  • Kepler
  • Kepler
  • Kepler is an engineer at Section 13, and the only named recurring agent besides Captain Black. Like most Section 13 agents, he doesn't believe in magic prior to Shendu's reanimation. It is unknown whether this ever changes, though he voices no skepticism during a conversation in Rumble in the Big House in which Captain Black mentions magic and demons.. Kepler is somewhat absent-minded, leaving his lab door unlocked while running dangerous experiments and not paying attention when Jade uses his inventions, but even in these moments demonstrates considerable intelligence, briefing Jade on the layout of his jetpack's controls without even looking up from an experiment he was conducting at the time.
  • Kepler was a female human Starfleet officer serving in the first half of the 24th century. She was born in the Alpha Centauri system and was described as having red hair and a hair-trigger temper. By 2344 she had gained the rank of lieutenant and served as the primary tactical officer of the USS Enterprise-C. She was one of the first people killed aboard the Enterprise during its battle against Romulan warbirds at Narendra III. (TOS novel: Vulcan's Heart)
  • Kepler (full name Johannes Kepler) improved on the work of Copernicus and Galileo, Kepler recognised that the Earth and other Planets of the Solar System orbit the Sun in ellipses moving faster when they are nearer the sun. Kepler also worked out the relation between the distance of a planet from the sun and the period of its orbit.
  • Kepler ist ein düsteres System, in dem sich weder Sonne noch Planeten befinden. In Kepler befinden sich viele Wolken aus Hüllenfressender schwarzer Materie, in denen sich zum großteil Piraten verschanzen. Von Kepler bis zum nachbarsystem Galileo sind die Folgen des 784 fehlgeschlagenen Sprungtorversuchs zu sehen. Besonders in der Matsuo-Wolke und in der Kuryo-Wolke sind viele Überreste des alten Handelsroutensystemes zu sehen. thumb|400px Regierung: Keine (Unabhängig) Aufsicht (Patrouille): Liberty Marine (Süden), Kusari-Marinestreitkräfte (Norden) Zusätzliche Patrouillen: Kopfgeldjäger Basen:
Full Name
  • Kepler
Base of Operations
  • Kepler
  • Ken Uo
  • Engineer
  • Male
  • Human
  • American
  • Kepler is an engineer at Section 13, and the only named recurring agent besides Captain Black. Like most Section 13 agents, he doesn't believe in magic prior to Shendu's reanimation. It is unknown whether this ever changes, though he voices no skepticism during a conversation in Rumble in the Big House in which Captain Black mentions magic and demons.. Kepler is somewhat absent-minded, leaving his lab door unlocked while running dangerous experiments and not paying attention when Jade uses his inventions, but even in these moments demonstrates considerable intelligence, briefing Jade on the layout of his jetpack's controls without even looking up from an experiment he was conducting at the time.
  • Kepler (full name Johannes Kepler) improved on the work of Copernicus and Galileo, Kepler recognised that the Earth and other Planets of the Solar System orbit the Sun in ellipses moving faster when they are nearer the sun. Kepler also worked out the relation between the distance of a planet from the sun and the period of its orbit. Copernicus and Galileo were earlier Heliocentrists but both mistakenly believed the planets moved in perfect circles. Therefore the theories of Copernicus and Galileo didn't accurately describe the way the planets appear to move in the sky. Kepler's laws of motion finally showed Scientists how to understand the way planets move and Kepler's system predicted planetary motion better than the old Geocentric theory of Ptolemy.
  • Kepler ist ein düsteres System, in dem sich weder Sonne noch Planeten befinden. In Kepler befinden sich viele Wolken aus Hüllenfressender schwarzer Materie, in denen sich zum großteil Piraten verschanzen. Von Kepler bis zum nachbarsystem Galileo sind die Folgen des 784 fehlgeschlagenen Sprungtorversuchs zu sehen. Besonders in der Matsuo-Wolke und in der Kuryo-Wolke sind viele Überreste des alten Handelsroutensystemes zu sehen. thumb|400px Regierung: Keine (Unabhängig) Aufsicht (Patrouille): Liberty Marine (Süden), Kusari-Marinestreitkräfte (Norden) Zusätzliche Patrouillen: Kopfgeldjäger Basen: * Forschungsstation Ames * Basis Nome * Shikoku (Norden) * Colorado (Süden) * Galileo (Zwischen der Matsuo-Wolke und der Kuryo-Wolke) * Colorado (Südlich der Basis Nome, im Denko-Asteroidenfeld) * Matsuo-Wolke * Kuryo-Wolke * Denko-Asteroidenfeld * Nikko Maru (Nördlich der Matsuo-Wolke) * Kamakura Maru (Im Zentrum der Matsuo-Wolke) * McKinley (Im Zentrum der Kuryo-Wolke)
  • Kepler was a female human Starfleet officer serving in the first half of the 24th century. She was born in the Alpha Centauri system and was described as having red hair and a hair-trigger temper. By 2344 she had gained the rank of lieutenant and served as the primary tactical officer of the USS Enterprise-C. She was one of the first people killed aboard the Enterprise during its battle against Romulan warbirds at Narendra III. (TOS novel: Vulcan's Heart)