  • Temporal RNA sequencing
  • Such a condition occurred to Shinzon, a clone of Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who was designed to skip nearly thirty years of his life so that he could eventually replace Picard. However, when the plan to replace Picard was deemed too risky, it was abandoned and Shinzon was exiled to the dilithium mines on Remus.
  • Such a condition occurred to Shinzon, a clone of Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard, who was designed to skip nearly thirty years of his life so that he could eventually replace Picard. However, when the plan to replace Picard was deemed too risky, it was abandoned and Shinzon was exiled to the dilithium mines on Remus. In 2379, Shinzon, at that point a young man, began to manifest the symptoms of the cellular breakdown, symptoms which were only eased by the telepathic stabilization of his Reman Viceroy. Shinzon instituted a plan to kidnap Picard and perform the transfusion, but failed in his attempt, ultimately dying in hand-to-hand combat with his progenitor. (Star Trek Nemesis)