  • Pandora/Knowledge
  • The knowledge representation is based on a graph Network of Vertex and Relationship objects. Pandora's Memory consists of a shortTerm Network, longTerm Network and active Queue. A Network object is a collection of Vertex objects, indexed by id, and data. A Vertex object has: A Relationship has: * type : a Vertex representing the type of Relationship * source : source Vertex * target : target Vertex * correctness : decimal between -1 and 1, represents likeliness of the existence of the relationship * index : index of the Relationship in the source Vertex relationships of that type
  • The knowledge representation is based on a graph Network of Vertex and Relationship objects. Pandora's Memory consists of a shortTerm Network, longTerm Network and active Queue. A Network object is a collection of Vertex objects, indexed by id, and data. A Vertex object has: * id : unique id/sequential number * creationDate : Calendar when Vertex was created * accessDate : Calendar when Vertex was last accessed * accessCount : number of times Vertex was accessed * consciousnessCount : current level of consciousness (only when in short term memory) * data : could be anything, Primitive, String, Calendar, Image, URL, etc. * relationships : keyed by the Relationship's type Vertex, value is Set of Relationship objects A Relationship has: * type : a Vertex representing the type of Relationship * source : source Vertex * target : target Vertex * correctness : decimal between -1 and 1, represents likeliness of the existence of the relationship * index : index of the Relationship in the source Vertex relationships of that type