  • Telurian plague
  • Stocks of Telurian plague were stored aboard Cold Station 12 for study. They were stolen by Malik in 2154, who intended to use them as biogenic weapons. (ENT: "Cold Station 12", "The Augments") By 2368, there was still no cure for the Telurian plague. Doctor Beverly Crusher was curious if one had been found by the 26th century. She asked time-traveler Berlinghoff Rasmussen if he knew whether or not the disease had been cured, but Captain Jean-Luc Picard did not allow him to answer out of respect for the integrity of the timeline. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" )
  • Telurian Plague was a deadly disease discovered sometime prior to the mid-22nd century. Stocks of Telurian Plague pathogen were stored at Cold Station 12 in 2154 for medical study. That year, these samples were stolen by Malik, with the intent of using them as biogenic weapons. (ENT episodes: "Cold Station 12", "The Augments") There was still no cure for the Telurian Plague in the mid-24th century. When she encountered time-traveler Berlinghoff Rasmussen in 2368, Doctor Beverly Crusher asked him if a cure had been found in the 26th century. (TNG episode: "A Matter of Time")
  • Stocks of Telurian plague were stored aboard Cold Station 12 for study. They were stolen by Malik in 2154, who intended to use them as biogenic weapons. (ENT: "Cold Station 12", "The Augments") By 2368, there was still no cure for the Telurian plague. Doctor Beverly Crusher was curious if one had been found by the 26th century. She asked time-traveler Berlinghoff Rasmussen if he knew whether or not the disease had been cured, but Captain Jean-Luc Picard did not allow him to answer out of respect for the integrity of the timeline. (TNG: "A Matter of Time" )
  • Telurian Plague was a deadly disease discovered sometime prior to the mid-22nd century. Stocks of Telurian Plague pathogen were stored at Cold Station 12 in 2154 for medical study. That year, these samples were stolen by Malik, with the intent of using them as biogenic weapons. (ENT episodes: "Cold Station 12", "The Augments") There was still no cure for the Telurian Plague in the mid-24th century. When she encountered time-traveler Berlinghoff Rasmussen in 2368, Doctor Beverly Crusher asked him if a cure had been found in the 26th century. (TNG episode: "A Matter of Time") In 2376, while visiting Mariposa, Lieutenant Commander Domenica Corsi worried that the planet's biosynthesizers could be used to create the Telurian Plague pathogen. (SCE eBook: Out of the Cocoon)