  • Silicon based dip
  • A silicon based dip was food that most silicon-based lifeformss like and well ate outside of the Andalusian, that Harb Tanzer made for the crew mixer, like it as a snack. Kirk, look to him like black bean soup, but it had an oil slick, on top, crude oil, it had iron filings, flavored with sodium oxides and few rare elements. Used Data Sold, were used like crackers by Naraht. (TOS novel: Spock's World)
  • A silicon based dip was food that most silicon-based lifeformss like and well ate outside of the Andalusian, that Harb Tanzer made for the crew mixer, like it as a snack. Kirk, look to him like black bean soup, but it had an oil slick, on top, crude oil, it had iron filings, flavored with sodium oxides and few rare elements. Used Data Sold, were used like crackers by Naraht. (TOS novel: Spock's World)