  • 雙頭怪隱匿地
  • General Description: Ettin's Back is named after the high plateau in the center of the area that rises like the humped back of an . There are, however, no Ettin's in the area. Instead, one finds plenty of other monsters in this dry area in the jungle which is similar to the . In the western portion of the region, patrols surround the entrance to the only outpost in the area, . As one approaches in the east, the landscape shifts more towards the verdant jungles seen of lower Maguuma. Aside from that, there are three separate armor collectors in this area.
  • General Description: Ettin's Back is named after the high plateau in the center of the area that rises like the humped back of an . There are, however, no Ettin's in the area. Instead, one finds plenty of other monsters in this dry area in the jungle which is similar to the . In the western portion of the region, patrols surround the entrance to the only outpost in the area, . As one approaches in the east, the landscape shifts more towards the verdant jungles seen of lower Maguuma. Aside from that, there are three separate armor collectors in this area.