raptor Squad: Episode VII: Showdown on Clak'dor VII
  • “It will be some easy creds, and Clak’Dor VII is only a few hours away; that’s all I’m saying,” I said for what seemed like the millionth time. Across from me in the cramped cockpit of the Ghtroc freighter, my furry feline companion, Baal, shook his head. The monstrously large gray and black feline leaned back and stroked a small tuft of fur under his chin. “So, you’re not interested in the credits, huh outlaw? This is all out of the goodness and charity of your heart?”
  • Raptor Squad
  • Bob Rodgers
  • Kadon
  • What prequel? Oh ok GL made a Movie and millions loved it
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  • 1.57788E7
#in series
  • 6
  • Mike Garrett, Sam Garrett, Tony Garrett, Tracy Rodgers, Alex Chinn,John Edrington
  • “It will be some easy creds, and Clak’Dor VII is only a few hours away; that’s all I’m saying,” I said for what seemed like the millionth time. Across from me in the cramped cockpit of the Ghtroc freighter, my furry feline companion, Baal, shook his head. “We need to get back to Garnib, I still have my studies, and I need to figure out what just happened back there...on Kadon,” he said while fidgeting with the temperature gauge of the cargo hold. The total nothingness of space allowed us these precious moments to banter back and forth. I had just finished shaving two days growth from my face when he had called me into the cockpit. Initially he had just wanted my opinion on the Empire and its vast resources; I of course, had used it as an opportunity to return to a fresh discussion that had cropped up a day before when we had stopped to re-supply the ship. “Ya know,” I continued, leaning back and bracing my boots against the console, “it’s not just about credits, I mean, these Bith…they are a peaceful race…it would be a shame if someone didn’t step in know, stand up for them.” Baal pulled his attention away from deep space and let his green eyes linger on me. “That’s not fair Vic; it’s not the same as it is with my people, with the CSA…” I didn’t let him finish and instead swung around in my seat, leaning forward. “Wrong Baal…it’s EXACTLY the same…its oppression pure and simple. It’s oppression from living the kind of life you have worked hard for. Oppression from being safe and happy and able to do the things you deserve. It doesn’t matter if it’s the CSA or the Empire or, in this case, a bunch of cut-throat swoop scum…there are people being oppressed, and we are in a position to help them.” The monstrously large gray and black feline leaned back and stroked a small tuft of fur under his chin. “So, you’re not interested in the credits, huh outlaw? This is all out of the goodness and charity of your heart?” A tiny pang of guilt hit me right under the breastbone but I pushed it aside. “Hey pal, you don’t want to do this, that’s fine…we can run back to Garnib…I’m sure there are plenty of other mercs in the area who can help these people out…maybe if the Bith are lucky, those same mercs wont turn on them after the job is done and stick them for more than they are able to pay…” I watched Baal sit and rub his chin for a few more minutes out of the corner of my eye until he turned back to the console. “You had better get some sleep,” he said, “Clak’Dor VII is only a few hours away.”