  • Mushroom Crisis
  • This is a probably incomplete list (it has been theorized that it exists more than a hundred of those mushrooms) of mushrooms which appeared during the crisis: * Orange Mushroom: Some strange orange mushrooms (with lighter dots) that are always oozing an orange viscous fluid. When drank, the fluid will always rise the user's psychic capacity, but will have some random drawbacks. The mushroom appear to attract several annoying creatures to one's house... * Purple Mushroom: The most dangerous of all. It is a luminous transparent mushroom that appears to reproduce very fast. The methods of infection are coming into contact with the mushroom's cap, the mushroom's mycellium or the spores. When infected, the victim will likely turn into a Mushroom Zombie. It can affect both organic creatur
  • Epidemy
  • Mushroom Crisis
  • *Magna's Galaxy *United 'Gees Galaxy *Finn's Galaxy
main effect
  • Millions of deaths
main cause
  • Digomolati's magic
  • *Centinids *Hydregs *Mi-Go *Fakegees
side effects
  • *Zombie outbreaks *a drop in the economy
  • This is a probably incomplete list (it has been theorized that it exists more than a hundred of those mushrooms) of mushrooms which appeared during the crisis: * Orange Mushroom: Some strange orange mushrooms (with lighter dots) that are always oozing an orange viscous fluid. When drank, the fluid will always rise the user's psychic capacity, but will have some random drawbacks. The mushroom appear to attract several annoying creatures to one's house... * Purple Mushroom: The most dangerous of all. It is a luminous transparent mushroom that appears to reproduce very fast. The methods of infection are coming into contact with the mushroom's cap, the mushroom's mycellium or the spores. When infected, the victim will likely turn into a Mushroom Zombie. It can affect both organic creatures and non-organic creatures. * Albino Mushroom: It look almost exactly like Agaricus bisporus, a common edible mushroom. The only difference is that the cap is slightly darker, bigger and has almost invisible darker dots. When eaten, they will cause a random disease, that can range from simple flu to Geebola and The Weegophage. * Fly Mushroom: A towering mushroom with a big and round cap. The cap will keep growing bigger and bigger until it will explode in a huge cloud of flies. Some mushroom can release over 200 flies when they explode. The flies will most likely consume the food in the vicinity. * Needleshroom: A gray colored small mushroom that reproduces very fast. It has some kind of fur growing over its cap. If the cap is touched by anything, it will burst in waves of iron needles (can range from 20 to 50 needles). * Hypnoshroom: A rainbow-colored mushroom with several waved stripes of different colors. If one gazes too long into the mushroom, this person will become obsessed with it and will do anything to be near the mushroom. The mushroom also appears to emit some kind of radiation that will slowly melt the person's skin away. Its hypnotism does not work in robots, such as Centinids.