  • A taste of danger
  • From: [[]] The lady lives a sheltered life, lacking in incident; this perhaps explains her fondness for escaping into honey-dreams. Take her to a dream with the spice of real danger. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • High excitement
Failure title
  • A vertiginous upset
  • 20
Failure description
  • [...] The lady whispers her excitement - but before you can reply, you stumble. You cannot recall the dream beyond that point. But the disgruntled note pushed under your door tells you all you need to know.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Share another dream with the honey-sipping heiress
Success description
  • You dream of a circus. You are hand in hand, walking parallel tightropes. [...] [...] 'That was wonderful,' she says. 'The sheer exhilaration!' Much later, when the dream is finally done, she sends you a generous gift of amber.
  • The lady lives a sheltered life, lacking in incident; this perhaps explains her fondness for escaping into honey-dreams. Take her to a dream with the spice of real danger.
  • From: [[]] The lady lives a sheltered life, lacking in incident; this perhaps explains her fondness for escaping into honey-dreams. Take her to a dream with the spice of real danger. [Find the rest of the story at ]