  • Cyber Nations Wiki talk:Barnstars
  • This is the discussion page for the Cyber Nations Wiki:Barnstars. You may add your barnstar here to be decided whether or not it will be approved to become an official barnstar. Please allow one week for voters to approve or disapprove your barnstar. If no one responds within one week, it will be considered "silent approval" by default and you will be free to add your barnstar onto the page. This does not necessarily mean that it is an official barnstar but essentially, it potentially is.
  • This is the discussion page for the Cyber Nations Wiki:Barnstars. You may add your barnstar here to be decided whether or not it will be approved to become an official barnstar. Please allow one week for voters to approve or disapprove your barnstar. If no one responds within one week, it will be considered "silent approval" by default and you will be free to add your barnstar onto the page. This does not necessarily mean that it is an official barnstar but essentially, it potentially is.