  • Fizz
  • Fizz
  • Fizz
  • Fizz
  • Fizz, Filou des Mers est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Fizz is a carbonated drink made of 100% Natural Juice. It is very healthy, and it tastes like soda, without the sugar.
  • Fizz is a very good character
  • Frank Ignatius Zoric Zanzibar (born December 21, 1984), better known by his ring name Fizz, is an American professional wrestler currently signed with Professional Wrestling X.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__FizzKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Fizz landed on the Alpha Island docks of the Midnight Ocean on December 10th, 2003. She is currently a senior officer and damsel of the crew The Phoenix Warriors and a lady of the flag Tyr's Own.
  • When Set, it increases base HP by 9, base PP by 4, and base Defense by 3. When Fizz's battle effect is used, a targeted Adept on the player's side is cured by an amount equal to 60% of their maximum HP. The effect is nearly identical to the Mercury Djinni Spring in The Lost Age, with that restoring 70% of maximum HP.
  • Fizz was about twenty-five centimeters long, with white fur and eyes. His friends considered him a gearhead, and he was familiar with the Binary language. Such techno-savvy was unusual for his species. He knew a number of Black Sun shadowport access codes. He also owned a cybernetic pet [starwars:tooke|tooke]], Tookums.
  • Fizz is a NPC character in the first Summon Night game, but later becomes playable when she reappears has a guest character in Summon Night 4.
  • Fizz is an alchemist in Castele. Fizz's name comes from the onomatopoeic verb to fizz, meaning to bubble. This refers to alchemy.
  • Centuries ago, an ancient water-dwelling race built a hidden city beneath a mountain in the sea. Though these creatures had their enemies, the city was an impenetrable fortress, and, in the safety it provided, they grew complacent. Fizz, however, harbored a curious spirit that could not be satisfied living so cushioned a life. Unable to resist the allure of danger, Fizz had a habit of sneaking out of the city to look for trouble. In his many adventures, he grew to be a powerful fighter with a sharp cleverness that let him skirt danger with ease. One day Fizz returned to find the city abandoned: his people had vanished, leaving Fizz without a clue to explain their disappearance. With nothing left in the city to keep him, Fizz salvaged an enchanted Seastone trident from the ruins and set out
  • 7
Row 8 info
  • Nasu Megumi
  • Cios Jeżowca to celowany ślizg.
  • Psotnik / Rozrabiaka to podwójny ślizg.
  • Zwinny Wojownik to pół-ulepszenie.
  • Mącenie Wody to liniowa, kolidująca umiejętność mierzona, która zadaję obrażenia wrogom w obszarze działania.
  • Trójząb to bierne obrażenia w czasie będące nie fizycznym efektem przy trafieniu.
Row 4 info
  • Flat Gang
  • Fizzstix
  • %
Row 7 title
  • Summon Affinity
  • mana
  • mana
  • Fizz
  • Trójząb
  • Cios Jeżowca
  • Mącenie Wody
  • Psotnik
  • Zwinny Wojownik
Efekty czarów
  • Nie
  • Obszarowe
  • Pojedyncze
Row 1 info
  • Female
  • Delinquent Girl, Greenhorn Thief, Future Phanton Thief, Confident Master Thief, Wannabe Knight, Punishment Knight
  • 10
Row 8 title
  • Voice Actress
Row 4 title
  • Group
  • 1
  • 6
Dodatkowe informacje
  • * Trójząb odświeża się z każdym kolejnym trafieniem. * Obrażenia procentowe Trójzębu nie kumulują się z
  • * Ryba może przyczepić się tylko do bohaterów i może przechodzić przez przeszkody. * Mącenie Wody może zostać usunięte lub . :* Użycie usunie spowolnienie, ale nie usunie przyczepionej ryby. * Mącenie Wody może trafić i ujawnić niewidzialne cele.
  • * Psotnik / Rozrabiaka nie przerwie łańcuchów umiejętności typu: lub . * Psotnik / Rozrabiaka pozwala uniknąć umiejętności typu: lub . * Psotnik / Rozrabiaka pozwala przeskoczyć przeszkody. * Psotnik / Rozrabiaka może być celowany w dwa różne kierunki. * Psotnik / Rozrabiaka może być użyty po 0.5 sek. od użycia .
  • * Zwinny Wojownik redukuję obrażenia fizyczne po redukcji obrażeń pancerza.
  • 10
  • sek.
  • 1
  • : Fizz wypuszcza w wybranym kierunku magiczną rybę, która przyczepia się do wrogiego bohatera, spowalnia go oraz zwiększa otrzymywane przez niego o 20%. Jeśli ryba nie trafi we wrogiego bohatera,pozostanie na ziemi przez krótki okres czasu i będzie mogła przyczepić się do kogoś, kto obok niej przejdzie. 1275
  • : Fizz przebija się przez cel, zadając obrażenia magiczne równe jego całkowitym obrażeniom ataku i części jego mocy umiejętności. 550
  • : Ataki Fizza rozdzierają przeciwników, zadając obrażenia równe procentowi brakującego zdrowia celu jako obrażenia magiczne w czasie 3 sekund.
  • Zręczność Fizza pozwala mu przenikać przez jednostki i otrzymywać mniej obrażeń fizycznych od ataków podstawowych.
  • : Fizz skacze na trójzębie we wskazanym miejscu, stając się niewrażliwy na 0.75 sekundy i zyskując możliwość użycia . Jeśli Fizz nie użyje Rozrabiaki, zada obrażenia magiczne wrogom w pobliżu i spowolni ich na 2 sekundy. 400 660
  • Po 1.5 sekundy spod ziemi wynurza się rekin, zadając obrażenia magiczne na dużym obszarze, wyrzucając w górę cel na 0.5 sekundy do którego przyczepiona była ryba i rozrzucając innych wrogów oraz spowalniając ich na 1.5 sekundy. 500
  • : Przez 5 sekund ataki Fizza zadają dodatkowe obrażenia magiczne przy trafieniu.
  • Opal
Row 2 info
  • 8
  • Female
Row 6 info
  • Nagai Noa, Kanda Akemi
  • Short Sword, Sword, Throwing Knife, Light Armor
Row 1 title
  • Gender
  • Titles
  • 40
  • 100
Row 5 info
  • Lyndbaum
Row 2 title
  • Gender
  • Age
Efekty przy trafieniu
  • Nie
  • Wręcz
Row 6 title
  • Equipment
  • Voice Actress
  • 550
  • 1275
  • Tak
  • active
  • active
  • passive
  • passive
  • Magiczne
  • Fizyczne
  • yes
Row 5 title
  • Homeland
Row 3 info
  • Human
  • 40
  • 100
  • many
Row 3 title
  • Race
Tarcze czarów
  • blokują umiejętność.
  • nie blokują umiejętności.
  • 1
Row 7 info
  • Spirit
Box Title
  • Fizz
  • -
  • -
  • Hunter
  • Ice
  • Midnight
  • Sage
  • Cobalt
  • Malachite
  • Viridian
  • Reveria
  • Fizz
  • Drink
  • yes
  • The Can is in the Middle of the Table.
short information
  • An Alchemist with a passion for making accessories. Sees herself as matchmaker for star-crossed lovers.
  • 100.0
  • auto
Character Name
  • Fizz
  • Click [show] to expand
  • {{:Fizz/Avatars
  • {{:Fizz/Eggs
  • {{:Fizz/Pets
  • {{:Fizz/Trinkets
  • Alchemist
  • officer
  • senior officer
  • fleet officer
  • jobbing pirate
Image size
  • 250
  • 1.5
  • 5.0
  • Les attaques de base de Fizz lacèrent ses ennemis infligeant plus de la cible sous la forme de dégâts magiques en 3 secondes. Trident Marin ne peut pas infliger plus de 300 pts dégâts contre les sbires.
  • Les attaques de base de Fizz lacèrent ses ennemis infligeant plus de la cible sous la forme de dégâts magiques en 3 secondes. Trident Marin ne peut pas infliger plus de 300 pts dégâts contre les sbires.
  • Fizz fonce et traverse sa cible, infligeant ses dégâts d'attaque normaux plus pts de dégâts magiques. Cette compétence peut appliquer des effets à l'impact.
  • Fizz fonce et traverse sa cible, infligeant ses dégâts d'attaque normaux plus pts de dégâts magiques. Cette compétence peut appliquer des effets à l'impact.
  • Pendant 5 secondes, les attaques de base de Fizz infligent pts de dégâts magiques supplémentaires ainsi que l'effet Hémorragie, réduisant de 50% les soins que reçoit la victime.
  • Fizz EVideo.ogv
  • Fizz QVideo.ogv
  • Fizz RVideo.ogv
  • Fizz WVideo.ogv
  • Fizz
  • Fizz
  • Frappe de l'Oursin
  • Frappe de l'Oursin
  • Pêche au Gros
  • Pêche au Gros
  • Trident Marin
  • Trident Marin
Image File
  • Fizz.gif
  • SN1-Fizz1.jpg
  • Female
  • Satisfaction
wikipage disambiguates
  • jobbing pirate
  • OM doll
  • Apollo
  • Tak
  • Nie
Trafienie krytyczne
  • Nie
  • Fizz, Filou des Mers est un champion dans League of Legends.
  • Fizz is a carbonated drink made of 100% Natural Juice. It is very healthy, and it tastes like soda, without the sugar.
  • Fizz is a very good character
  • Frank Ignatius Zoric Zanzibar (born December 21, 1984), better known by his ring name Fizz, is an American professional wrestler currently signed with Professional Wrestling X.
  • __NOWYSIWYG__FizzKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
  • Fizz landed on the Alpha Island docks of the Midnight Ocean on December 10th, 2003. She is currently a senior officer and damsel of the crew The Phoenix Warriors and a lady of the flag Tyr's Own.
  • When Set, it increases base HP by 9, base PP by 4, and base Defense by 3. When Fizz's battle effect is used, a targeted Adept on the player's side is cured by an amount equal to 60% of their maximum HP. The effect is nearly identical to the Mercury Djinni Spring in The Lost Age, with that restoring 70% of maximum HP.
  • Fizz was about twenty-five centimeters long, with white fur and eyes. His friends considered him a gearhead, and he was familiar with the Binary language. Such techno-savvy was unusual for his species. He knew a number of Black Sun shadowport access codes. He also owned a cybernetic pet [starwars:tooke|tooke]], Tookums.
  • Fizz is a NPC character in the first Summon Night game, but later becomes playable when she reappears has a guest character in Summon Night 4.
  • Fizz is an alchemist in Castele. Fizz's name comes from the onomatopoeic verb to fizz, meaning to bubble. This refers to alchemy.
  • Centuries ago, an ancient water-dwelling race built a hidden city beneath a mountain in the sea. Though these creatures had their enemies, the city was an impenetrable fortress, and, in the safety it provided, they grew complacent. Fizz, however, harbored a curious spirit that could not be satisfied living so cushioned a life. Unable to resist the allure of danger, Fizz had a habit of sneaking out of the city to look for trouble. In his many adventures, he grew to be a powerful fighter with a sharp cleverness that let him skirt danger with ease. One day Fizz returned to find the city abandoned: his people had vanished, leaving Fizz without a clue to explain their disappearance. With nothing left in the city to keep him, Fizz salvaged an enchanted Seastone trident from the ruins and set out alone. Fizz wandered the ocean in search of his people for years, using the skills he'd learned during his adventures as a young boy to survive. Finally, Fizz discovered the port of Bilgewater. He was fascinated with the existence of life above the water and could not resist exploring the island. In his endless curiosity, Fizz inadvertently meddled in the affairs of the humans who lived there, and his presence did not go unnoticed. His mischief angered many residents who eventually sought to capture or kill him. Fizz found himself cornered, and he prepared to return to the sea despite the fondness he'd come to hold for Bilgewater. As he stood at the docks, a massive dragon-shark attacked the port. Fizz defeated the beast, using his resourcefulness and knowledge of the creature's weaknesses to his advantage. Having earned the gratitude and respect of the humans, Fizz decided to stay in Bilgewater. To further serve his new home, he joined the League of Legends.
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