  • Over-changer
  • The over-changer was a piece of technology aboard the USS Enterprise in 2265 and 2266. Found with other technologies on a checklist, the over-changer's status was reported to the bridge. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind" ) Over-changer is one of the items mentioned in the background chatter starting with TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" , and heard most clearly in "Dagger of the Mind". Other than its existence and its importance to the bridge crew, there is not much more known about this device.
  • The over-changer was a piece of technology aboard the USS Enterprise in 2265 and 2266. Found with other technologies on a checklist, the over-changer's status was reported to the bridge. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind" ) Over-changer is one of the items mentioned in the background chatter starting with TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" , and heard most clearly in "Dagger of the Mind". Other than its existence and its importance to the bridge crew, there is not much more known about this device.