  • Nimbus Plaza
  • Nimbus Plaza is the central hub of Nimbus Station where players are able to join a Faction by speaking to each faction's respective vendors. Because it intersects so many paths and worlds, it has a natural tendency to become a social hub among players. For this reason, it has extensive signage to guide new players to new locations and worlds. Almost every world is accessible through Nimbus Plaza, with the exception of the Ninjago Monastery, Crux Prime, Return to the Venture Explorer, and the LUP Worlds.
  • None
  • Nimbus Station
  • Nexus Jay, Faction Reps and Vendors
  • Nimbus Plaza is the central hub of Nimbus Station where players are able to join a Faction by speaking to each faction's respective vendors. Because it intersects so many paths and worlds, it has a natural tendency to become a social hub among players. For this reason, it has extensive signage to guide new players to new locations and worlds. Almost every world is accessible through Nimbus Plaza, with the exception of the Ninjago Monastery, Crux Prime, Return to the Venture Explorer, and the LUP Worlds.
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