  • Dark and Troubled Past
  • Stock Backstory for a character. Much like a Mysterious Past, except more tragic and troubled. Don't expect it to be revealed all at once, or sometimes at all. It usually gets revealed in small doses through a Troubled Backstory Flashback as the story progresses; possibly in a Flashback Nightmare where a happy memory transforms into a slaughter. Often used as a Freudian Excuse for an antisocial character's Jerkass tendencies or quiet stoicism. Still, it is understandable that the character wants to keep it secret because They're Called "Personal Issues" for a Reason, after all.
  • Stock Backstory for a character. Much like a Mysterious Past, except more tragic and troubled. Don't expect it to be revealed all at once, or sometimes at all. It usually gets revealed in small doses through a Troubled Backstory Flashback as the story progresses; possibly in a Flashback Nightmare where a happy memory transforms into a slaughter. Often used as a Freudian Excuse for an antisocial character's Jerkass tendencies or quiet stoicism. Still, it is understandable that the character wants to keep it secret because They're Called "Personal Issues" for a Reason, after all. * Self hate via My Greatest Failure. * Outward distrust because of being betrayed. * Inward callousness coupled with outward hate because of a Dead Little Sister such as abandonment, trauma, or death of a loved one. * A dead loved one: parents, siblings, best friend, spouse and children, or a whole Doomed Hometown. * Physical and, sometimes, sexual abuse by parents or lover. * Being abandoned by one or both parents. * A criminal past, usually with remorse. * Being caught up on the wrong side of war. * Being betrayed by a True Companion or Heterosexual Life Partner. * Having the Love Interest not dump them, but get Stuffed in The Fridge. * Killing any of the above, whether in self defense, recklessly, or through a Sadistic Choice. * Any of the above, but being experienced during childhood. Expect to see the above overlap for extra Angst or Wangst. This can lead to either becoming an Anti-Hero or Hurting Hero. For villains, this is a Start of Darkness. Female characters with a Dark and Troubled Past include the Dark Magical Girl and the Broken Bird. Male characters with a Dark and Troubled Past are instant bait for the Estrogen Brigade who have bought him leather pants. Expect all nearby female characters to become afflicted with attraction to his Troubled but Cute appeal, and try to help him heal his heart. Not happening. Or maybe it will? Either way, Triphop Anthem is typically the background music that plays while the Dark and Troubled Past is explored. The step-up of this trope is the Dysfunction Junction, where the whole cast will have one of these and suffer from it, too (and don't expect them to get better). If the afflicted character is in a law enforcement profession, see Standard Cop Backstory. When paired with a Nice Guy or gal with a happy upbringing, you can expect...interesting results. Examples of Dark and Troubled Past include: