  • Hunter (occupation)
  • Anan 7 identified James T. Kirk as a barbarian, a killer, a builder, a hunter, a warrior, and a murderer. (TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon" ) Tyree, leader of the Hill People on the planet Neural was a hunter. (TOS: "A Private Little War" ) On the planet Angel I, a matriarchy formed the government. The females were taller and stronger than the males and took over the roles of soldiers and hunters. (TNG: "Angel One" ) Darmok of Kanza was a mytho-historical hunter from Shantil III. (TNG: "Darmok" )
  • Anan 7 identified James T. Kirk as a barbarian, a killer, a builder, a hunter, a warrior, and a murderer. (TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon" ) Tyree, leader of the Hill People on the planet Neural was a hunter. (TOS: "A Private Little War" ) On the planet Angel I, a matriarchy formed the government. The females were taller and stronger than the males and took over the roles of soldiers and hunters. (TNG: "Angel One" ) Darmok of Kanza was a mytho-historical hunter from Shantil III. (TNG: "Darmok" ) The Sons of Mogh lived as warriors and hunters in the outskirts of the main settlement on the planet Gaia. (DS9: "Children of Time") Joran Dax identified Lieutenant Chu'lak as a hunter and told Ezri Dax to become more like her prey, learning to hunt. (DS9: "Field of Fire")
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