  • A woman's right to choose
  • "A woman's right to choose" is a deliberately confusing slogan used by liberals to justify elective abortion. It combines in a tricky way the concept of choice as a "women's prerogative" with the general idea that adults should be free to make their own private medical decisions. Both of these concepts assume that abortion is not a decision that affects the fate of another human being. One flaw with this argument is that the fetus is scientifically a human being, as it has its own unique DNA different from that of the parent.
  • "A woman's right to choose" is a deliberately confusing slogan used by liberals to justify elective abortion. It combines in a tricky way the concept of choice as a "women's prerogative" with the general idea that adults should be free to make their own private medical decisions. Both of these concepts assume that abortion is not a decision that affects the fate of another human being. One flaw with this argument is that the fetus is scientifically a human being, as it has its own unique DNA different from that of the parent.