  • Elements' Fury
  • The Elements' Fury, credited to Naka Kaeteru, was a Mastery 6 fire spell which created a whirlwind of ranged destruction. Gathering in a circle, the shugenja called upon the kami to lend them their power, then fired it forth in a deadly array of bolts, beams and missiles. Lightning followed flying chunks of ice, which followed razored stones, which followed balls of living fire.
  • The Elements' Fury, credited to Naka Kaeteru, was a Mastery 6 fire spell which created a whirlwind of ranged destruction. Gathering in a circle, the shugenja called upon the kami to lend them their power, then fired it forth in a deadly array of bolts, beams and missiles. Lightning followed flying chunks of ice, which followed razored stones, which followed balls of living fire.