  • 8-Rear
  • There is also a viewscreen that can be used by Commander Kielbasa to present announcements to the crew (or to thank them, for example). At other times, it lets 8-Rear patrons watch the Subspace Transmissions of major league Hairball games, Monday Night Bunionball, and the occasional pay-per-view Orat Fights. The 8-Rear has Quadruple-Thick Plastosteel Windows that are cold to the touch.
  • There is also a viewscreen that can be used by Commander Kielbasa to present announcements to the crew (or to thank them, for example). At other times, it lets 8-Rear patrons watch the Subspace Transmissions of major league Hairball games, Monday Night Bunionball, and the occasional pay-per-view Orat Fights. The 8-Rear has Quadruple-Thick Plastosteel Windows that are cold to the touch.