  • Harland James (CA)
  • Harland William James commonly referred to as the Dark Knight was a Grogorvian politician and Grogorvian army officer for 61 years most notably during the Great Junoian War. He was born in Arian in Grogor though at age of 2 months moved to live with his uncle in Wenford. His uncle, Sir Christopher Q. James, admitted him to the Grogor Military Institute. James went on to become a PVT in the Grogor army.
  • 2025
term start
  • 2070-02-13
Birth Date
  • --04-27
  • Harland William James
  • James in 2092
  • 230
term end
  • 2085-10-26
death date
  • --01-04
  • [[w:Soldier
  • Harland William James commonly referred to as the Dark Knight was a Grogorvian politician and Grogorvian army officer for 61 years most notably during the Great Junoian War. He was born in Arian in Grogor though at age of 2 months moved to live with his uncle in Wenford. His uncle, Sir Christopher Q. James, admitted him to the Grogor Military Institute. James went on to become a PVT in the Grogor army. James' was revered as a great tactician and showed great bravery in battle. He continued to server in the army until a shot break from the army from 2055 to 2058. He is most noted for being the most senior military official in the Dectillion Grand Army and was also General Secretary of War for Grogor. He led the army throughout most of the war and led them to a number of victories in battle though he was ultimately decimated due to a shortage of men and government interference. Scholars believe he could have pushed by UNEF if inexperienced politicians did not interfere with tactical decisions. After a streak of losses James resigned from his post as Supreme Commander and was replaced by Derikas Tiatovas. James led the Dectillion North Army in the Siege of Kamria but soon stood down after Tiatovas ordered a retreat to the Kamrian Beaches. James was part of discussions to dissolve the Grogor government and went on to work at the Department of War at Juno as a tactical adviser. He retired from public life in November 2092 and died on the 4 January 2093 45A aged 81. A day of mourning was offered to him in the Grogor Federal State and a state funeral was held in his honor. Many scholars still argue that James could have led the Dectillion Alliance to victory if other factors like politics and lack of supplies and men were eradicated early on in the war.