  • Faery handmaidens
  • Three fairy handmaidens that were helping Queen Ahi'aorina plan for the Spring Feste when Kuzgu and the imps of Sorrowing Court attacked them and kidnapped their queen. They were killed before they knew what hit them. Only one lived to tell what happened. By law of the woods she would have been put to death for not protecting the queen, but since she lived to tell what happened she was punished instead, turned into a creeping vine, to be tended in the queen's garden once the queen was saved, until queen had pity to return her to her own form.
  • Three fairy handmaidens that were helping Queen Ahi'aorina plan for the Spring Feste when Kuzgu and the imps of Sorrowing Court attacked them and kidnapped their queen. They were killed before they knew what hit them. Only one lived to tell what happened. By law of the woods she would have been put to death for not protecting the queen, but since she lived to tell what happened she was punished instead, turned into a creeping vine, to be tended in the queen's garden once the queen was saved, until queen had pity to return her to her own form.