  • Bela Okmyx
  • Bela Okmyx, or Oxmyx, was an Iotian male who was the boss of the Northside Territory, one of the largest territories on Sigma Iotia II. The spelling "Okmyx" appears in the script for TOS episode: "A Piece of the Action" and on-screen in posters. However, it is pronounced "Oxmyx" throughout and often spelled that in associated sources. "Oxmyx" is given as the local name for Iotia in the ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation. It is unknown why this is so.
  • Bela Okmyx was boss of the Northside Territory, the largest on Sigma Iotia II, a planet whose society was based on Earth's Chicago gangster period. A book (referred to as "The Book") entitled Chicago Mobs of the Twenties was left by the Horizon, a 22nd century Federation ship, and the entire Iotian culture had been formed by this one book.
  • 2268
  • Bela Okmyx
  • Active
  • Boss of Northside Territory
  • Top Boss of Sigma Iotia II
  • Male
  • Bela Okmyx was boss of the Northside Territory, the largest on Sigma Iotia II, a planet whose society was based on Earth's Chicago gangster period. A book (referred to as "The Book") entitled Chicago Mobs of the Twenties was left by the Horizon, a 22nd century Federation ship, and the entire Iotian culture had been formed by this one book. In 2268, James T. Kirk visited the planet to update its progress. Okmyx offered to cut Kirk in on the action, if Kirk helped him take over the planet by providing him with "heaters". When Kirk refused the request, he and Spock were taken hostage and Okmyx threatened to kill them and have their dead bodies sent back up to the ship if they didn't get him the "heaters" within eight hours. Kirk, however, was able to escape. Kirk was able to intervene and end the turf war between the bosses when he had the USS Enterprise fire phasers on stun in the surrounding area to demonstrate the power of the "Feds." The mobsters were convinced and agreed to Federation control with Okmyx as the top boss and Jojo Krako, his former rival, as his lieutenant. (TOS: "A Piece of the Action" )
  • Bela Okmyx, or Oxmyx, was an Iotian male who was the boss of the Northside Territory, one of the largest territories on Sigma Iotia II. The spelling "Okmyx" appears in the script for TOS episode: "A Piece of the Action" and on-screen in posters. However, it is pronounced "Oxmyx" throughout and often spelled that in associated sources. "Oxmyx" is given as the local name for Iotia in the ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation. It is unknown why this is so. In the 2260s, Bela Okmyx was boss of northern Ekal, called the Northside Territory and Egaph. With this power, he made a play for world domination, but Jojo Krako of Landek and his allies in southern Ekal, the Southside Territory, fought Okmyx off. They were preparing for another confrontation in the late 2260s. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds). In 2268, Oxmyx was visited by Captain James T. Kirk and his landing party from the USS Enterprise, who were visiting the planet to examine the effects of the Horizon's visit a century earlier. Oxmyx had his men captured the away team, but offered Kirk a cut of the "action", if he helped Okmyx take over the planet and defeat the rival gangs by handing over some "heaters" (i.e., phasers). When Kirk refused, the landing party was taken hostage and Okmyx threatened to kill them. Thankfully, Kirk was able to escape from Okmyx and was able to take some "action" of his own to stop the turf war between the various bosses. Using the ship's phasers to incapacitate the rival gangs, Kirk forced the gangs to yield to the power of the "Feds" and work together to rebuild their world, as well as giving the "Feds" a cut of the profits. The gangs agreed to work together, with Okmyx serving as leader. (TOS episode & novelization: A Piece of the Action) In 2287, Oxmyx was one of the witnesses called by the prosecution during Captain Kirk's trial of Prime Directive violations. During his testimony, Okmyx announced that they had been saving Kirk's cut over the last twenty years, and had the money brought into the court room in multiple brief cases. (TOS comic: "... Let's Kill All the Lawyers!")
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