  • Dr. Larry Dykstra
  • Dr. Larry Dykstra is played by Bill Daily, who played the next door neighbor Howard Borden on The Bob Newhart Show. ALF refers to The Bob Newhart Show in the first episode featuring Larry, and one of Larry's patients in the waiting room is played by Jack Riley, who played Mr. Carlin on The Bob Newhart Show. His character has a similar disposition in this episode. Bob Newhart, of course, played a psychologist in The Bob Newhart Show.
  • Dr. Larry Dykstra is played by Bill Daily, who played the next door neighbor Howard Borden on The Bob Newhart Show. ALF refers to The Bob Newhart Show in the first episode featuring Larry, and one of Larry's patients in the waiting room is played by Jack Riley, who played Mr. Carlin on The Bob Newhart Show. His character has a similar disposition in this episode. Bob Newhart, of course, played a psychologist in The Bob Newhart Show.