  • Offensive Line
  • Offensive line
  • Offensive Line is a Collection Perk. __NoToC__
  • Offensive Line can be difficult to get using the regular Sprint Tackle, as it will not always vanquish plants that are hit. It is recommended to use the Ultra Tackle to get this achievement, as it does much more damage, however, has a slower recharge. Whichever ability you are using, you should try to charge into groups of plants. Sunflowers are a good target due to their low health. Try to avoid Chompers because if their high health and can prevent you from using the ability using Goop and Spikeweed. It is possible to get extremely lucky by getting credit for a Multi-Tackle and a Multi-vanquish at the same time.
  • As an All-star, Vanquish 5 Players using the Sprint Tackle in a session
  • Somewhat hard
  • Offensive Line is a Collection Perk. __NoToC__
  • Offensive Line can be difficult to get using the regular Sprint Tackle, as it will not always vanquish plants that are hit. It is recommended to use the Ultra Tackle to get this achievement, as it does much more damage, however, has a slower recharge. Whichever ability you are using, you should try to charge into groups of plants. Sunflowers are a good target due to their low health. Try to avoid Chompers because if their high health and can prevent you from using the ability using Goop and Spikeweed. It is possible to get extremely lucky by getting credit for a Multi-Tackle and a Multi-vanquish at the same time.
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