  • Bearsonne
  • Bearsonne was the capital of the Garlenner colony of Henkenne Isle. Bearsonne was the smallest, and least-wealthy of the Isle's colonies, and the most-easily re-taken by the Henkenners. The re-taking of the colony's capital was symbolic more than anything, as the north coast of Henkenne Isle is a barren waste used for ritual sacrifice. The city was small, and recalls the Continental Capital of the Kinglands, just sparser, and more Garlenner. The Battle for Bearsonne was short, and bloody. Henkennes' Fleet stormed the city, burning down its wooden ramparts, and using flaming arrows to set ablaze the inside of the city. Much like their ancestors did, the Henkennesians then used the survivors for ritual sacrifice.
  • Bearsonne was the capital of the Garlenner colony of Henkenne Isle. Bearsonne was the smallest, and least-wealthy of the Isle's colonies, and the most-easily re-taken by the Henkenners. The re-taking of the colony's capital was symbolic more than anything, as the north coast of Henkenne Isle is a barren waste used for ritual sacrifice. The city was small, and recalls the Continental Capital of the Kinglands, just sparser, and more Garlenner. The Battle for Bearsonne was short, and bloody. Henkennes' Fleet stormed the city, burning down its wooden ramparts, and using flaming arrows to set ablaze the inside of the city. Much like their ancestors did, the Henkennesians then used the survivors for ritual sacrifice.