  • Alter AILA
  • In a post-apocalyptic world, on a pocket of land run by the evil Emperor Kugar, prisoners fight for their lives everyday for the entertainment of the masses. Only nine survive to this day. They are known only by their color designation: * Blue - The Stoic (You play him.) * Green - Team Mom * Indigo - Bratty Half-Pint * Yellow - Badass Longcoat * Violet - The Chick * Red - Psycho for Hire * Orange - The Smart Guy * White - Cool Old Guy * Black - The Faceless until later. Can be downloaded here.
  • In a post-apocalyptic world, on a pocket of land run by the evil Emperor Kugar, prisoners fight for their lives everyday for the entertainment of the masses. Only nine survive to this day. They are known only by their color designation: * Blue - The Stoic (You play him.) * Green - Team Mom * Indigo - Bratty Half-Pint * Yellow - Badass Longcoat * Violet - The Chick * Red - Psycho for Hire * Orange - The Smart Guy * White - Cool Old Guy * Black - The Faceless until later. One day, however, an opportunity presents itself: rebels fighting against Kugar attack and give the prisoners an opportunity to escape, at which point you join one of three factions: * Rebellion: Putting an end to Kugar's regime. * Imperials: Squashing the rebel scum between your fingertips. * Independents: Not joining any sides, and simply trying to find freedom. As it soon becomes apparent, however, fighting for one's faction is just the tip of the iceberg... Okay, getting past the movie-trailer-speak, Alter A.I.L.A is a popular and very highly-regarded RPG made in RPG Maker 2003 by Neok. As mentioned above, the game has three different routes, making for very high replay value. But what makes it even better is that completing all three routes unlocks a fourth route, which outclasses the first three in almost every way. The plotline is rife with twists, turns, and interesting developments, the characters are fleshed-out and engaging, and the music is top notch. Definitely worth checking out. Can be downloaded here. A remake called "Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis" was released on October 10th, 2010. Can be downloaded here. It removes the multiple-route mechanism in favour of a more linear plot, allowing for far better plot development and Foreshadowing. Notably, the entire cast from the original game is playable, which, combined with a longer plotline, allows for far greater Character Development. The combat system has also become much more unique, enjoyable, and balanced. In addition, all playable characters have been given set names rather than being Hello, Insert Name Here characters: Leon, Erin, Indy, Scott, Violet, Dread, Jake, Hawk, and Celia. A sequel, Alter A.I.L.A. Variant, is in the works. More information here.