  • A Sticky Situation/Funny
  • Combining Digimon with Star Wars and Pokémon is guaranteed to have plenty of action, but it also has several instances to make you chuckle. Here are a few amusing moments in A Sticky Situation. In the first story, A Sticky Situation: In the second story, Secret of the 327th: In Quest of the God: * Uxie, the Being of Knowledge, stating that the ultimate answer is 42 * Uxie quickly improves Rika's opinion of him by simply making fun of Kazu. * The Irony of Rika, the former Ice Queen for Digimon Tamers, being the one to call Felkan "moody." In To Be a King:
  • Combining Digimon with Star Wars and Pokémon is guaranteed to have plenty of action, but it also has several instances to make you chuckle. Here are a few amusing moments in A Sticky Situation. In the first story, A Sticky Situation: * Takato's reaction to the presence of multiple Devas and megas arriving to help fight Ogudomon: "I don't think I have enough bread for all of you." * While a tad morbid, this exchange about Goro's death is rather amusing. * Beelzemon's reaction to learning he was fourth on Ogudomon's hit list. * How Monodramon discovered that Terriermon and Renamon were now a couple and his reaction to his badly-timed discovery. In the second story, Secret of the 327th: * The "Demonic Pineapple" poem. * The prank war between Anakin and Ahsoka with Terriermon assisting both sides. * Terriermon's Running Gag of getting annoyed when someone uses his word, "momentai." * Once Palpatine learns that not all of his clones are following Order 66, he is practically twitching with anger. After he hangs up, this happens. * * And, as great as it is to witness what is essentially a Sith temper tantrum, it gets better. Realizing that if some clones are siding with the Jedi instead of him, then more might be working against him. Thus, he contacts the clone who should have killed Aayla (who Palpatine had already failed to have assassinated twice by now and who would now know his identity as Darth Sideous). * Scorch, a clone with a particular talent for explosions, observes ZeedGarurumon opening fire and causing far more destruction than what he'd just done. The clone stared at the scene, stunned by the scale in comparison to his usual explosions, before exclaiming, "OH MAN! WHY MUST THE DIGIMON BE SO AWESOME?!" * At an important meeting to honor everyone who was involved in ending the war, in front of an audience that is composed of untold numbers of individuals and even some Senate members, Terriermon decides to act like... well, his normal goofy self. * Beelzemon's arrival into the Star Wars universe involved appearing... in the middle of traffic. In Quest of the God: * Uxie, the Being of Knowledge, stating that the ultimate answer is 42 * Uxie quickly improves Rika's opinion of him by simply making fun of Kazu. * The Irony of Rika, the former Ice Queen for Digimon Tamers, being the one to call Felkan "moody." In To Be a King: * Sparrowmon's wake-up call after landing in Middle Earth consists of being poked with a stick.