  • 65536
  • 65536 is a positive integer equal to \(2^{16} = 2^{2^{2^{2}}} = 2 \uparrow\uparrow 4 = 2 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 3\). It is the largest power tower of 2's that can be expressed in a compact digital form (as \(2 \uparrow\uparrow 5\) is an integer of 19729 decimal digits). It is also the only nontrivial result of pentation expressible in compact digital form — \(^52\) has 19729 decimal digits, and \(^62\) has well over a googol decimal digits. It is found commonly in computer science, being the number of different values expressible in 16 bits (a short integer).
  • 65536 is a positive integer equal to \(2^{16} = 2^{2^{2^{2}}} = 2 \uparrow\uparrow 4 = 2 \uparrow\uparrow\uparrow 3\). It is the largest power tower of 2's that can be expressed in a compact digital form (as \(2 \uparrow\uparrow 5\) is an integer of 19729 decimal digits). It is also the only nontrivial result of pentation expressible in compact digital form — \(^52\) has 19729 decimal digits, and \(^62\) has well over a googol decimal digits. It is found commonly in computer science, being the number of different values expressible in 16 bits (a short integer). Its full name in English is "sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-six." Sbiis Saibian calls this number octal-clover mite. Username5243 calls this number Binary-Dooquol or Binary-Tootol, and it's equal to 2[2]4 = 2[3]3 in Username5243's Array Notation.