  • Brown (color)
  • Brown was a color. It was used to describe skin, hair (brunette), and eyes. In 2152, Trip Tucker described tarrat-aash to Zho'Kaan as "that brown stuff you were drinking". (ENT: "Dawn") In 2366, when attempting to explain the nuances of language to Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi mentioned a word and indicated Picard's Earl Grey tea, asking him what she meant. He suggested cup or glass, but she told him she could have just as easily meant "liquid, clear, brown, (or) hot". (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command" )
  • Brown was a color. It was used to describe skin, hair (brunette), and eyes. In 2152, Trip Tucker described tarrat-aash to Zho'Kaan as "that brown stuff you were drinking". (ENT: "Dawn") In 2366, when attempting to explain the nuances of language to Jean-Luc Picard, Deanna Troi mentioned a word and indicated Picard's Earl Grey tea, asking him what she meant. He suggested cup or glass, but she told him she could have just as easily meant "liquid, clear, brown, (or) hot". (TNG: "The Ensigns of Command" ) Guinan's childhood imaginary friend, a Tarcassian razor beast, had brown fur. (TNG: "Imaginary Friend" )