  • Ty Ridgemount
  • Sick Day-On this episode, Ty is disgusted about the beach isn't recycled while He's currently dating Kelly. So Emma helps Ty to Tidy up the beach. Heartbreak hotel- He dating Kelly but he gets embarrased so it cost he and Kelly their relationship and Emma, who's disguised, decided to show her. Then it was revealed that Lo and Emma set Ty up so Kelly tries to Rat on them. Then when Kelly dissed Emma, Ty just dumped Kelly, resulting going out with Emma.
  • Sick Day-On this episode, Ty is disgusted about the beach isn't recycled while He's currently dating Kelly. So Emma helps Ty to Tidy up the beach. Heartbreak hotel- He dating Kelly but he gets embarrased so it cost he and Kelly their relationship and Emma, who's disguised, decided to show her. Then it was revealed that Lo and Emma set Ty up so Kelly tries to Rat on them. Then when Kelly dissed Emma, Ty just dumped Kelly, resulting going out with Emma.