  • Fuath
  • Fuath
  • DNC/NIN solo
  • A fuath or vough [fuə] are lake spirits that take vengeance when stones are thrown or skipped into their waters or their home is otherwise disturbed. They will appear, pleasantly invite the offender down to their spirit home in underwater caves. Many fuaths have found or had grottos made—a cavern full of air with a water-filled cave leading to it. Once an offender has arrived in the fuath's home, they will eat them there. Companions with the offender will awake in the morning to find a breakfast meat dish, a mince pie or the like—which the fuath triumphantly announces is the offender once the last bite has gone down. Then the victims have to run out of the fuath's house and swim up to escape.
  • Pixies
  • Fuath
  • Fuath Purifier
  • Fuath00.jpg
Physische Fähigkeiten
  • *Besitzt Schweigen + auf seine Nakampfattacken.
Passive Merkmale
  • *Besitzt Magieverteidigungs-Bonus. *Widersteht Wind-basierte magische Attacken.
Sonstige Hinweise
  • *Wütet nach 60 Minuten.
  • *Zeiterscheinung alle 15-20 Min. bei den Seelie und Unseelie, Conflux #5..
  • *Zephyr Arrow - Distanzattacke + Rückstoß, verursacht Fessel. :*Wird ausgelöst von einer Erhöhung des Hasses; unabhängig seiner TP. *Lethe Arrows - Distanzattacke + Rückstoß, verursacht Fessel und Amnesie. *Cyclonic Blight - Starker AoE-Schaden, verursacht Schlaf und Betäubung, wird von 2~3 Utsusemi absorbiert. :*Heilt ihn für 2-5% und entfernt negative Statuseffekte, auch dann, wenn nicht erfolgreich getroffen.
Magische Fähigkeiten
  • *Spricht AoE-Versionen von Aussaugen und Osmose. *Spricht Aussaugen, Osmose, Wasserga III, Windga III, Eisga III, Erdenga III, Feuerga III, Donnerga III.
  • *Seelie und Unseelie linken durch Sicht.
  • DNC/NIN solo
  • A fuath or vough [fuə] are lake spirits that take vengeance when stones are thrown or skipped into their waters or their home is otherwise disturbed. They will appear, pleasantly invite the offender down to their spirit home in underwater caves. Many fuaths have found or had grottos made—a cavern full of air with a water-filled cave leading to it. Once an offender has arrived in the fuath's home, they will eat them there. Companions with the offender will awake in the morning to find a breakfast meat dish, a mince pie or the like—which the fuath triumphantly announces is the offender once the last bite has gone down. Then the victims have to run out of the fuath's house and swim up to escape. A fuath will take many forms and stray from their home to try and to draw offenders into their cruel games.