  • Koses Lik-Har
  • Koses Lik-Har was the Jedi Padawan of Jeden Vesal and one of the most prominent Jedi left alive following Order 66. A skilled pilot and lightsaber duelist with a generous pacifistic attitude, Koses was a model Jedi and would go down in the Order's history as one of the greatest of it's Order. By the time the New Republic was formed and the Empire were defeated, Koses was nothing short of a Hero to the galaxy, commended as one of the greatest Jedi in history and becoming a leading member of the New Jedi Order, until his death in 23 ABY.
  • Green
  • * * *Jedi Order *
  • Black
  • Koses Lik-Har
  • 1.87
  • Human
  • Ryloth
  • Tanned
  • Male
  • 23
  • 39
  • Koses Lik-Har was the Jedi Padawan of Jeden Vesal and one of the most prominent Jedi left alive following Order 66. A skilled pilot and lightsaber duelist with a generous pacifistic attitude, Koses was a model Jedi and would go down in the Order's history as one of the greatest of it's Order. Born in poverty on Ryloth, Koses was Force-sensitive from birth, and soon found by a Twi'lek dark Force user named Darth Nelox, who was creating her own Sith Empire. For years, Koses remained as part of the Grand Sith Order, all while resisting the urges of the dark side, until he was rescued by the Jedi Master Jeden Vesal during the Clone Wars. Following the defeat of the Order at the hands of Jeden and the Republic, Koses became Jeden's Padawan, despite his relatively old age for the position. Fighting alongside Jeden during the Clone Wars, Koses became another member of Nightingale Squad, the squad of Clone troopers Jeden commanded alongside the 44th Special Forces Division. Showing himself as a skilled diplomat and starfighter pilot, Koses was nonetheless bullied for his past, mostly among his fellow Padawans. For a short time, he started a romantic relationship with a Dathomirian Zabrak boy, Tallas, who was also relentlessly bullied due to being from Dathomir. After a mission to Kashyyyk went wrong, Jeden, Koses and Tallas faced off against Asajj Ventress, who killed Tallas. By the time of the Battle of Coruscant, Koses showed himself not only to be a firm commander, but also an extremely-skilled lightsaber duelist, which he showed off in a spar to Jeden, showing moves even Master Yoda would struggle to perform. Koses became a Jedi Knight just in time for Order 66, where the Clones across the galaxy betrayed their Jedi leaders. However, Jeden convinced the 44th of their true loyalties and of how they had fought alongside Jeden and Koses. In a rare move, the entire division pledged their support to the Jedi, and went on the run from the Empire. For over a decade after, the 44th, led by Jeden and Koses, began attacking the Empire throughout Deep Space, and the pair became propaganda heroes for resistance cells, attracting the attention of former Senator Bail Organa, who formed the Alliance to Restore the Republic: a unification of resistance cells against the Empire. Jeden and Koses joined, becoming Generals in the Rebellion. For the rest of the Galactic Civil War, Koses fought for the Rebels, becoming their most skilled field general, and going through the losses of both friends and the entire 44th during a botched retreat from the Battle of Hoth. At one time, Koses commanded a squadron of ten A-wing pilots called Vin Squadron, named after Jeden's former Master, showing himself as a fighter ace. By the time the New Republic was formed and the Empire were defeated, Koses was nothing short of a Hero to the galaxy, commended as one of the greatest Jedi in history and becoming a leading member of the New Jedi Order, until his death in 23 ABY.